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Weird things happen since the latest updates


For some reasons some death tower martial 2x2 plots stop their build up in the middle..only the stair but without the roof and no minigun and the game runs far less stable.

Not sure what it is but before the update i could enter my self build Sanctuary Hills settlement (the one show in the showcase) and everything was loaded and running withing mere seconds, now at loading the settlement it takes at least 5 minutes if not more before the last plot got fully loading and runs with lights and all and providing a bed for every settler. And the partly loaded death towers are part of the problem aswell i guess.

Ok what did i do.. I upgraded industrial revolution, rise of the commonwealth and installed that mega pack year one. I disabled my german translated sim settlement basemod and installed the original.. because the translated wasnt updated yet.

What from that list could a former easy working settlement shift into slow motion mode?
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The latest version of the mod tunnels everything through a thread pool. It enhances stability, but reduces the speed of plot updates substantially. I plan on adding some options for high-end PC users in the future, but right now my only goal is to eliminate all crashing.

Per the death tower, I'd try scrapping and rebuilding those plots to test if it was the plots themselves or a problem with the death tower building plan. If the problem returns on a fresh plot, you'll want to report this to the creator of that building plan.
Nope, tested it, refreshing death tower plots is delayed till all settlement plots got reawakened.. Its like visiting my prime settlement is like arriving at the sleeping beautys castle.. everything asleep... taking ages to wake up ..and that restarts for every visit..
I will say it kind of felt like that for me too. It seemed like certain things were resetting after being away from a settlement for a couple of days and then it would restart after I showed up again. The only certain thing I can point to in that regard were my beds/residential plots absolutely acted that way.
No i uninstalled your original sim settlement basemod and reinstalled the german translation at 3.1.1 and left the game as 14 beds returned to life... and at loading it continued at 14 so i am thinking positive again that it got fixed but... will know for sure once the settlement fully returned and i fast traveled away and back to find out for sure.
Ok it seems that every settlement i visit now the first time since this "event" has to awaken one time but after that it stays like it was before the update. *reliefed sigh*
Weird things happening is an understatement for me. For either main character or NPC managed cities: Beds are disappearing from all external and internal plots causing bed counts to go to zero. Most or all items started disappearing from any plot style and it eventually goes back to empty plot as if just added before any build, sometimes with NO ASM sensor control on side (or top for agriculture). Plots still show owned and some will have the "For Rent" sign still posted. When deleting obviously empty ASM plot, it sometimes warns it will be reset to level 1. IDEK Logistics stopped working-building new plots are reassigned to something else after selection made and window closed, all storage access attempts now claim it is not part of logistics network. I imagine it is a mod conflict. May take days to slowly test for that.
Weird things happening is an understatement for me. For either main character or NPC managed cities: Beds are disappearing from all external and internal plots causing bed counts to go to zero. Most or all items started disappearing from any plot style and it eventually goes back to empty plot as if just added before any build, sometimes with NO ASM sensor control on side (or top for agriculture). Plots still show owned and some will have the "For Rent" sign still posted. When deleting obviously empty ASM plot, it sometimes warns it will be reset to level 1. IDEK Logistics stopped working-building new plots are reassigned to something else after selection made and window closed, all storage access attempts now claim it is not part of logistics network. I imagine it is a mod conflict. May take days to slowly test for that.

I had this exact issue. As @kinggath said above, it may be to the new threaded optimization combined with a bug fix to address an old issue. If the plots need to be reset to clean up the old bug, and the new threaded code is slowing things down for some people (meaning us), I guess it should clear itself up eventually and is probably not a mod conflict. Personally, I've rolled back to 3.1.5 for the time being until we can get a clearer picture on what to expect with the new optimizations.
How do you "roll back" to 3.1.5 or is there a download source for 3.1.5?
I am only running a 6 core AMD FX-6100 3.3 Ghz with a GeForce GTX 960. Is this still considered "High End" and would cause issues with newest version?
How do you "roll back" to 3.1.5 or is there a download source for 3.1.5?
I am only running a 6 core AMD FX-6100 3.3 Ghz with a GeForce GTX 960. Is this still considered "High End" and would cause issues with newest version?

I just uninstalled 3.1.6 including the RotC and IR addons and then reinstalled the 3.1.5 versions. You can find the older versions for most mods in a section below the main file download on Nexus. Unfortunately, Nexus doesn't sort them so you have to be careful to get the correct version.

I suspect your system is fairly middle-of-the-road these days. Hopefully you have at least 16GB of memory.
Sooo i completly and permanently uninstalled both the german translation and the english original base mod sim settlement, then ran ccleaner there after and reinstalled the original sim settlement and the only shot lived shock so far was that my 44 settler sanctary hills for a brief moment had 88 settlers and 38 beds to less lol... i mean the beacon was active at 42 settlers as i left it last but.. that would have been a bit to much for 2 in game days :P

But.. what i did different to the last time as switched from the german to the english mod was that i allowed sim settlement to readjust the performace settings.. with that everything went down the hill.. this time i refused that and it keeped stable.
I just uninstalled 3.1.6 including the RotC and IR addons and then reinstalled the 3.1.5 versions. You can find the older versions for most mods in a section below the main file download on Nexus. Unfortunately, Nexus doesn't sort them so you have to be careful to get the correct version.

I suspect your system is fairly middle-of-the-road these days. Hopefully you have at least 16GB of memory.

Thanks much!
Well, that did the trick! I had to delete only the Bethesda Mod and use only the Nexus 3.1.5 version and then just "refresh" the settlements. Everything is returning to normal.

Hopefully Kinggath reads all these and posts your (?) rollback fix on Nexus for others that have similar issues. (not sure what is different/wrong/special about my system). He has done an absolutely amazing job so far, hate to see him loose any or even 1 person's support because of the latest update. Must be much work but much appreciated. Renewed my interest in the game.
I guess for most people it's working in 3.1.6a with just a minority having the issue such as when plots in a particular settlement will complete the upgrade-refresh that the new version starts. I hope he finds something which could be the problem.
*sighs* my optimism was to early.. as soon as preston left to the castle and another settler arrived.. everything had to be recalculated and now i am at 15 beds... .. i refuse to wait each time till that finished... that takes at least an 20 minutes.
After reading up a bit on the latest patch I decided to re-update to 3.1.6 last night. This time I took it slow. I had the performance optimizations complete themselves out in the wilderness (away from any settlements) then fast traveled to Sanctuary. Then took a break... just let the game idle for about 15 minutes or so as the settlement refreshed all its plots. The only glitch I ended up with was Ron Staples deciding to give up being a bartender and fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming an oil rig worker, but it was easy enough to convince him to give that up. Ron always was a little flakey.

Next was Red Rocket with it's single Logistic's station. Here, I came across another glitch that will repeat itself with @EyeDeck 's excellent mod. The interior plot for the Logistics station doesn't refresh properly via the patch refresh. The terminal and desk clutter will refresh, but nothing else will. A manual refresh of the plot fixes that though.

The next one was Abernathy and the patch-driven refresh went smoothly, but once again I needed to manually refresh my Logistics station, but no big deal.

From here on, I'll be doing a walk-through of all my settlements to give the new patch a chance to do its magic. I think a lot of the problems people might be having with the newest patch is that it's large and does a significant amount of internal restructuring that needs to be left alone for a bit to finish. And this wasn't made abundantly clear. When I first applied the patch I had no idea what was going on... plots looked empty, my Logistics network broke, no one had beds... everything looked broken. Of course, it wasn't, I just didn't know what was going on. Now I have a better idea.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: To give @EyeDeck reference.
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Thanks for the report! I didn't realize the amount of plots that were going to be affected or I would have mentioned it in the patch notes. When I traced the bug it appeared that the chances of it happening were incredibly low.

What's making it worse for everyone is that I've pushed everything into the thread queue so it takes longer for the fix to be applied.

It's one of those things that sucks right now, but will be completely un-noticeable going forward as future built plots won't be affected.