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Weird Settlement issue (shifting clutter)


Active Member
Im trying to finish out one of my level 3 Settlement builds by going around placing decorative clutter like signs, plants and other knickknacks to make the place looked lived in.
But there seems to be a glitch in the Matrix. Almost every time I load a Save, or FT out of the Settlement and back, some of the clutter "shifts or moves".
Ive noticed its always single placed items (not a static group) and its always Clutter items.
Sometimes is only a slight movement and sometimes objects are moved across the Settlement.
Its frustrating for many reasons. (a group of Pool balls floating in midair 3 feet from the table is irritating to say the least when you have to manually replace them over and over)
Does anyone know what causes this and if there is a fix?
The only "fix" I know is to remove the clutter, but then the Settlement looks bland and boring.
vanilla settlement or custom?

never heard or seen that happen before and I test a lot of city plans .

maybe poltergeist ;)
vanilla settlement or custom?

never heard or seen that happen before and I test a lot of city plans .

maybe poltergeist ;)

Vanilla - Starlight.
I also had it happen with a few items during my Murkwater build.

I might have found a possible fix (still testing it)
If you Scrap (not store) the item that shifts and then rebuild and replace it with a "fresh" one, the item seems to stop moving and stays where its placed.
Its weird that its always small, single placed Clutter Items. Never Furniture or other decorative items. Never Structural items either.

Ive pretty much gotten to the point of just throwing up my arms in frustration because "Hey its Bethesda and Fallout". I could have been done with this Settlement already
If the placed Decoration stays, great. If not i just remove it and either find something else or leave the area blank

hopefully ur fix fixes things ;)

its a very odd one tho
I had that in my tests of a Castle city plan. Some guns clutter in the General’s quarters appeared in midair in the courtyard. I scrapped them and didn’t bother replacing.
I think "maybe, possibly" I might have found a cause or at least a trigger for this anomaly.
If I start a new Settlement Build on, say Sim Settlement version 4.0.8 and add items and clutter, everything seems to work fine, but then if later there is an updated SS version (4.0.9), the clutter that I add after the update is the stuff that seems to move.
Still doing some tests to see if its a repeatable occurrence. Waiting on a SS update.
Id roll back and try it, but i dont want to b0rk my FO4 install

*Edit - I should add that it might not be Sim Settlements that does this as other Mods (Conqueror, Workshop framework and a few others) were also updated, so it could have something to do with one of them.
Or none of them

Who knows..its Bethesda "Eet jus werx"
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My first playthrough, all the dishes on one specific table in my player home regularly moved themselves to just under the top of the table. Cups stuck, and plates and silverware would fall to the floor when I approached. I figured it was just a havoc bug, since that game was unmodded.
There's a menu option in the SS holotape that enables and disables random clutter, have you tried disabling that? Maybe it's trying to randomize the clutter and glitching out?
My first playthrough, all the dishes on one specific table in my player home regularly moved themselves to just under the top of the table. Cups stuck, and plates and silverware would fall to the floor when I approached. I figured it was just a havoc bug, since that game was unmodded.

Not really a Havoc bug. The items you placed were not immune to physics (since you were not running mods.)

So what happens is when the cell reloads the "load order" gets screwy and laggy so items start to fall and whatnot. Some items can simply keep falling into the ground, some items get kicked physically somewhere else.

But there seems to be a glitch in the Matrix. Almost every time I load a Save, or FT out of the Settlement and back, some of the clutter "shifts or moves".

Vanilla can do this, I noticed this back around release. When you go up the stairwell inside Corvega there is a cart with 4 coffee mugs on it neatly stacked. If you die and reload you can reenter Corvega and they will have moved slightly enough they are not stacked perfectly anymore. There is also the diner near County Crossing/Mechanist Lair where the placed items will sit inside the shelf instead of on it. Once you start playing enough and look enough you will find items that moved all the time.

At least it aint as bad as Fallout 3/New Vegas was where you had to hunt for magazines because they constantly got kicked around by the physics.