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Weird Salvage beacon bug


Active Member
I was sending a salvage team to Warwick with my second to last salvage beacon, and despite having been able to remove everything from a chest got the 'Your salvage team will not steal for you'; Weird, but okay, find another chest.

Couldn't set a salvage beacon after that. Salvage beacon would place but I never got the settlement dialogue et al. Closing and restarting had no effect. But wait, it gets weirder.

After I get home, dump my inventory and pick up salvage beacons again, they start working. Well, that's nice.
Wait, it get's weirder.

Until I've used three and I'm back down to two like I was before, and the original issue happens. This time I try this - I drop the second to last salvage beacon and use the last one.

It works. I take a little more stuff pick up the last one and set up my now *last* salvage beacon, and ... nope, no joy.

So I dump it at body to despawn. My four remaining salvage beacons are fine.

Somehow I broke one *specific* salvage beacon by using it on an owned chest in warwick??
I was sending a salvage team to Warwick with my second to last salvage beacon, and despite having been able to remove everything from a chest got the 'Your salvage team will not steal for you'; Weird, but okay, find another chest.

Couldn't set a salvage beacon after that. Salvage beacon would place but I never got the settlement dialogue et al. Closing and restarting had no effect. But wait, it gets weirder.

After I get home, dump my inventory and pick up salvage beacons again, they start working. Well, that's nice.
Wait, it get's weirder.

Until I've used three and I'm back down to two like I was before, and the original issue happens. This time I try this - I drop the second to last salvage beacon and use the last one.

It works. I take a little more stuff pick up the last one and set up my now *last* salvage beacon, and ... nope, no joy.

So I dump it at body to despawn. My four remaining salvage beacons are fine.

Somehow I broke one *specific* salvage beacon by using it on an owned chest in warwick??

I got weirder. After 'intending' to replace the abandoned buggy salvage beacon today I pulled up my beacons out of the workshop at the lair and got ... an extra? Seems to be working okay, but not sure why it would have come back to the lair when it never asked for anyplace to go?

I think they're stalking me Kinggath. They've come alive, and they're coming after me for abandoning them. I hear the chirp of salvage beacons in the shadows, saying they're going to salvage and scrap me. THEY WANT MY SOUL!!!
Currently the beacons have a quirk where they can get stuck like you described. Dropping them on the ground and picking them up should reset them.