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version 1.06 bug

installed version 1.06 and now i can't control the ASAMs and the desk. then i reinstalled version 1.05 an I can use the desk but not the ASAMs
In the plugs tab, make sue that workshop framework is above SS2.esm
If it still does not work install the update manually.

Given what you said sounds like you already maybe had a problem developing in 1.05.
So, you can use 1.05 to rollback until your save does work then do the update to 1.06.

Just humble suggestions :friends

It is not an uncommon issue after updating a big mod like SS.

I read the other thread then went in and checked my own game with 466 mods installed.

I checked every single issue reported by every single user, including the issues on the other thread. Everything worked.

So, simply all I can suggest is:

Roll-back to a save where 1.0.5 worked - using 1.0.5 of SS2.
If this does not work then your game was already broken, that is how save files work.

Then/If it does work this is how I update SS.
My update procedure:

1. I leave any settlement.
2. Go to an internal cell. "like Gorski cabin or home plate or some such"
3. Make a hard save using the console and name it. "save SS2update105to106" or however you choose.
4. Leave the game hit manual download on nexus
5. drag that file over to vortex and install and manually, You may need to then sort if using vortex and auto-sort is off?
6. Go back in-game and wait in the internal cell for a few minutes then "walk" back to a settlement and test

If anything is bugged I do make another save "but a hard one so I can check that one with Fallrim."
Then I stop and start evaluating the situation and make sure I did not skip any of my own steps.

Like I said just humble suggestions.

I am sorry, I can't confirm your issue. :scratchhead
The roll-back method I described above is somewhat foolproof and an honest attempt at trying to help with the issue of a glitched update of large mods like SS.
I have a PC set up for testing with none of the dev files, I just downloaded SS2 1.06 myself from Nexus and tested it, and everything works as expected on both my existing saves and a new save.

From the sound of this problem, the issue would be a corrupt BA2 file. Perhaps one of the Nexus mirrors is serving up a bad file? I'd recommend attempting to re-download and manually install. Though if it is a mirror serving a bad file, they are probably by region and you could end up with the same file...

If it continues to happen after that, you'll want to roll back to the previous working version of SS2 and return to the last save before you attempted to upgrade.

(I posted this in that thread you linked as well)