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Update FREE1.2 - Always Free is now also on Xbox - moves Death Tower to martial plot


Wasteland Venturers
Staff member
Verified Builder
Support Team
Update FREE1.2 is now available on:

This update moves the Death Tower from Industrial to Martial 2x2 plot. The tower now has collision, and the dogs should stay off the named Brahmin as well. Let us know if you find any issues.

If you have built the Death Tower on an industrial plot and hit refresh, the tower will now face the normal way - so you have to move the old plot 180 degrees or change it to a new martial. The defense values are Level 1 +9, Level 2 +30, Level 3 +50. This will vary slightly depending on what dogs and turrets that spawn.
Is there a split version of the mods, I'd like the death tower and farms/industrial but don't have room for the 137mb download? (Gratis of Xbox limitations)
@Tinuvia Thank you very much and glad you left up @MrJoseCuervo pages.

I just installed and it failed (the first time) because I needed to delete the other versions first. Maybe add something to the top of the description on Beth net saying to uninstall the other versions before installing this one.

Again thank you, and thank you to @MrJoseCuervo for letting you take it on and keep it compatible as Sim Settlements grow.
Is there a split version of the mods, I'd like the death tower and farms/industrial but don't have room for the 137mb download? (Gratis of Xbox limitations)
Sorry, no - this mod will have to stay in an all-in-one. I understand that size limitations on Xbox must be frustrating :cray
Though I must say that the residential part of the mod is tiny - 14.8 MiB, and I don't think a split would diminish the all-in-one by the full amount.
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@Tinuvia Thank you very much and glad you left up @MrJoseCuervo pages.

I just installed and it failed (the first time) because I needed to delete the other versions first. Maybe add something to the top of the description on Beth net saying to uninstall the other versions before installing this one.

Again thank you, and thank you to @MrJoseCuervo for letting you take it on and keep it compatible as Sim Settlements grow.
Nice catch, I'll add that.
Sorry, no - this mod will have to stay in an all-in-one. I understand that size limitations on Xbox must be frustrating :cray
Though I must say that the residential part of the mod is tiny - 14.8 MiB, and I don't think a split would diminish the all-in-one by the full amount.
That's ok, if I don't update and just keep bad neighbors will it cause me problems?
No, Kinggath has said he'll make all updates backwards compatible. If you keep the old Bad Neighbors, the only difference is that when you choose building plan, you won't get a message describing what the plot does, and there's no build/cancel option. You just click the plot you want and close the ASAM sensor.
Just checking if I have this one do I still need bad neighbors or are all the plots from that in this one too??
All the plots from Bad Neighbors and from Slum Lord are in this All-In-One. Plus MrJoseCuervo's Death Tower martial 2x2 plot.
@Tinuvia I can't get this mod to work :( I can build the plots from sim settlements industrial revelution and sim settlements but none of the slumlord houses appears or any of the other stuff. Any idea of what i should do?
Weird! You've made sure that the esp is ticked in Nexus Mod Manager? And you have Far Harbor?
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