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The UNOFFICIAL chapter 3 guide

Antoine Soverie

Well-Known Member
Community Rockstar
This will likely get updated with future patches (bug fixes and post launch content). Last update: 08.10.23

Disclaimer - I try to make it spoiler free, and when it isn't, it's hidden under spoiler text. I'll still talk about mechanics and current issues that can ruin your day, when it's applicable :) So if you want it completely spoiler-free, maybe don't read the whole thing.

Current Issues List - scroll down to Main Quests - Chapter 3 tab, some of the more important ones will be on top of the page. I did my best to mention them here though.

Suggested mods

F4SE, Buffout, PapyrusMaxOps help SS2 drastically.
Interior Navcut Fix, due to a vanilla issue discovered during development. It helps most during later quests if NPCs stop moving or scenes are not triggering.
No BloodWorm MoleRats Scorpions Teleport-BugFix” generally for HQ so beginning with Chapter 2 but still, this resolves another semi-rare vanilla bug that's more prominent with SS2 installed due to how many interiors are added.
Long Save Fix may help.
Any “wait anywhere” mod, or you could use “passtime X” command.
Generally not an insanely built up and modded save would result in a better experience.
“Special Zapper” - again, mostly for HQ and fast and efficient recruitment, this is more of an “all chapters starting over” suggestion.
Any flag pack – Anarch's Leader Almanac, Blue's Minutemen Flags, Cross-dimensional flags. Completely optional but you'll be placing a lot of flags, might as well make them really cool :)

If it's possible without disabling/removing mods, I would suggest to turn off any "settlers are mortal" settings (for Better Settlers or SKK Combat Settlers etc), for reasons explained below.

Some notes

Do any vanilla or mod content related to Quincy before "Resurgence" or after chapter 3.

Some settlements are used in chapter 3 and having them heavily built up and settled can currently create issues. This may be fine for you and I may be overreacting but generally, make some manual saves between quests, it will help. And - very important - you should be aware that if your own settlers start attacking you, that will go away after some time and you don't have to kill them.
The worst offender is probably Egret Tours, I personally would advise to not build or recruit anyone to it (or send settlers away temporarily when "Resurgence" or the quest after it starts). Some other settlements (Oberland, Warwick's and likely several others) to a much lesser extent - it's fine to use those as much as you want as long as you keep this potential issue in mind.
This may also get fixed by the time you get to that point. You can also try tweaking the policies in your HQ meeting room so settlers don't join combat, when you get the chance.

On alternative endings mods

If you're using mods that change main factions and their outcomes drastically, that's not currently accounted for when it comes to SS2 story. But! There are commands that you can use, more on that in “Under one Banner”. It would make more sense to depose the faction's vanilla leader instead of killing, if applicable, anyway. Also vanilla main quest is still completely optional, though I'd say recommended.

On quest skipping

Holotape skipping chapter 3 quests still needs work and testing but if you're here, this likely won't interest you anyway. Skipping up to and including Resurgence should be fine though.

Quest guide

You can find info on all the quests on wiki, here are just some tips. - Wiki quest quide

Flickering Lights

Do this one without companions, for immersion. Play through it slowly. If an NPC is stuck at any point, you could try travelling out and back. If the quest doesn't start when all prerequisites are met (it should), skip to it from Commonwealth Rising being active and wait 72 hours.


I'd suggest to take the Castle with minutemen before doing this, and finish Old Guns. This will minimize the risk of issues with the minutemen questline (uncertain if it causes any but just in case).

A Faction is Born / Me and This Army / Art of War (mechanics spoilers ahead but this is pretty much unavoidable)

1. It's very important to not skip any explanations of the new mechanics. Once you've unlocked flare gun and binoculars, you're gonna be using them a lot. If nothing happens when you use them, it's likely script lag and will be resolved by waiting.
2. If you're ever struggling with marking a location, try pointing the flare gun in its direction, that should mark it. If you fire it and get an autosave some time after (though this can be turned off too), that means you've successfully triggered an assault.
3. If you cleared a location and got a message about reinforcements coming (or not) and they didn't, this is likely also resolved by standing still.
4. The story will make you do a lot of assaults so I'd suggest to just roll with it and not go ham on assaulting everything in sight.
5. There are holotape options to assign a fixed number of guards to territories and outposts. Guards can't come on assaults (unless you override that with a setting) so you might want to send a limited number of soldiers to locations. If soldiers are injured or you don't have outposts in range, they also won't come to assaults – both of those options can be overriden too.
6. If you want to prevent some settlements from getting captured, by beefing up their defences - generally, don't bother, at least some of them are scripted. Though assigning some guards to them from your soldiers may help. Things should return to normal some time after you recaptured them and stayed for a bit in the settlement.
7. If you don't want plots to get destroyed and turned to martial after reclaiming, use the holotape settings (War - Gameplay) to allow for other plots in outposts.
8. Auto-recruitment for outposts can be turned off in the holotape, and should at some point, or you will eventualy get 100-150 soldiers in one place.

Internal Affairs

During reinforcements waves, stay close to the location you're assaulting, this should get rid of issues with this quest.
If you don't have any staff for the department, TGM can be a workaround, as always. But when you're looking to find some ranked up soldiers, click “Manage soldier” on them and the pop-up menu will show their rank, also lets you change their role and loadout (if you have an armory plot).

Hostile Waters

Stock up on rad-away!

State of War

This quest lasts for most of chapter 3, and many other quests are triggered when you make progress in it. You will also see some branching paths pretty soon.
In general, it wants you to capture Outposts and Territories.
Outposts are Settlements controlled by the gunners.
Territories are specifically NOT Settlements.

Mysterious Benefactor

I would suggest to check this one out immediately, it will help. Pick your capital city when prompted.

Under One Banner

This is your opportunity to get allies for your group, and you have plenty of time to do it (until the quest “When It Rains” is complete). Generally for allies you have to complete or almost complete their story, this includes vanilla main groups. So under vanilla conditions, only one group out of 4 can be present, and this requires blowing someone up. This can however be changed if you use the following command at any point:


(so "startquest SS2C3_SQ03_A_BoS" etc - you can type startquest and copy-paste)
For those who started Under One Banner prior to 3.0.2, you may need to complete NLTC and CPD before anyone else shows up.

MAKE A MANUAL SAVE, Use the commands, leave HQ (if you're in it), you should receive a radio call (if you haven't earlier), come back to the meeting room.
Alternate endings and faction mods will likely need specific instructions (or trial and error - PLEASE save first), guide for Subversion is in the next post.
Respective faction leaders (vanilla NPCs) and companions must be alive and enabled for this though.

Unique content added with alliances (their quarters, soldier units, etc) is not currently in game and is planned for post-chapter updates.
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Outside Assistance, Aide Memoire, What's in the Refrigerator

Do them as soon as you get them.

Gunner's Daughter

This quest won't start while you have “Synth Retention” Institute main quest running.

Led By Example

Hopefully you won't regret your choice..

Belated Returns

See here if you're stuck on it (Spoilers!)

Call To Arms

Very sensitive to order of assaulting locations. Do them the same way they're presented.
You can get A LOT of variety from here on out so.. make a save :)

The Battle

Take your time through it. Take it all in. Enjoy. Also helps to avoid awkward radio calls when you're being shot at.

Subversion and Chapter 3

Subversion is one of alternate endings mods you can use. Its main focus is reforming the Institute as its director and deal with other factions as you see fit. There are other mods (and each one likely has its quirks) but it's the one I used. This section will have spoilers for the mod but I'll try to hide them.
You should be able to just use the command if the envoy hasn't spawned already. Preston still needs to be talked to about the Institute's future at some point.
Naturally if you're playing with Subversion, Institute is your main faction. For the alliance to work, vanilla X6-88 must be enabled - find his ID and enable him. Subversion has a different version of him and disables the original. If you've done that, use the command to spawn the envoy.
When you get the order to wipe them out, simply go and talk to Desdemona and convince her that no, you don't want to kill them, and no, you don't want to blow anyone up. Might have to stuck up on charisma chems for this. If you resisted killing them all, despite the many opportunities, this should work and you can use the command to spawn the Railroad envoy now. Pretend you didn't hear anything about blowing up the Institute - they can believe that if they want but we know better ;)
The normal course of action if you play the mod is to alienate BoS during Mass Fusion, failing all of their quests. You do get an opportunity to befriend them again if you talk to Father after triggering "Airship Down". Then you can replace Maxson with a synth. This is what I would suggest if you want BoS alliance to make any sense at all. Now you can use the command. I didn't need vanilla Maxson for recruiting the envoy but he should still be needed for future quests (if you want them to talk). You can find him and use "resurrect" on him. Also "disable" and "enable" if his head got blown off.
If you want Danse as a settler/HQ worker, send him to a settlement before doing any of this. Then you listen to his very angry words, immediately send to another settlement and use the clipboard. He'll still hate your guts and make it very clear but I justify this by knowing what happens to him, you know, in vanilla story. We know that, he doesn't :/
Also I can't bring myself to take Heather to this whole shitshow so she stays back during it. In the end it works out...

It should be noted that if you don't finish Tradecraft before entering the Institute, the Railroad will hate you. I would do the BoS introduction quests as well. I've used the Public Works Maintenance mod to skip the entirety of main quest up to entering the institute (aside from what I just noted), it was a very late install and it mostly worked but with my limited testing I can't recommend it yet.
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Feel free to post here, while this isn't exactly a "support" thread (please don't lock it) it might become one like the ch2 guide. I'd appreciate any comments or feedback. And I'll probably add links to threads with issues described here, as it was already mostly done for the issues page. Your best bet for support would probably be to keep updating those threads.
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I have developed Egrets Marina, and it's an important source of water and power for HQ. I'm almost ready to trigger Chapter 3. Will I have problems finishing the game?
As I posted in another thread, thought it would fit better here to (kind of) clarify it.
I'm being extra cautious with that suggestion but from all the reports I've seen, that Egret situation is the worst due to ... reasons and not being able to do much to combat it at that stage. It may get fixed by the time you get to that point yourself but to spare people the not very nice surprise I thought it'd still be best to mention it. Oberland, I made quite a layout for it and took it back after it got captured, with no casualties from my settlers, and it was indeed very entertaining, but I did have to wait for them to stop attacking me. Same with all of them I think.
I should really test this myself with a settlement full of people and see if it's really that bad or even worse than the other settlements. Cause Egret is a great settlement (crazy synth lady aside) and it's a shame to ignore it.
In short, the settler aggro issue might mess up the quest or you can even lose some settlers if you have mortal settlers but I'm going to check it properly and post again. Worst case, you can make a save on the quest "Flickering Lights" or beginning of "Resurgence" and send all your Egret settlers elsewhere until you're finished with the quest that takes you to Egret.
I tested it - built my "outpost" layout at Egret, spawned 33 settlers (no half-measures), lost control of it (a couple objectives after starting Art of War) and reclaimed it.
No one died (except me, a few times) but in some tests the settlers were hostile from the very start - must be a nasty side effect of someone throwing grenades and damaging them. I had 16 people with me so someone had to. That complicates things by a lot but you still shouldn't have to kill them. The times that I could actually survive (difficulty was set to Hard at first), they turned hostile later (as expected but not supposed to) and also as expected after the cinematic camera ended (you can't get hurt during that, otherwise I'd suggest god mode or cheat terminal for invincibility) the control of the settlement transferred and they calmed down. Quest progressed.

TL:DR It worked in the end, even if it wasn't always the first try. Didn't lose anyone. Sometimes works worse, sometimes better, you may have to wait longer, but it should work. I didn't have better settlers or combat settlers or anything like that though. And the amount of script lag may vary so it can take a long time (almost instant in my case but this was still a mostly testing save that got all my current mods loaded, but most importantly - not much SS2 activity on it before as ch1 and 2 were mostly skipped). It's possible but I'd still suggest not to.
I've tried to complete "Under One Banner" but this is after I blew up the RR and BOS. I tried the commands above, I got the call to come in and got the marker for my chair in the conference room. I tried a couple of the "passtime 1" and no one showed up. I did meet with the Institute persons then I did the commands and nothing except the marker on my chair.


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I've tried to complete "Under One Banner" but this is after I blew up the RR and BOS. I tried the commands above, I got the call to come in and got the marker for my chair in the conference room. I tried a couple of the "passtime 1" and no one showed up. I did meet with the Institute persons then I did the commands and nothing except the marker on my chair.
Who else are you expecting? Also this:
For those who started Under One Banner prior to 3.0.2, you may need to complete NLTC and CPD before anyone else shows up.
I actually met with NLTC, Nightingales, CPD, Super Mutants, and MM already. This was under version 3.0.0/3.0.0o. Do I need to go back to the end of Chapter 2 and start Chapter 3 all over again? If so I will put in the Subversion mod..
Meeting them is not enough, you have to complete their questlines (or at least be on one of the last quests for some). In case of NLTC and CPD, they have to be completed for any other envoys to appear. This was fixed in the beta, but the fix is not retroactive so you have to either
a) complete them
b ) cancel their envoy quest (this probably can't be reversed so you lose them as allies for good) or
c) roll back before starting Under One Banner - unlikely anyone will do that unless you're really close - and install the beta.
Thank you for your information. I am on my Xth play through, currently at the near end of Chapter 1.
It will be really helping for building settlements and raising settlers prior to the HQ building.

By the way, it seems like I should avoid Egret and Oberland (and Warwick), which is shame. Egret was a good place for offloading staffs before visiting the HQ.
However, that can be manageable. Meanwhile, as for Oberland...

The Oberland station is a great place for connecting between the north and the south of the river.
I wonder, prior to upgrading Caravan Network with the HQ, can Graygarden and Hungman's Alley be connected without using Oberland?
Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

(Or maybe, I should use the Oberland after all. Its settlers may continue being hostile for a while, but by the sound of it, they will eventually become ally again...when all those scripting processing is over.)
The Oberland station is a great place for connecting between the north and the south of the river.
I wonder, prior to upgrading Caravan Network with the HQ, can Graygarden and Hungman's Alley be connected without using Oberland?
Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I believe Greygarden and Hangmans Alley are close enough to be connected by their own caravan plots. (They're about as far apart as Sanctuary and Starlight, for example.)
If you check my post above, after some testing I think it may be too extreme to avoid them entirely. Depending on your script load, utility mods or lack of them (and probably the "outpost range" setting) you may not have a good time. Especially if they have 20+ settlers and level 3 city plans. But I think the suggestion to send settlers away for some time is the least painful, if it proves to be that bad in your game. I'd just make a bunch of saves beforehand. I mean, people have been playing ch3 for a while, and relative to that there aren't that many reports of this being a big deal (sucks when it is though..). I decided that "better safe than sorry" but almost regret it now due to everyone being paranoid about it :(
For what it's worth I use Subversion too and the Railroad envoy showed up right after the Institute one with no issues (sans the dialogue discrepancy). Didn't even have to do anything for X6. The minutemen guy isn't popping up but the castle was held with Preston inside when I got the "under one banner" mission and I hadn't even talked to him about the Institute ending so we'll see if your console command kicks them back online now that those two things are settled. If not it's whatevs.

Thanks for doing this.
You're always welcome :) I believe quite a lot of interesting mechanics saw light since I wrote this. Some packs like Minute's Notice for minutemen. And improvements, mostly to the last quests.