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"Teddy! Teddy! Come quick! It's Nora......"


Well-Known Member
Community Rockstar
… as the Mayor helped Nora into Teddy's office... such that it is. Helping Nora lay down on the bed, the one that Andre was … using.

"Teddy! ya got to help her... do something!"

Teddy looked at Nora … stoic with a grim face, not even looking at the Mayor.

"Teddy! What's wrong?"

After a very long time, wiping his forehead, he said nothing. "Teddy?" …

" I can't help her Mayor... The Dance... it... took more out of her … she's dying, Mayor", as the tears welled up in his eyes, knowing the one whom he put so much faith in, responsible for sending Nora out for the stupid... "Dance"..

The room got as deadly quiet as it got dark, with the receding of what sun Far Harbor gets... time ticked. The clock on the wall... doing the grinding count down of inevitability.

Schwick… a match was struck and only the blazing flame, and soon the glowing ember of a cigarette...

"What do you want? Can't you see we have a sick woman?" blared the Mayor, realizing the inesacapable truth...

As the old weathered man, moved into the light, from the dark corner of room... "you can't help her. Teddy can't help her... "

"Oh, what do you know, Longfellow? you aren't a doctor. don't you have some solitude and a bottle missing you over on your island?"

Longfellow dropped the cigarette butt to the floor, and slowly ground it with the tip of his weathered boot. "if you people weren't so ignorant about the world, confining yourself to a small dock, when the world is so much bigger than you. IF you looked, there is something beyond the dock... I washed up on that island to escape my own fears... hell, thought I would die in a blaze of glory instead of a slow death chained to a cubicle. I crashed... but lived. And after all these years... I still live, Mayor. Have you ever considered why that is so?"

The mayor's face said it all... the man actually spoke beyond a grunt and a motion for another bottle at the Plank....

"Regardless, Longfellow... this is Nora we are talking about... not you"

"Mayor.... what she needs is what saved me... who saved me... saved me when my boat sank on the coast... and saved me from myself. It's time you save all the people on the dock... as I was saved... and how Nora will be saved... Nora will save herself... and drag the rest of you ignorant folks off this damn dock and to a better life..... "

"Okay... um... tell me what we need to do... let's save everyone... the town. And Nora... "

"Nora has one more Dance to do, Mayor... and Dance she will against the very demons that makes us all sick... but that which poisons more than the body, but the mind....

"Longfellow... you are really becoming annoying with your riddles... who or what is Nora going to have to Dance with to save herself..."

"Her Dance is the Last Dance... and the Dance is her cure"...

"Dammit! Tell me old f*cker before I get Jonas to shoot you.... "

Pill Box by Uituit
Turret Tower by Myrmarachne
Checkpoint by Kinggath

Church of Atom by Tinuvia (Bad Neighbors)

Church of Atom Bomb by MrJoseCuervo (Bad Neighbors)
Pit Stop Goods by Tinuvia
Tourist Information by RS (Rotten Smells?)
Cola Bar by Samutz
Caps General by Kinggath
Winking Molerat by Tinuvia

Fog Farm by Tinuvia
Wild Forest Regular by Tinuvia

Voodoo Lodge by Myrmarachne
Crow's Nest by Myrmarachne
Witch's House by BTN
Proud Parent by Samutz
Mini Bedroom by Uituit

Logistics Station by IDEK
Scrap Heap by Kinggath

Other - Vanilla Job Plots for Early Game

People: 15
Food: 24
Water: 21
Power: 180
Defense: 123
Beds: 15
Happiness: 50

City Manager Desk and Recruitment Beacon
GETAV 34A = 3,998
Limit set 2x and passed all legality checks (except Logistics Station - PINK FTW!)
Completely self-sustaining settlement
One Player area & Bed - additional workbenches

Level 3 Save Game - fos & f4se

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"she will Dance with the Fog... and Dance with...

"Atom's Glory"
Question: since there is a discussion on immersion by adding a flying vertibird… I also would like to piggy back off this … would it be easier to kill a bunch of child of atom's for their weapons/armor/clothes than to spawn in child of atom NPC's and attach the "settler" keywords and faction to ? I think I would also have to change the npc name to "settler" so they would actually be commandable?

Maybe one of you other road warriors would have a suggestion?

You can't attach the workshonpcscript on the fly.
You would have to create a CoA settler in the CK.
Could you just spawn the CoA equipment using the console? Then equip your settlers that way. That's what I did with Boston Airport. Using the ( help " x " 4 ) should show the equipment ids.
You can't attach the workshonpcscript on the fly.
You would have to create a CoA settler in the CK.

I was reading about console commands... there are some that add caravan etc.... I didnt know if it was just attaching keywords on a CoA npc.

I haven't learned ck yet.

Sounds like @pra Needs to take his advanced beacon to next level - similar to Faction Settlements....
Could you just spawn the CoA equipment using the console? Then equip your settlers that way. That's what I did with Boston Airport. Using the ( help " x " 4 ) should show the equipment ids.

Yeah. There is just randomization of a spawned npc versus trying to duplicate by playing dressup -- which is probably what I will do. Though the looks will far harbor settlers...instead of the dirty painted, hairless type CoA....

Thanks for all the responses.
Oh no! I am illegal....

Honest Officer, I didn't do it!

I Didn't KNOW!!!!
hehe its a plot so it dosnt matter

All hail atom
hehe its a plot so it dosnt matter

All hail atom

Yeah, its the City Mod... I cannot accurately trust the results because every time I run it to check, it says move closer to the workbench and run again... same with gavel for town meeting...

Unless Nora can straddle the workbench, she ain't getting closer - ya feel me?

PS - and it does matter because the pink flashing all the time keeps flashing. Yes. yes, yes, clear highlighting - and it works till you load again, then back to the blink blink blink!
pink for the win :P

maybe change the plot for now while ur still building and then change it back when your ready to do your finale saves ;0
pink for the win :P

maybe change the plot for now while ur still building and then change it back when your ready to do your finale saves ;0

Yeah, I just tore it down for now... I have placeholder pieces...
Only a few days left , make sure you have your top 10 pics in your first post and good luck.
10 uploaded... cannot begin to capture everything.

But.... The Dance is over... but only this dance...

The next Dance... The Saga will continue... Complex. Nexus. Soon.

Where will this path lead …. (to be continued....)

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