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Sweap and retrieve

Sole survivor

New Member
I love the salvage mod. I was thing is there any way that you could make it so that you can put becons on doors to a cleared raider den for example and the team pics up anything that it can find?
This is a really cool idea that I hadn't thought of before. I did some searching and I found this.

I haven't tried it, so I don't know how well it works, but it collects everything in a radius when activated. It would be convenient if there radius could effectively set to infinite, but only with it a cell. Obviously infinite wouldn't work outside. But essentially; clear the building, run the auto looter, drop it all in a container, then drop a salvage beacon in the container. If the salvage beacon could do all those steps in it's own; even better.

As I said, I hadn't tried it, but I will later this weekend, that's for sure.