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[Solved 1.0.16] Jake's weird behaviour. Not responding, not moving, need to reload area to make something happen


Active Member
If Jake enters Olivia's bunker and there is imidiate combat (for instance, if you are using some kind of multiplicative mobs like "more enemies"), Jake will no intereact with the computer. The quests advances untill you have to return to him and if you interact it will say he is busy.

Quick load didn't work, load from main menu didn't work. Teleporting Jake to the computer to try to jump start him didn't work.

Replicable, I load a save before entering Olivia bunker and got the same result.

Work around: leave olivia bunker and enter again. If he doesn't move after openning the door, just teleport him near the box cache spoiler name thingy.

My 2 cents: Jake enter in combat mode before something about the quest could trigger and the trigger isn't veryfied again once he leaves combat.
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I love the Ron, Oh Yeah! He's Johnny Bravo
View attachment 12921
And here I was thinking he was the Fonzie. Maybe a mix of the two? xD

At least the bug consistent, predictable and replicable. This means it is probably fixable, but I understand this particular one is not a priority right now....

Just a little more info. I did a hardsave just outside the Rons so I could do some mod testing. Turning off the 4 mischiefs (outcasts and company) make the Ron interact just fine with me, which makes me think that there is a flag in one of those 4 mods that are blocking Johny. Unfortunately, RL is calling, but when I get back ill try activating one by one of the fantastic 4 and play around with load orders. I'm not 100% convinced that they aren't compatible yet xD

Yeah, in my research group I'm the Mr Brightside who thinks nothing is impossible (which isn't in code.... it can be impractical, but not impossible xD)

Once again, I'll report back when there is something to report.
And here I was thinking he was the Fonzie. Maybe a mix of the two? xD

At least the bug consistent, predictable and replicable. This means it is probably fixable, but I understand this particular one is not a priority right now....

Just a little more info. I did a hardsave just outside the Rons so I could do some mod testing. Turning off the 4 mischiefs (outcasts and company) make the Ron interact just fine with me, which makes me think that there is a flag in one of those 4 mods that are blocking Johny. Unfortunately, RL is calling, but when I get back ill try activating one by one of the fantastic 4 and play around with load orders. I'm not 100% convinced that they aren't compatible yet xD

Yeah, in my research group I'm the Mr Brightside who thinks nothing is impossible (which isn't in code.... it can be impractical, but not impossible xD)

Once again, I'll report back when there is something to report.
If a mod makes any part of SS2 not work, it would be NOT compatible. Especially now that this has been repeated over and over this just puts the last stroke of the brush on the Green wall.
At least the bug consistent, predictable and replicable. This means it is probably fixable, but I understand this particular one is not a priority right now....
If the bug occurs when the ThuggyVerse mods are installed, wouldn't it be on the ThuggyVerse devs to correct the issue?
If the bug occurs when the ThuggyVerse mods are installed, wouldn't it be on the ThuggyVerse devs to correct the issue?
Not necessary... could even be a third party releasing a patch so both can play together. And even if it is, after the debugging process and after we discover where the problem is, we can just report the bug to Thuggy and see if he can do anything on his side :)

Just to put another nail in the coffin, if I disable the 4 mods and load the save, besides a little craziness Bethesda style, the Ron talks to me normally.

This got me thinking that it is not something that gets embued in the save file itself, it's rather something happening during run time (which doesn't narrow it down a lot, I know). So I was trying to load Thuggything before SS2... neither loot nor NMM would allow me to do that because SS2 is marked as a master, so you cannot put a non-master above a master. So I did it manually... edited the TXT, closed loot and nmm and launched f4se manually annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd...... the same thing, the Ron keeps with Fonzie act.

The next step is to discover which of the 4 is breaking it... so, which me luck... even on an SSD, it takes a while to uninstall this mods :P
Not necessary... could even be a third party releasing a patch so both can play together. And even if it is, after the debugging process and after we discover where the problem is, we can just report the bug to Thuggy and see if he can do anything on his side :)
Cool, I just don't know the etiquette for if two mods collide who picks up the pieces. LOL
Ok, the problem is definitely Depravity. All the other works fine with the Ron. How do we proceed from here? The mod team from SS2 contacts the other mod team? Should I open a bug report on Depravity's nexus or you guys wanna take a look from SS2 side first?

As @ilmlp9147 said, I also dunno who pick up the pieces ^^
Could you run a conflict check from FO4Edit to narrow it down?
Ofc, just how I do that?

I opened FO4Edit and selected only the DLCs, SS2 base esp and the 4 from Thuggy. But I never used FO4Edit before, so I'm kind lost looking at all this info :P

EDIT: I think I found it...

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What am I looking for in a conflict? I found these values for TheRon in SS2.esm

but none of those 3 codes (SCEN) are repeated on the other files, so clarily that's not where I should be looking at... :todd:
Sadly, that there has reached the limits of my FO4Edit knowledge. I've been meaning to learn more about creating patches for conflicts. But I have no idea how to do it yet. :\
Sadly, that there has reached the limits of my FO4Edit knowledge. I've been meaning to learn more about creating patches for conflicts. But I have no idea how to do it yet. :\
I don't think there is anything we can do with FO4Edit to solve this. I tried overwriting depravity conflicts with SS2 values with no success... Ron still just Fonzing around.

The bug is identified and replicated. For The Ron in particular, we identify the problem being Depravity. Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything else we can do on our side :(
There are likely conditions setup that must evaluate as true to allow The Ron to have the dialog option. Most likely Depravity is changing something to cause it to evaluate false and therefore no dialog.

You are on the right track looking at SS2_Dialog_TheRon_RecruitmentSelect If you look at that record and scroll down there should be a listing of dialog and conditions. The hard part is figuring out which one Depravity is changing. I would start by looking at GlobalVariable records. When you click on a record in the left pane, there should be a tab at the bottom of the right saying something like "referenced by" Look for GlobalVariables that are used by both SS2 and Depravity.
There are likely conditions setup that must evaluate as true to allow The Ron to have the dialog option. Most likely Depravity is changing something to cause it to evaluate false and therefore no dialog.

You are on the right track looking at SS2_Dialog_TheRon_RecruitmentSelect If you look at that record and scroll down there should be a listing of dialog and conditions. The hard part is figuring out which one Depravity is changing. I would start by looking at GlobalVariable records. When you click on a record in the left pane, there should be a tab at the bottom of the right saying something like "referenced by" Look for GlobalVariables that are used by both SS2 and Depravity.
Is this what you mean?
When you say 'used by' you mean the column 'File' or am I looking to the completly wrong place?

Looking at these, I'm stuck i nthe greeting dialog:

On another record I found a bunch of conditions that determine which of the radiant quests you'll get, but I cannot find the condition for the Ron l eave the greetings and go to the Main_Loop... Actually the main loop record has no conditions at all.

I can fell I'm getting close to something, but I dont understand the system enough to get there.

BTW, if I filter by conflits, the only thing I get is the image I posted before, with no references to any dialog.
Sorry for the spam, but I'm really close, just need more input from you guys! You know the tools much better than I :)

Messing around with FO4Edit, I found the SS2_Dialogue_TheRon quest with all stages defined. Then I entered the game and did a get stage with depravity on and off... it is zero with depravity on and 5.00 with it off. So, I think this is the problem. Following msalaba line of thought, depravity is changing the stage of the quest somewhere, but I don't event know where to look at.

Any suggestion?