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Sim Settlements 2 - Chapters 1 & 2, A New Saga, Back to the BoS, Update D.2

Update C.5 - After another 10+ hours (includes save reloads), my game 3, as The Institute, with Beta v17 continues to play reasonable well and:
  1. installed Beta 2.2.0 v15/v16 and then v17
  2. had 1 CTD, due to teleporting/fast travel from the Institute to ???
  3. reached Level 41 with the mod No Crafting Experience,
  4. populated 22 settlements mainly with synths using the mod Build Synth Automatrons with Red Rocket empty, and Stodge and the gang at Hangman.
  5. have 26/30 staff at HQ
  6. completed How to HQ; started/progressed in the Nightengale quest line to Patient Troubles; started/progressed in Remote Management quest line to meeting Jake at HQ after meeting Lupe in the Memory Lounge; and started/progressed in the Commonwealth Rising quest line to 710/1000 power.
  1. Special Zapper - the Zapper (Nexus mod #57139) did not work at Oberland, but tested Ok at The Castle, Starlight and Egret. No obvious clues as to why, so must be a synth software virus outbreak :grin
  2. HQ Supply Agreements - there is an inconsistency between the PipBoy settlement to HQ supply agreement links and the actual HQ listing, see images. Severed the earlier agreements with Oberland and Hangman and added Starlight and The Slog. The PipBoy is still showing Hangman and Oberland. Next will install Beta v18 to determine if that fixes this.
  3. Abandoning Plots - minor annoyance due to the very old issue of settlers abandoning settlement plots. In this case, power plots were abandoned at several settlements, causing the numbers to fluctuate for the Commonwealth Rising power quest.
PS - Beta v18 fixed the issue.


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Update C.5a - Completed the Nightengale quest line through Angel of Mercy and completed the HQ quest Remote Management, and both went well with two minor issues:

  1. New Connections - before following Circe down the steps to talk to Proudmore, I exited my power armor at the landing. The dialogue with Proudmore would not start. Reloaded an earlier save and exited the PA before entering the building and followed Circe to the meeting and the dialogue started.
  2. Remote Management - the "sonar like" sound followed me until I exited the HQ.
Update C.6 - After another 20+ hours (includes save reloads), my game 3, as The Institute, with Beta v20 continues to play reasonable well and:
  1. installed Beta 2.2.0 v18, v19 and v20
  2. had 3 CTDs, all due to teleporting/fast travel to/from the Institute
  3. reached Level 45 with the mod No Crafting Experience,
  4. populated 24 settlements mainly with synths using the mod Build Synth Automatrons with Red Rocket empty, and Stodge and the gang at Hangman.
  5. have 34 staff at HQ
  6. started/progressed in the Is There A Doctor In the House quest, and continued the quest Commonwealth Rising.
  1. 2x2 Martial Plots - the 2x2 martial plots do not list the Building Plans, only "Random". Tested this against other plot types and the 2x2 martial plots in my Games 1 and 2, and all are as expected. Issue is hopefully limited to game 3.
  2. Commonwealth Rising - an old stage to meet with Jake at HQ has not cleared yet. Will use console commands to attempt to complete this stage.
  3. After Angel of Mercy, the only quest to "recruit" Cassandra was the much earlier Is There A Doctor in the House from Mansfield. After listening/participating in the dialogue between Fiona and Cassandra, there was no quest step with marker to actually recruit Cassandra. After searching the hospital, found and recruited Cassandra and the step to Return to HQ appeared. After returning to HQ (in/out twice), the stage to Clear Office Levels of Threats has not appeared. Searched for, but could not Mansfield and Jake did not give the step to Clear Office Levels of Threats. Used console commands - getstage ss2c2_sirick_mq26 and setstage ss2c2_sirick_mq26 40 bypassed issue.

After installing the 2.2.0 patch, started a new game as the BoS on survival. After 60+ hours with save reloads, the game is playing reasonably well and:
  1. used the mod Start Me Up (Nexus mod #18946)
  2. reached Level 22 [using the mod No Crafting Experience (Nexus mod #15203)],
  3. a playstyle that includes extensive micro-management, no city plans and the use of console commands to: (a) obtain the necessary crafting materials, (b) remove unwanted settlement objects, and (c) obtain settlers.
  4. developed 11 settlements [all with IDEK Logistics stations, clinics, and sanitation plots] with Stodge et al at Hangman and Red Rocket undeveloped, and
  5. placed the first beacon in Picking Up the Pieces.
  1. Had 5 CTDs and 1 freeze.
  2. The incompatibility between Chapter 2 and the Nexus mod 30147, SKK Fast BOS (ArcJet triggers Prydwen) re-occurred, but was fixed by first disabling the Chapter 2 mod before exiting ArcJet to talk to Danse, and after the Prydwen arrived re-enabling the Chapter 2 mod.
  3. On a positive note, the quit freeze at the main menu has not started.
  4. After listening to Jake's radio message (Memory Lane), he appeared in Sanctuary near me and then disappeared. The quest then proceeded as normal.
  5. The only issue of significance is the power grid issue. It has occurred at 2 of my settlements including repeatedly at the Boston Airport. After trying several fixes discussed in the Power Grid Issues Solution thread which did not stop the issue, rewired the Boston Airport using sectors and a mix of vanilla and SS2 generators. At the moment, the issue appears to be fixed. Update: The last fix did not work. My Plan B which is currently working, was:
    1. scrap the two Level 2 Advanced Power Plant plots and
    2. install 4 fusion generators using the Nexus mod Fusion Generator Rebalance (#42224).
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Update D.1 - After installing beta 2.2.1, played another 40+ hours including save reloads and the game is playing reasonably well:
  1. reached Level 24 [using the mod No Crafting Experience (Nexus mod #15203)],
  2. developed 14 settlements [all with IDEK Logistics stations, clinics, and sanitation plots] with Stodge et al at Hangman and Red Rocket undeveloped, and
  3. placed the second beacon in Picking Up the Pieces.
  1. Had 4 CTDs.
  2. Had the power grid issue at 3 settlements and fixed with Plan B.
  3. Encountered a new issue where some random settler's SPECIAL stats were changed. For the BoS, I: (1) use the console command player.placeatme 20593 1 to create one settler at a time and then assign them to the settlement, (2) use the Vitomatic to determine their stats and (3) assign the settler to the relevant specific plot. Returning to several settlements, I observed their stats had dropped significantly, but they were not always unassigned from the higher level plot. For example, a settler with an Intelligence of 8 was assigned to a HiTech power plot and upon return their Intelligence was 2. Fortunately, using the the Special Zapper (Nexus mod #57139) this issue was easily fixed.
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Encountered a new issue where some random settler's SPECIAL stats were changed.
There's a setting buried in the SS2 menus called something like "reroll settler stats". If you turn that off, the scenario you described there won't happen again, but it will also mean the randos spawned by Recruitment Beacon will probably spawn with all 1s, and you'd probably miss out on the "bonus to stats" granted to beacon-recruits by having a Leader with high SPECIALS. (although how many people even know that's a thing the mod does?)
I only knew that happened because I was testing "Nomads" for a bit and the guys from that were spawning with absurdly good SPECIALs then being reset back to 1s and 2s next time I looked too.
Update D.2 - Played another 20+ hours including save reloads and the game is playing reasonably well:
  1. reached Level 31 [using the mod No Crafting Experience (Nexus mod #15203)],
  2. developed 14 settlements [all with IDEK Logistics stations, clinics, and sanitation plots] with Stodge et al at Hangmen and Red Rocket undeveloped
  3. completed Hostile Takeover
  4. started the Nightengale's Sunken Treasure
  5. completed the CPD's Capturing Police Depository and Collecting Publications Detail
  1. Had 2 CTDs
  2. The power grid issue reoccurred at the Boston Airport, only
  3. "Blue men" plus other markers, see ScreenShot20, have appeared at Hangmen with the RotC Hangmen Alley Level 1 city plan (also, SKK50s mod Move Workshop Markers was uninstalled before this game). Other than these markers, there are no issues with Hangmen.
  4. Red and green markers appeared above Greygarden, see ScreenShot11. I have never seen this before.
  5. There is frequently a mismatch between the plot power indicators in Workshop mode, see ScreenShot15. This one was taken at the Castle. Maybe due to my impatience.:grin
PS: Forgot one - both interior and exterior clinic plots are very slow to start the initial construction.


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