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I've been trying to build a unique water purifier using the pieces from the machine kit but everything seems to slow to a crawl when browsing through this menu and trying to use the pieces. The sluggishness during browsing isn't as big of a deal as the frame rate drop while trying to move and place the pieces. What exactly is happening here? I am not using the HQ textures or any texture replacers, and the individual machine kit pieces seem to be the only part of Project Blueprint that does this in my game.
That's very strange, I'm not sure what could be going on with that as I can't replicate it.

Possibly a texture mod interfering?

If you load up with only SS and the PBP mods installed, does it still do that?
I have also found a couple of things in the PBP that do this. There are a couple of really big ground pieces in the Landscape section that do it.

I only have PBP and SS mods installed.
The machine parts sections do have a lot of items in them, guess that might make loading take a little longer.