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Settler clothing and SPECIALs

Bored Peon

Well-Known Member
For those that have not figured it out yet (I just finally got around to testing it out.)

Clothing that gives SPECIAL buffs do affect your settlers SPECIALs.
So if you are plying with the options of settler SPECIALs affecting plot production the clothing does matter.

If you have the VIT-O-Matic you can see for yourself.

So in other words putting your guards in Army Fatigues does give a bonus to defense because it gives +1 AGI to them.
Youre sure? When I tested it myself (on like 1.0.0c or something) it wasnt, but I was still on that old barely-runs-Fo4 laptop at the time, so it mightve just been taking longer than ideal to update values.
Time to invest in some hats.
The effect on the plot is kinda low for 1-2 points. I think it was like 1 point for 1 points on a level 1 plot. However the points on the SPECAL itself do change.
Having just tested this again, are you sure it's working? I put +2 Perception worth of gear on Sheffield and gave it a solid 2 minutes for scripts to 'catch up', and his displayed stats in the Vigomatic didn't change. It couldn't only be for "generic" Settlers could it?
It know that it worked in the Alpha build, but I too tested it in the released version, checking in both Vito-matic and plot production, and saw no change. This was a couple of updates ago so has it been reimplemented in more recent releases or is it just working inconsistently? I kind of thought it had been removed for potentially being overpowered, as in you can take an End 1 pleb, give them a farmer's outfit and a captains cap and suddenly they are skilled.
And here I wanted to slap a bunch of Militarized Minutemen gear on all of my settlers to jack their stats up.

Before you ask, yes, I already tested it, and no, you can't jack someone's perception, strength, or agility up into the stratosphere with modded clothing. I already tried. Damn shame, too, considering how many built-in guard post spots exist in the Castle. I wanted to see the defense value go into the four digit range. Might just be my load order, but considering the hell I had to go through just to get Weaponsmith Extended in working order, I don't think I'll be messing with it for this run.
While the clothing may or may not affect your characters SPECIAL stats, I have been using clothing to identify my settlers since FO4 launch. When I started playing SS1 the mini game I had created in the OG (finding said clothing items to give out) to identify my settlers became even more useful IE: Industrial workers wear hardhats/mining hats, farm workers wear baseball hats, store owners wear fashionable glasses, scavengers wear welding goggles, provisioners wear vault suits etc. With SS2 I am having to add a few more identifiers, but it adds to my immersion in the game and it is always easy to spot a person that does not have an assignment or belong in my settlement. (Hint, hint SYNTHS.)

I would like to hear more ideas about how you all use clothing in your settlements, or do you even bother? Just curious.
I would like to hear more ideas about how you all use clothing in your settlements, or do you even bother? Just curious.
Well some of the plots change the clothes on the settler, especially if you have a clothing store. Which is a good and bad idea because with a lot of modders doing that it becomes an issue when they use same clothing for other plots.

I have gone towards the ones with stats because that +1 or +2 can mean the difference when swapping to a higher tier plot Basic 0, advanced is 5, and hitech is 8 or 9. The speical also affects the output, if you look at the report that shows the stats without special, and then looks at the hover icon on the asam it shows the difference caused by specials.
I have not unlocked any of the additional plots as of yet so that may be something I need to handle down the road, but thanks for pointing that out. Something else to micro manage in the future to make certain that I have the proper people doing the right jobs. I had plans to try out the city planner on one of my settlements but so far nothing has happened there (other than the loss of 20 ASAM's), I think I have a resource shortage that I need to deal with though and not actually a problem with SS2.
While the clothing may or may not affect your characters SPECIAL stats, I have been using clothing to identify my settlers since FO4 launch. When I started playing SS1 the mini game I had created in the OG (finding said clothing items to give out) to identify my settlers became even more useful IE: Industrial workers wear hardhats/mining hats, farm workers wear baseball hats, store owners wear fashionable glasses, scavengers wear welding goggles, provisioners wear vault suits etc. With SS2 I am having to add a few more identifiers, but it adds to my immersion in the game and it is always easy to spot a person that does not have an assignment or belong in my settlement. (Hint, hint SYNTHS.)

I would like to hear more ideas about how you all use clothing in your settlements, or do you even bother? Just curious.
I’m the same, I use lots of mods to add immersive clothes and use them to add variety to my settlements, sometimes to the job they have (got a clinic? Use a lab coat).
On the topic of some plots giving people new outfits, I checked someones inventory earlier (wanted to give them a new gun) and they had 3 copies of the clothing their plot mustve given them, but werent wearing any of them?
On the topic of some plots giving people new outfits, I checked someones inventory earlier (wanted to give them a new gun) and they had 3 copies of the clothing their plot mustve given them, but werent wearing any of them?
Perhaps it wears something with better armor value, taking priority, or it have an outfit.
Perhaps it wears something with better armor value, taking priority.
Might be it. I'll keep an eye on that. Dressing them in something to act as "visual shorthand" to spot what job they work from a distance is a nice idea, though, might start doing that properly.
I like that mod. Ellianora’s sets also have some great lore friendly outfits including a field medic set for Curie which works well for a clinic.
Yep, I have Elinora's mod. I recently ditched AWKCR/UCO so kinda lost access to most of the common clothing, but it makes finding the clothing more valuable and makes me visit the clothing stores more often.
For the nurse I use the standalone version of Nurse's Dress but for general clothing I've been using Retro Fashion. Depending on the playthrough I may use an overhaul for the faction I'm choosing and dress guards in standard grunt uniforms for the faction.
On the topic of some plots giving people new outfits, I checked someones inventory earlier (wanted to give them a new gun) and they had 3 copies of the clothing their plot mustve given them, but werent wearing any of them?
I have noticed as well that my people will have a set of clothing in their inventory that I have previously taken from them. However for my visual "job" identifiers I mainly use accessory type items, hats glasses, under armors, etc. and I have not had any of them replaced by plot assignments so far. I will keep an eye on it though. I am very accustomed to my system so hopefully it will not change, but if certain addons have clothing mods applied I will just adapt as needed.