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Question Salvage Beacons repeatedly unassigned

Donald Liles

Round 1
Step 1. I loaded a conqueror and started a new game.
Step 2. I did the prologue,
Step 3. waited 2 hours in the vault for conqueror to fully load (which was a pain because I had to keep my laptop from going to sleep)
Step 4. did the sanctuary quest to meet codsword,
Step 5. went to red rocket, got dog,
Step 6 did concord, spared settlers, killed jammer (just didn't like him), and returned to sanctuary.
Step 7 started a city plan at sanctuary and made codsworth leader.
Step 8 assigned sturges at communications beacon and a settler to a settlers legends training mat (nabbed it while it was still on nexus).
Step 9 left a salvage beacon in a container around cambridge (some hour later) and was notified I needed to assign a comm specialist (sturges)
step 10 returned to sanctuary to find sturges working a plot instead of the comms table and the settler having abandoned their trianing mat (still retain legends perks and stats)
step 11 repeat steps 9-10 a few times and gave up
Rounds 2-3
Step 1 Repeat the previous round after changing mod.

Rounds 4
Step 1. disable conqueror (in case it was a conflict)
Step 2. start new game
Step 3 did prologue
Step 4 repeat steps 4-6 of Round 1 (minus killing jammer as he was now absent
Step 5 assigned codsworth as leader of red rocket and waited for a few settlers to gather, assigned a comms specialist (did not bother with settlers legend due to low population at time)
Step 6 meandered through quests for 2 hours (salvage beacons work as expected), return to red rocker and stations is vacant again and beacons stop working.
I have currently sunk around 30 hours into this.
I really like salvage beacons and simsettlements, but i will choose salvage beacons over ss if I have to, but i don't want to.
Any and all suggestions or fixes would be gravely appreciated.
What are your assignment settings?

You want auto assign "on"
auto assign away from beds "off"
auto assign away from work "off"
auto assaign unique NPC "off"

And then also make sure that involvement in the city building section of the holotape is set to "default". If it's set to low involvement it may be overriding the above assignment settings.

(Kinggath just mentioned this somewhere else and I was like aha the key. I'd try to finfd the link but I'm going to make coffee instead.)

Now Sturges and the other and any one else should stay assigned to their non-plot jobs even if a SS plot becomes available.

I really hope this gets you set.
What are your assignment settings?

You want auto assign "on"
auto assign away from beds "off"
auto assign away from work "off"
auto assaign unique NPC "off"

And then also make sure that involvement in the city building section of the holotape is set to "default". If it's set to low involvement it may be overriding the above assignment settings.

(Kinggath just mentioned this somewhere else and I was like aha the key. I'd try to finfd the link but I'm going to make coffee instead.)

Now Sturges and the other and any one else should stay assigned to their non-plot jobs even if a SS plot becomes available.

I really hope this gets you set.

The ingenious gentleman of La Macha to the rescue. Thanks.