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Return of the settlement reports?

Odd that there's been no replies to this question. Do I need to @ people? I would prefer not to bug Kinggath with this, but I have no idea who might be a better resource.
I think it is mostly just a spot to have people read and vote if they agree with you. I upvoted you.
Odd that there's been no replies to this question. Do I need to @ people? I would prefer not to bug Kinggath with this, but I have no idea who might be a better resource.
Don't. You make suggestions and people decide to react or not react. Maybe people don't care and upvote, that happens. Happened to me more than once even with a ton of people replying that I was right on my suggestion. Also, maybe you don't get upvoted because people don't see why they shuld upvote yet another "we need more info". You're not the first one to make this suggestion, I did the same a week after SS2's release.

And keep in mind, it's not because you don't see something reacted to or mentionned by the team that i is not being worked on. For all we know this might already be in the plans but for some reasons with the new system might be harder to integrate. We saw in the 1.0.5 update that something that was planned to be included at release wasn't because KG couldn't make it work how he wanted. Not a word was said about it beforehand, it's just something that was being worked on. So maybe it's the same ting with this too. Maybe they are trying to make it work but it's a matter of finding the right way to make it work.

Or Maybe Kinggath or Uituit will show up in 5 minutes to say that my idea requires too much reprogramming. Not that has happened in the past... cough. :secret
This was my first thought way back on v1.0.0 when I sat at the city planners desk terminal and went WTF? I truly look forward to the day the old reports return!

With my limited knowledge and peeks into the SS2 scripts, I can tell you these old tools will need to be completely re-written from scratch. I assume these tools won't be on the radar until the team has the core SS2 in a place where they are satisfied.
Thanks so much, @msalaba and @Irealys ! The "on the list" thing was my first reaction when I saw that they were missing in v1.0.0. I expect there might be a hint of, "do we recreate what we had, or can we make it better, and if so, how" kind of feature muddling that tends to always exist in projects. I'm kind of willing to wait. I guess. I'm not going to promise not to make faces though! Heehee
this is something i questioned maybe a day or two after launch of SS2.
It was such a neat and clear system to use in case you did not have the hud working.
Something as simple as reading a report on your stockpile levels of materials in your empire or the amount of plots of X type locally.
it is a feature that i feel is missing the most when i play.
I was thinking about these reports yesterday while building in Sanctuary. I wasn't sure if I'd built a Cemetary plot, and missed that I couldn't just look it up. So, I wandered the entire settlement a few times, and concluded that I hadn't. Pretty sure I have one now. Probably. ;)
Even if the function was moved to an administrative plot or town hall under municipals (regional office for HQ) it would be nice. Then you could check reports for various settle needs through a terminal, and have a noticeboard in case someone in town is chasing you for a side quest but you haven't bumped into. "Repopulating the commonwealth" might offer reports on regional developments as well. Threat reports from scouts or simply whether your settlement is covered by the hospital in the neighbouring town would also be nice. Might also give you a place to set some local policies, like prioritising workers being assigned to training relevant to their plot type until they could work the next tier. Switching guards and farmers because they've auto-assigned to opposite training is menial, but definitely gets annoying. If it were a regional branch for HQ, you may be able to deploy local security/CPD/Nightingales for regional tasks as well.
I swear I looked before I posted my duplicate request, but yeah, I really miss this. I'd like to see a Robco Population Management terminal that rolls the Old functionality in with the Settlement info on the pipboy, the Vaultec Settlement management, and the hud info, so you have immersive one stop shopping for management info.

So glad it's not just me!
I have settlements on 'simple' mode because I have no idea how many plots of various kinds I have let alone what level they are. I'm not expecting much to be done about this as I suspect the game engine was never built to accommodate much in the way of this kind of info.
I'm not expecting much to be done about this as I suspect the game engine was never built to accommodate much in the way of this kind of info.
That much is true. There is no direct method of creating and maintaining a database in the engine, from what I’ve heard on the stream. It is accomplished through « hacky » ways