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Reset resources panel


Active Member
Does anyone know if there is a way to reset the count in the resources panel? I seem to have an enormous amount of wood, and steel is negative gazillion. See image


  • ScreenShot10.png
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More than likely your game crapped out and your save is toast.

You should link your save to this post. I'm sure the staff would be interested in investigating.
I lost track of this... I’m playing on the new save, this time on city sim preset with just the basic (build, mech, org, rare). It’s just done in again . Org resources have flip negative 2 million odd...it doesn’t seem to effect actually needs as I can still build and upgrade plots. I’lll upload a save when I can.
I lost track of this... I’m playing on the new save, this time on city sim preset with just the basic (build, mech, org, rare). It’s just done in again . Org resources have flip negative 2 million odd...it doesn’t seem to effect actually needs as I can still build and upgrade plots. I’ll upload a save when I can.
That is the strangest bug. It is unlikely to be a mod conflict as this is a brand new mechanic, but WTF do I know....

The only thing I have had remotely related to this was in v1.0.0a??? maybe? where my total resources were more than double the max. Something like 47000 / 18000. If I built storage to "contain" the excess, the system would just add MORE to the total. I'd end up with something like 98000 / 48000...

I had other issues going on at the time and have since burned the Fallout 4 folder to the ground with a mini-nuke:explode:, along with any other related locations (like my docs and NMM) and reinstalled fresh w/Vortex. I have not seen this since (like 4 different playthroughs), so I don't know if it was due to whatever vexed me to the point of :nuke: the install or related to what you have.
Ive had the 'total' not be equal to what adding up all the Categories should be quite a bit, but not this one.
Now I'm no mathematician, but I don't think (1331 + 112) = 700? I did just have like 5 plots all upgrade at once the instant the scripts all realised the caravan link was active... that last plot on the right there also decided "level 1" looks like "level 0" in the process. And I don't even know where that 112 of the second resource came from - I don't even have a "biological materials" factory on this trade network, but there was quite a lot of random Junk in Abernathy's Workshop... did it add the resources it took to do those upgrades instead of subtract?


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Now I'm no mathematician, but I don't think (1331 + 112) = 700? I did just have like 5 plots all upgrade at once the instant the scripts all realised the caravan link was active... that last plot on the right there also decided "level 1" looks like "level 0" in the process. And I don't even know where that 112 of the second resource came from - I don't even have a "biological materials" factory on this trade network, but there was quite a lot of random Junk in Abernathy's Workshop... did it add the resources it took to do those upgrades instead of subtract?
Caravan plot produces brahminshit, which is fertilizer, which is an organic material.
Clara Belle does nothing because neither Clara Belle or Maisy was attached to the workshop.
Caravan plot produces brahminshit, which is fertilizer, which is an organic material.
Clara Belle does nothing because neither Clara Belle or Maisy was attached to the workshop.
Sure, but the caravan plots only came online 2-3 gamedays ago. And I just powered two more of those 1x1 Residentials and noticed that when they upgraded the resources in Virtual went up even more (it now says 1616 Building and 148 Organics, less than 2 ingame hours have passed since that last screenshot - and the Total still says 700/2600)
Sure, but the caravan plots only came online 2-3 gamedays ago. And I just powered two more of those 1x1 Residentials and noticed that when they upgraded the resources in Virtual went up even more (it now says 1616 Building and 148 Organics, less than 2 ingame hours have passed since that last screenshot - and the Total still says 700/2600)
Have you also forgotten that a other settlements will push extras to a settlement that has storage?
Have you also forgotten that a other settlements will push extras to a settlement that has storage?
I assumed that was a network-wide tally, since the 2600 updated when an Industrial in another settlement finished building. And all the values read the same in every settlement I own.
I assumed that was a network-wide tally, since the 2600 updated when an Industrial in another settlement finished building. And all the values read the same in every settlement I own.
..... if you make a settlement without any industry and with a lot of storage other settlements will fill it.
..... if you make a settlement without any industry and with a lot of storage other settlements will fill it.
I am clearly not understanding something fundamental here.
Then whats the POINT of the x/2600 value then? And that still doesnt explain why the resources are listing as the EXACT same numbers in three different settlements even the two that dont even have over 1k storage, or why the amounts listed went up (not down) as Residentials upgraded.
I am clearly not understanding something fundamental here.
Then whats the POINT of the x/2600 value then? And that still doesnt explain why the resources are listing as the EXACT same numbers in three different settlements even the two that dont even have over 1k storage, or why the amounts listed went up (not down) as Residentials upgraded.
Look at the tabs. Do you see the different between the settlement and the network?
EDIT: Disregard my posts in this thread, I really was missing the most obvious thing.
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Does anyone know if there is a way to reset the count in the resources panel? I seem to have an enormous amount of wood, and steel is negative gazillion. See image
I am also having the same issue. I managed to actually make a save where it happens a few seconds after loading (my guess is that the resource panel is updating and goes nuts somewhere along the way). Edit: I refreshed 1 of my settlements in a prior save and that briefly fixed the issue for a bit but the bug occurred again later during the save.

Edit 2: I think I know what the issue was. when I turned off operating costs (all 3) the panel didn't go negative. This bug may be similar to the 999 defense bug due to fallout not recognizing negative values thus making the resource panel go negative in some values.
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