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Old Post Refresh / change independent city plans mid-game


I would like to see a feature in the sim settlements holotape to refresh and/or change the city plans of independent cities mid-game.

With the recent city plan contest entries updates, I want the independent cities to use these cool new city plans but I can't without starting a new game.

Also I wanted to change use designer's choice to on mid-game since I'm seeing some weird un-thematic plots in the independent cities, but I can't because at the start of the game I set it to off because I thought it won't be necessary. Same thing with wanting to change complex back to optimized city plans mid-game.

In summary, please add a configuration option to allow us to change/reset the city plans of independentt settlements in Conqueror mid-game.
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I'd like this, too. Since SS:Conqueror was initially designed as an end-game project but is being tested from a new start, I find myself often stuck with un-optimized settlements, or plans that are too large/cumbersome for my XBone (even with the optimized city plans, tho the current version seems very stable vs the prior one, maybe due to the new static object rendering?). I've managed to re-choose and rebuild after I take a settlement (and find I need to allow myself to control vassals as I am starting a new game and not attacking end-game settlements that are maxed in level), but would like to do this more freely before I take over one once I see which city plan got used.
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