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Suggestion Raider spawns in a quest


Well-Known Member
There is a certain quest in ROTC where you anger a raider group. It is a great quest and I was really enjoying the adventure side of it, trying to figure out where to go next.
In the end, I had to put on simple objectives to speed things up. Why? Because the raiders that come after you kept on spawning right next to me when I slept in one of my settlements. My settlements with massive walls and turrets etc to keep bad guys out. My settlement where I don't wear my power armour 24/7, especially when I am sleeping (obviously).
Anyway, I think it would be much better if the raiders only spawned out in the commonwealth, and not only when you fast travel or sleep as they seem to do now. Otherwise, it does seem to clash with one of the features of settlement building, which is keeping the raiders OUT.
Often Bethesda has NPCs teleport through walls if they can't get to their target. Walls are 90% cosmetic, sadly. They may well spawn outside the walls... but if they can't get to you... pop! Surprise!