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Questions: Game Crashes

Is that 2:1 at the outpost level? Or Army-wide?

Morale is per Outpost so just at the Outpost Level. The equivalent ratio in a Vassal is 2 Civilians for every other role.

Since your W/R/E needs are army-wide I am guessing the bars on the hud are all you have to go on, right? Is there a way I can see what an individual plot and/or worker are generating?

The only way I know of is to drop only one of each kind of resource plot and then check the settlement report at the WP desk after they start to get worked. The report will tell you your total production for each resource.

If you are at HQ, subtract 50 from each, and then you'll know how much is being produced at each plot.

Make note if there are any or how many up arrows you have on your morale bar. Production per plot/per level will go up as you get more arrows. What the report shows will be tied to current morale.

Last time I did this I had just got a set of resource plots (1Com/1Ag/1Ind) up and running. All worked by warriors. Morale was 3 up arrows full. Each plot produced 16 resources. (Report showed 66 across the board. Remember HQ produces 50 of each on its own.) After a raid, Morale went to 5 up arrows full, and these same plots then produced 20 resources each.

If you get a handle on this, you'll notice something interesting when these plots level. If you do, we can talk about it later. Maybe you'll be able to help me explain it.

Maybe I don't have my options set correctly, but any raider that works a plot other than recreation and martial gets turned into a worker, no matter what I had them set to initially. I am always struggling to keep just 5 warriors to do raids as I expand, because they all seem to get siphoned off to man plots, and become non-warriors. I have resorted to having 5 rec plots in my main base simply so I can keep the warrior baseline at the minimum. Is there something I should be doing differently?

To anyone and everyone I preach the gospel of turning off auto role change! in your Conqueror settings.


Because of exactly what you say. Your warriors aren't warriors anymore. You are having to game the auto role change system to keep them as warriors, I say turn it on its head (off) and then game the system to make them workers and guards as needed. You need lots of warriors. I mean a whole bunch. You only need some workers and some guards.

Let's consider the only case where auto role change would work perfectly for the right morale ratio: you'd need to always have 2 recreation plots for any other work plot or martial plot. And those rec plots would need to assigned in the right rhythm to the others.

But if I want 20 warriors in a settlement, I don't want 20 recreation plots. My xbox can handle 20 warriors, it can't handle twenty recreation plots along with all the other plots I need in one settlement.

With auto role change on, plots control roles, not you. So they only way to control it is to control when and what plots you put down. I'd rather keep all my recruits as warriors, build at my usual pace, and then change a few to other roles-- but only as needed by circumstances in game.

My last largest Outpost had 30 recruits: 20 warriors/10 other roles. 6 of these others were patrols, 2 were guards, and 2 were workers. I always knew where the workers were: at the only two industrial plots. My twenty warriors worked a combination of rec plots/ martial plots or guard posts/ pillories (to keep them in one spot), or I just left them unemployed. Warriors are one of the only two recruit types that still has a use when unassigned/unemployed: warriors are Control. Every warrior you have makes each of your Patrols more effective.

Warriors can be assigned to anything/do anything, but not if auto role change is on. When it's time for battle, they will drop what they are doing and meet up with you to crack some heads,.Then, if they live, they'll go back to whatever it was they were doing before.

I'm open minded so if anyone can explain me the benefits of auto role change being on, I'll listen. Probably won't change my opinion, but I'll listen
Thanks again for laying it all out there. Your reasoning makes sense. It makes me wonder why auto assign is defaulted to on. (It may have been set to "on" because I chose "handle things automatically" option when the game first launches). There is enough to wrap my head around as it is, trying to game the auto assign is something that was just making it even harder to figure things out and stabilize.
All of this discussion on the many threads still leaves me wondering if there will be a update to the liberators side of the mod that takes into account that they are not conquerors and are more willing to work on other types of jobs to support their cause. That would mean less of a deficit in production levels than conqueror factions, but still less than normal settlers due to other jobs.
There is 100% for sure room to expand on the liberator concept. I think it would be cool to be able to start a game with the entire commonwealth under the control of one or more conqueror factions, and have to scout, run assaults, guard your settlements, manage your army, etc etc. as you work your way through the map. Liberated settlements could chose to align with you (or not, or maybe it takes some coaxing), and you would get benefits based on how they felt towards you, etc etc. (just spitballing)
I downloaded some faction packs just to try them out. I just captured an empty settlement far enough away from my main base to be outside my "network" so I claimed it for the faction I downloaded (Children of Atom). They previously didnt exist in my game.

What happens now? Am I in charge of the Children of Atom faction? Do I build up this settlement as the main base for CoA? If I install a city plan, will they build it just like any other cityplan? Can I raid my own settlements (guessing yes)?

What kind of possibilities are opened up by doing what I am doing.
I downloaded some faction packs just to try them out. I just captured an empty settlement far enough away from my main base to be outside my "network" so I claimed it for the faction I downloaded (Children of Atom). They previously didnt exist in my game.

What happens now? Am I in charge of the Children of Atom faction? Do I build up this settlement as the main base for CoA? If I install a city plan, will they build it just like any other cityplan? Can I raid my own settlements (guessing yes)?

What kind of possibilities are opened up by doing what I am doing.

You are now in control of 2 factions.
Sounds easy at first, got way too complicated after a while with the whole warrior needs thing.
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Hmm. Can I kill off/abandon my CoA faction if things don't work out? Pretty sure the main base can never be lost via hostile takeover.
Pretty sure the main base can never be lost via hostile takeover.

My guess is this only applies to attacks by factions you don't control. You should be able to run an establish outpost or maybe even an establish vassal assault with one faction you control against another faction you control. You'd be fighting yourself in this scenario. You are bound to win (and lose.)
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A.) Ok so, I just ran a raid on another settlement to create an outpost. Brought all of my warriors with me. I get there, complete the raid, the quest completes. All of my warriors then became residents of the settlement I just captured. Instantly, there was an attack on my main base because my control there was basically zero. I assume more attacks are coming.

I mean, surely that's a bug, right? I pretty tediously managed where most of my warriors were stationed, and what plots they were working, and now I am faced with doing all of that again, which just doesn't make sense. Maybe I screwed up by taking all of my warriors, I normally only take the minimum. I know there is an auto assign attackers to vassal option (which I have turned off), but this was a capture/kill, not a vassal takeover. Hopefully I won't have to roll my saves back too far. Pretty frustrated right now.

B.) I have yet to have any soldier gain enough experience in any role to rank up.I have been playing long enough that I would have expected someone to rank up (the amount of job swapping that was happening before I turned off auto-assign jobs wasnt helping I am sure)
  1. How long is that supposed to take?
  2. Do they gain XP passively?
  3. Do warriors actually have to hit shots, do damage, get kills on a raid? Or do they simply have to be present?
  4. Is there any way to know they have ranked up (like some sort of visual indicator) besides pressing R while hovering them?
  5. I assume the answer is "they are just better at their jobs" but is there anywhere to see what each rank actually does, or how many ranks there are?
C.) Armory - I have an armory at my base. I am not sure how it works exactly. Does it have to be staffed to function? (I assume yes). I found this, which is helpful:
    Armories will auto-equip soldiers based on their Rank and the level of the Armory.
    Armory L1 will equip soldiers with the RankOutfit field from the faction’s RankLoadout for their rank.
    Armory L2 will equip soldiers with the RankWeapon field from the faction’s RankLoadout for their rank.
    Armory L3 will give soldiers the RankGear field from the faction’s RankLoadout for their rank at the start of every new assault.
Is there a way to see what RankOutfit, RankWeapon, and RankGear actually are (besides looking at the file). I have no idea if my armor is actually doing anything.
Also, I have some different versions of the armory that are faction themed. That *is* just a theme right, and doesn't have any underlying mechanics on their functionality, correct? Like if I build a BoS Armory in my raider camp, its still going to work right?
Your troops only gain experience when attacking and defending. No experience gain working.
You hear a pop and can visually see like a quick plasma bubble around the warriors that have leveled up.
Pretty sure there's a breakdown of how much do they get per raid in the wiki.

All buildings should give the same benefits no matter what faction they were originally for.
You are correct. I found it on the wiki. My mistake. I was juggling 3 lines of questions in my head and just looked over it.

Would love some input on my warriors being assigned to the outpost they just captured, though. I cant imagine that is intended.
Would love some input on my warriors being assigned to the outpost they just captured, though. I cant imagine that is intended.

Pretty sure it is. Outposts are extensions of your HQ, consider them as strategic attack bases. So yeah your warriors (used during attack) are supposed to reassign to the new Outpost.

After a vassal attack, I think 2 to 4 are supposed to stay at the vassal as guards to "exert" your dominance over the population.
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Hmm. I suppose I could see that argument. I am going to wind up assigning all of them back to their original locations, otherwise my production is going to fall way behind. It is hard enough to get all 3 bars full, let alone when all the people working the plots to generate the resources get reassigned to a new outpost. Maybe I am doing something wrong...

Edit: Also, all of the warriors at the new outpost do not have the role button (R) when hovering over, only Talk. I assume that is either temporary after a raid completes, or a script backup.
Edit 2: I can interact now, probably just a temporary thing.
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In all honesty, you can conquer pretty much all of the Commonwealth with maybe 5 outposts and have the rest as vassals. The only real reason to have more outposts is if you like to do defense missions, in which case the more slaver outposts you have, the more times you will be attacked.

And yes, the role button disappears for a while to allow the other control scripts to run first.
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Would love some input on my warriors being assigned to the outpost they just captured, though. I cant imagine that is intended.

After a successful establish Outpost raid, any warrior who is still alive will move into that new Outpost. New (replacement) recruits will then replenish/replace/(fill in the gaps left) at whatever outpost or outposts they originally came from( provided recruitment requirements are met).

Advancing too fast or with too many troops may leave your rear vulnerable until new replacement troops can be deployed.

But, you don't have keep these warriors at the new outpost. You can use their Conqueror Options sub-menu to move them back to HQ or to redeploy them to any other outpost.

Basically, you can decide how many need to stay and how many need to go back based on your situation in the game.

Keep in mind that all brand new recruitment (not replenishment recruitment) happens at HQ.

So if you establish a new Outpost with x number of attackers and they all live and move in, this new outpost will not get any new recruits unless you send some from HQ or another outpost.

The outposts they came from, however, will be replenished with new recruits if recruitment needs are filled. If x number of troops left this outpost, they will be replaced by x number of new recruits.

There are two ways to grow your army: new recruitment ( only happens at HQ ) and establishing outposts and then having the attackers who move out be replenished/replaced in their origin outposts.

Once I get my first HQ to near 30 recruits, I move my HQ so that I can continue to get new recruits without gumming up my settlement with too many people.

Eventually I have a small HQ focused just on controlling new recruitment. Say 5 beds. When these fill up, I kit them out to my liking and redeploy them to other outposts.

It gets easier the more outposts you have. It is most difficult in the beginning. Taking your second outpost can leave your HQ vulnerable and can also disrupt your Control scheme for a time. Having some w/r/e surplus banked before trying to establish another Outpost helps. This speeds up the replacement process and minimizes the time you are vulnerable.

I'm not sure any one every has ever taken me up on this suggestion: but focus your Control on just one vassal and improve it to meet your needs.

A well developed vassal is key. Raid any number of other settlements and make them vassals, but don't worry about Controlling or keeping them. Raid, pull back, regroup, raid again. Lose them and raid them again and again. If you don't move any guards in, you'll gain temporary boosts to w/r/e and risk nothing when the vassal is liberated.

Or, if you are a liberator, liberate, but pull back, and liberate again.

More fights means more experience for your troops. With well developed resource production, losing weak recruits won't be a problem: They will be replaced with the wages and rations and equipment of the dead.
Thanks for all the help bully. You are saving me some major headaches.

I wasnt aware of the replenish vs new recruitment. I get what you are saying, but I am 99% sure I get new recruits at all of my outposts that have settler beacons (almost all do). Not sure if that is just vanilla mechanics coming into play, but they do come in as warriors (not just settlers/civilians)
I get new recruits at all of my outposts that have settler beacons (almost all do). Not sure if that is just vanilla mechanics coming into play, but they do come in as warriors (not just settlers/civilians)

Thanks, @b0x !

This is good to know. TBH I've stopped using beacons for recruitment and wondered about this. There's so much to keep up with it's hard to get a handle on everything. Reports from the field are the best.
So I have had intermittent issues with my raiders unequipping things I have given them and equipped on them. It happens pretty seldom. (I like to put different gear on my different roles just to make them easier to pick out, like different colored bandanas, etc)

However, I just launched an assault, and all 5 of the raiders that came without had unequipped every piece of gear I had given to them. Some were mostly naked depending on how much I had changed. Has anyone else run into this? Maybe it has something to do with armor equipping?
Turn off armory on the raiders you equip yourself. It's in the same menu as role change.

And try to keep them away from shooting range, not sure if kinggath has been able to fix that yet.
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