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Question re Salvage Beacons and RotC donating


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In ROTC, donating stuff (food/water) that the settlers can't store - or stuff that the settlers aren't sure what to do about - gets the stuff dumped into your characters inventory.

Does the same happen when donating via Salvage Beacons?

I ask specifically because it might be very inconvenient in the middle of a firefight to suddenly find yourself weighed down by a bunch of salvage that was sent a couple of hours ago.

(Murphy's Three Laws, and Murphy was an optimist y'know...)

In ROTC, donating stuff (food/water) that the settlers can't store - or stuff that the settlers aren't sure what to do about - gets the stuff dumped into your characters inventory.

Does the same happen when donating via Salvage Beacons?

I ask specifically because it might be very inconvenient in the middle of a firefight to suddenly find yourself weighed down by a bunch of salvage that was sent a couple of hours ago.

(Murphy's Three Laws, and Murphy was an optimist y'know...)


Nope, the salvage beacons items go in the settlement workbench in the settlement that you designated for the team to return it to. No connection to the other process in the default.

Fundamentally two different processes.

As you said, the declined settler contributions are put back into the player inventory.
HI, I just watched Kinggaths video about the Donation system in RotC and he talks about integrating Salvage Beacons with SS, so I guess by your question that they're already integrated, right?

If yes, then I find weird that my settler assigned to the comm station does not start a house by it's own (it seems like the two mods can't communicate with each other). I've placed many residential plots (10 to be exact, and I have only 5 settlers), and all the other settlers started building their own houses, but the guy at the comm station is homeless according to the ASAM sensor and I tried sleeping for 3 days straight to see if it fixes, but no, he's still homeless. Is this normal? If I assign him manually to a plot, he starts building the house, but is unassigned from the comm station IIRC. Thanks in advance.
HI, I just watched Kinggaths video about the Donation system in RotC and he talks about integrating Salvage Beacons with SS, so I guess by your question that they're already integrated, right?

If yes, then I find weird that my settler assigned to the comm station does not start a house by it's own (it seems like the two mods can't communicate with each other). I've placed many residential plots (10 to be exact, and I have only 5 settlers), and all the other settlers started building their own houses, but the guy at the comm station is homeless according to the ASAM sensor and I tried sleeping for 3 days straight to see if it fixes, but no, he's still homeless. Is this normal? If I assign him manually to a plot, he starts building the house, but is unassigned from the comm station IIRC. Thanks in advance.
Nope, I've got SB installed as well. It works great for donating from "the field" - at last there is a motivation for grabbing every single minor piece of leather armor and sending it somewhere.

Which reminds me, I must get to my "normal destination" and do some stripping of mods/distributing of gear.
Nope, I've got SB installed as well. It works great for donating from "the field" - at last there is a motivation for grabbing every single minor piece of leather armor and sending it somewhere.

Which reminds me, I must get to my "normal destination" and do some stripping of mods/distributing of gear.
Sorry, I think I chose my words poorly. I didn't mean integrated as if SB comes with SS, I was referring to the option to make a donation to a City via salvage beacon, wich accordingly to the video wasn't possible before. So what you're saying answers my question, yes they are "integrated" right now.

I still need a help with the problem I mentioned above, since both mods were made by KG, I find it weird that my settler assigned to the communication station doesn't start his own house. I just want to know if it's only at my end or really meant to be this way.
HI, I just watched Kinggaths video about the Donation system in RotC and he talks about integrating Salvage Beacons with SS, so I guess by your question that they're already integrated, right?

If yes, then I find weird that my settler assigned to the comm station does not start a house by it's own (it seems like the two mods can't communicate with each other). I've placed many residential plots (10 to be exact, and I have only 5 settlers), and all the other settlers started building their own houses, but the guy at the comm station is homeless according to the ASAM sensor and I tried sleeping for 3 days straight to see if it fixes, but no, he's still homeless. Is this normal? If I assign him manually to a plot, he starts building the house, but is unassigned from the comm station IIRC. Thanks in advance.

Hey, see:

To be honest I have used SB with zero problems for a very long time. That said there maybe other mechanics other folks are implementing as part of their mods that I am not fully aware of. Whispers question was specific enough I thought I could help. I am not sure housing assignment is a SB problem or an indicator of another issue. I would make sure you wait a good long time hovering the mouse over each one until you are sure the assignment has taken.

Sorry, I can’t be more helpful.

Edit, I see you came back as I wrote this. I’ll check it out in my game tonight. I want to know if my settler is still assigned to a House.
Hey, see:

To be honest I have used SB with zero problems for a very long time. That said there maybe other mechanics other folks are implementing as part of their mods that I am not fully aware of. Whispers question was specific enough I thought I could help. I am not sure housing assignment is a SB problem or an indicator of another issue. I would make sure you wait a good long time hovering the mouse over each one until you are sure the assignment has taken.

Sorry, I can’t be more helpful.

Edit, I see you came back as I wrote this. I’ll check it out in my game tonight. I want to know if my settler is still assigned to a House.

Thanks for your response. Actually it's not that big of a deal, but it bugs me because if both mods were made by KG, it's expected that they work fine together, right? I think it has something to do with Salvage beacons because:
  1. The settler assigned to the communication got his named changed to something like "communication station guy" (not THAT, but something like that lol). Even if I unassign him, his name does not change it back to Settler, it stays like that.
  2. Every other settler started their house, even the settlers that arrived AFTER I assigned that settler to the communication station. The only one that is still homeless is him (and I made sure that "Assign away from bed" is turned on).
yeah but feel-ya it should work. I seldom use city plans but a few nights ago I built the communication desk.
Haven’t even assigned a settler to it yet. So, an easy check.

Sometimes things get garbled with updates and load order adjustments so I’ll reply back to the threads if something isn’t right in my game. I am interested to see also, and the timing was perfect. As it is also a new game. It’s a baked save without load order changes so I am curious.
yeah but feel-ya it should work. I seldom use city plans but a few nights ago I built the communication desk.
Haven’t even assigned a settler to it yet. So, an easy check.

Sometimes things get garbled with updates and load order adjustments so I’ll reply back to the threads if something isn’t right in my game. I am interested to see also, and the timing was perfect. As it is also a new game. It’s a baked save without load order changes so I am curious.
Thanks for your help. I'm also curious to hear your feedback. :)
Thanks for your help. I'm also curious to hear your feedback. :)
hey, sorry. In my game I was able to assign and reassign to homes and the communication desk repeatedly with different settlers. Each assignment and reassignment stuck (home and desk)

If you have a lot going on in that settlement I would just give it a day or so in-game and try again.

Things can get a little backed up at times as plots go through upgrade cycles. I don't think what you are experiencing is a broken-function, just a script delay.

If you continue to have that type of issue after going somewhere else for a while finding a quite interior cell and have your character just stand and look at a blank wall for like 10mins then make a "SAVE" before going back to that settlement. If it is still happening check the save you made after waiting with Fallrim and post the Fallrim results so folks can see what is going on and maybe make some suggestions.
Hi! Sorry for the late response, I was busy playing all the weekend! lol

Just to be clear, I'm not having any serious game-breaking issues, so I'm not actually much worried with this.

But I just want to be sure, your settler wasn't renamed to "Comm Operator" when you assigned him to the comm station? And when you unassing him, his names goes back to "Settler" or stays like that? I'm just asking to know if everything is working as intended with my savegame.
Hi! Sorry for the late response, I was busy playing all the weekend! lol

Just to be clear, I'm not having any serious game-breaking issues, so I'm not actually much worried with this.

But I just want to be sure, your settler wasn't renamed to "Comm Operator" when you assigned him to the comm station? And when you unassing him, his names goes back to "Settler" or stays like that? I'm just asking to know if everything is working as intended with my savegame.
Zonary, no worries,

It becomes Comm Operator, then goes back to Settler. I have a mod-Rename anything so after a while I kind of rename most folks in game.

Like the other girl in the background. Her name is pumpkin


This is DR Love, but I think she is dead?

Zonary, no worries,

It becomes Comm Operator, then goes back to Settler. I have a mod-Rename anything so after a while I kind of rename most folks in game.
View attachment 2583

Like the other girl in the background. Her name is pumpkin

View attachment 2582

This is DR Love, but I think she is dead?


Hahaha the first one is cute! but Dr Love looks like those creepy sex dolls lol

It goes back to Settler automatically or because of this rename mod you say? I still find it weird that mine stays "Comm operator" forever... But I didn't encounter any other issues with my game. Oh, sometimes when I use many salvage beacons across the wasteland and I get back home (the destiny of all my salvage beacons), I have like 6 or 8 "Salvagers" (the "settler" respawned by salvage beacon) standing right in front of my house. Sometimes they stay there for quite some time (more than 3 in game days). But after I fast travel between some areas a bit, when I get back they're no longer there. I opened my save with fallrim tools but everything looks fine, 7 active scripts and 0 suspended stacks. Forgot to take a screen to post here.
click on her and console ~ disable then enable and she should reset.