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QOL Suggestion Megathread


Active Member
So it's megathread time.
This is a megathread for all small Quality-Of-Life suggestions. Minor stuff too small for their own threads. This is not a thread for plot suggestions or story suggestions. Just very minor features that would greatly improve quality of life overall.

I'll start us off with my own. This list will grow as this thread does.

  • "Unassign settlers from this plot" Option for ASAMs. Because unassigning settlers manually can be a pain in the rear, and doing it through the town meeting gavel is even more annoying.
  • "No Auto Assign for this plot" Option for ASAMs. Something in the same vein. Say you want to have agility training rec plots set aside for your guards. Only problem.. is that all the other settlers jump on them, and unassigning them from them can be a pain in the rear (ESPECIALLY if they're multi-settler capable.) so it would be nice to have an option that blocks settlers from being assigned to this particular plot without having to turn auto-assign off entirely.
  • "Summoned Assigned" Feature for Asams. Like the townhall hammer, but localized for that plot.
  • Snappable Containers.
  • Method to buy/sell VR Storage components/categories. For if you have a massive over/understock of certain items.
  • Ability to turn the Communications Radio Beacon off. So that way I can run my settlement with however many settlers I think it should have, not what some script thinks I should have. Also to stop Unique Settlers from spawning in your settlements.

    Because let's face it, ATM unique settlers are annoying. So I'm going to lump my QOL suggestions concerning them into one section.
  • ALL Unique/SPECIAL settlers are found in the wild instead of being beacon-specific. This is a bit large for a QOL suggestion, but as I pointed out in another thread, this system of special settlers is very annoying.
  • Cap on spawning them. 1 settler per in-game week per ever 3 settlements. The timer starts when their quest ends. That way they don't pile up in your settlements constantly.
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QOL suggestion:
Right now, the player has the ability to fast travel to, but not from, the HQ. Being able to leave the HQ from anywhere would be really convenient (though it would make the fire escape upgrade a little less useful).
For starters I would like to see the tools that were present in SS1. They were very useful for keeping in eye
on the settlements. The new resource/status panel shows if there is a deficit of any plots but won't give you any actual numbers.
It also doesn't show how much extra you have (how many more settlers you cant bring in with the current amount of plots).

I also would like an "upgrade all eligible plots" option (for when the plots don't uppgrade automatically because can't afford the cost".Then a "refresh all plots"
(like there were in SS1) would be nice for just refreshing plots stuck with construction status but that actually have finished construction.,
I am always looking for "Red" as something that needs fixing. I mean, it should be easy to spot. The Residential Plot color is throwing a wrench in that. Could we mark those as white/grey or something less popping? Not sure how many other people would appreciate it, but put me right up on that list. Thank you!
I only have 2 ideas, beyond what’s been listed here:

the city manager console (the laptop on a TV dinner stand) could be radiant powered instead of hardwired.

charles baker needs chat options for trade, send to hq, and sell books. You can change his inventory with console commands, but can’t recruit him to hq and he only says one thing right now. edit if you have five books he gives you the option to turn them in, you can use that opportunity to send him to hq. Make sure you have enough living space

also, do the Mk 1 beacons have to weigh 10 lbs? 5 isn’t enough?
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For starters I would like to see the tools that were present in SS1. They were very useful for keeping in eye
on the settlements. The new resource/status panel shows if there is a deficit of any plots but won't give you any actual numbers.
It also doesn't show how much extra you have (how many more settlers you cant bring in with the current amount of plots).

I also would like an "upgrade all eligible plots" option (for when the plots don't uppgrade automatically because can't afford the cost".Then a "refresh all plots"
(like there were in SS1) would be nice for just refreshing plots stuck with construction status but that actually have finished construction.,
I have been working on a mod to do just that. Its tons of work. Its not easy to decipher some systems needed to extract that data. The bug testing / fixing is exhausting... not to mention irl has a hold on my partner. Anyway, I had aimed to have it done in time for Chapter 2. Now? Maybe by the end of the year. I have the basic structure setup, its just needs some (ok, a lot) polish.

Its goals are:
  • Put numbers to the needs panel
  • List all plots in a settlement, showing number of occupants and plot status
  • show plot details including assigned settlers
  • Sort and list all settlers by stats
  • Show settler details including assignments
  • Tracking - any object in any menu - PITA...
  • Refresh all plots in a settlement
  • Other utilities - so far just a force refresh of the needs HUD (which shouldn't be needed post 2.0.0c)
Most of this is complete. The tracking system has been challenging to iron out. In the future, if I can figure out how (I'm close) I want to add assign / unassign functions.