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Public Beta 3.2.2


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Tonight's beta is primarily bug fixes, but we've got a little treasure for extended users: a brand new building plan for Katelyn and Laura!
Because of C3 coming up this weekend, I'm going to be releasing this patch Thursday instead of Friday (don't want to risk missing my panels because I'm busy trying to push the patch out!)

Patch Notes:
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Nightingale hospital to upgrade too soon, causing NPCs to be in a different cell than expected.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent unit types from correctly registering. This would result in some unit types not showing up for some players.
  • Fixed a bug that would show “Prisoner Options” for Crow Corvus during the quest to rescue him.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent Raphael from returning to the hospital if dismissed.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a wall to disappear in the upgraded version of the Nightingale Hospital.
  • Fixed a bug in the ship during the quest Sunken Treasure that could cause a weird haze to cover some player’s screens.
  • Fixed a bug during the quest The Battle of Quincy, where the first scene at the radio tower could fail to trigger.
  • Fixed several bugs in the Super Duper Mart portion of the quest The Battle of Quincy for certain paths involving Wise.
  • Fixed a bug during the quest The Battle of Quincy where several Gunners could end up without weapons.
  • Fixed the audio and subtitle on one of Ambassador Sullivan’s lines that had previously resulted in her speaking the line for a different character.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the cheat section of the holotape from skipping directly to the quest Flickerin Lights.
  • HQ room built workbenches will no longer link to HQ like a normal object, this will prevent an issue where players were able to access the dummy objects HQ uses for resources.
    • This change only affects newly built or refreshed rooms after this patch.
  • During the quest Vim and Vigor, players will now find a key on Claudia’s body which will open the container described in her holotape for players who manage to hunt it down.
  • Fixed a bug with the CPD unit unlock that would fail to display an icon and would show the description for the Super Mutant unlock.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the ally meeting notifications to not use the pipboy radio effect correctly.
  • Fixed another bug that could cause two copies of Fiona to appear at HQ under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow HQ to notify the player of a new ally arriving at HQ even while the quest The Battle of Quincy was in progress.
  • Fixed a bug where Fiona could be unresponsive at HQ instead of progressing the quest Prodigal.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the miscellaneous HQ Radio objective from updating the name of the person the player should call back.
    • This issue was most noticeable during the quest State of War, where the objective could sometimes get stuck on the wrong character, leaving players to assume the quest was broken, not realizing they were meant to call a different character than what was displayed.
  • [Xbox and Non-Extended Users] Switched Algernon’s Power Armor to use vanilla textures. This should resolve an issue where the material appeared plastic looking.
  • [SS2 Extended] Added new 2x2 Residential building plan unlock for Katelyn and Laura. This unlocks after receiving the ending where Jake mentions they’ll be staying in the Commonwealth.
  • Modified the artillery scene during the quest The Battle of Quincy so the dialogue camera is no longer used, making it more likely the player actually gets to see the explosions.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause some daily resource production to fail under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that would make player desk donations only look to local storage for space instead of also making use of the network storage.

Download Public Beta 3.2.2

Please keep responses to this thread relevant to issues mentioned in the change notes above so we don't derail the focus. If you have other issues with the mod, please continue to post them in the help section - once one of our team members is able to replicate your issue, they will put it on our internal tracker.

Thanks for checking this out!
