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Public Beta 2.2.6


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Update 12/11/22: Download v2
Update 12/12/22: Download RotC Beta

Full patch notes for everything here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/112NyXSNcnc-w0bCERoJ4A9YXolDgsrMPjsdTaE8Muhs/edit?usp=sharing
File Link: Download Public Beta 2.2.6

Tonight's public beta features some big changes to the default gameplay settings - particularly for HQ - for non-Hardcore players and some significant under-the-hood code changes designed to improve performance. Most notable changes:
  • HQ should now be significantly easier by default for non Survival/Hardcore players on new saves, or for players who run the options wizard again and choose Automated or City Builder.
  • Plot production code has been overhauled to make it more efficient and to better handle paying operating costs.
  • Fixed several bugs with Commercial plots that could cause them not to work as expected, including failure to display industrial produced inventory, displaying incorrect inventory, or not any at all. (You will likely need to refresh any plots where the shopkeeper is experiencing issues in your save)

Due to the complexity of these changes, plus my own loss of significant development time between Thanksgiving and a recent illness, this patch will not be released until the 16th (rather than the 9th which it normally would have been on our tri-weekly schedule). There will presumably be quite a few more changes in upcoming builds - so keep an eye on this thread for new versions over the next week!

As usual with the Public Betas, please keep responses to this thread relevant to what's covered in these notes so I can stay focused on what we're trying to patch for this cycle. Also, please do not post issues unique to this beta outside of this thread.

Thanks everyone for taking a look!
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  • Unlocks will no longer play a sound if they do not have a pop-up message or item correctly configured. This should eliminate an issue where several unlock sounds play at the start of a new game due to misconfigured unlocks in addon packs.
I had been wondering about that. I should try and figure out which addon pack is playing that noise without a popup and sneaking a Railroad Stealth Boy into my inventory before even leaving 111...
Sweet - Ill build a new game and do a run to the HQ :D
  • HQ Settings are now incorporated into the default difficulty settings, and the options profiles as follows:
    • Override Timers: On for Hardcore/Survival, Off for others.
curious about the reasoning behind this, as I would assume Override Timers (which helps getting through all the HQ projects faster) would be defaulted to 'On' for easier difficulties, not more difficult ones (although I can see it for Survival, since you can't easily just hop over to HQ whenever a project is finished).
curious about the reasoning behind this, as I would assume Override Timers (which helps getting through all the HQ projects faster) would be defaulted to 'On' for easier difficulties, not more difficult ones (although I can see it for Survival, since you can't easily just hop over to HQ whenever a project is finished).
Oops - that's just me typing my notes backwards!
Sorry if I'm missing something very obvious, but how do I install it? And what about later, when more updates come out? Using MO2.
Sounds just like what everyone wanted, even if the HQ stuff is only ticking the boxes the players could easily tick themselves. The efficient production code is interesting.
(And the confirmation that gunner attacks didn't in fact have a cap in numbers)
If you are going to use the betas, you will need to know which files are exactly needed for your install. These betas "usually" contain all of ss2 chapter 1 and 2 files plus extended, plus workshop framework, plus the dlc settlers file. These betas are usually all in one package, to save time. You need to look in the package and add or remove whichever files you need or dont need. I personally create an empty folder and name it whatever I want and then put all of the SS2 files I need in it and repack it and use that package as an installer. If you do it this way, then you simply uninstall the older SS2 files and install the current package. Some people use extended, some dont. Same for DLC settlers patch.
How long do you want to wait on beta feedback? since some of this stuff may be directly related to things I've bitched about recently, I want to check it out :) However I may not get to it for awhile.

Do think that not having such a tight energy limit at the beginning of HQ and being able to move in more settlers to compensate earlier without having to be locked into building living quarters and finishing that line of the quest would do wonders. More cleanings etc also. There's no need to make the game so much easier permanently. There's basically no room to make mistakes/experiment in the early part of HQ building, thats the biggest issue. That coupled with the assignment lag/bugs when you largely only have one thing to do and the scripts not responding/bugging out makes the whole ordeal much more crippling than it has to be.
Full patch notes for everything here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/112NyXSNcnc-w0bCERoJ4A9YXolDgsrMPjsdTaE8Muhs/edit?usp=sharing
File Link: Download Public Beta 2.2.6

Tonight's public beta features some big changes to the default gameplay settings - particularly for HQ - for non-Hardcore players and some significant under-the-hood code changes designed to improve performance. Most notable changes:
  • HQ should now be significantly easier by default for non Survival/Hardcore players on new saves, or for players who run the options wizard again and choose Automated or City Builder.
  • Plot production code has been overhauled to make it more efficient and to better handle paying operating costs.
  • Fixed several bugs with Commercial plots that could cause them not to work as expected, including failure to display industrial produced inventory, displaying incorrect inventory, or not any at all. (You will likely need to refresh any plots where the shopkeeper is experiencing issues in your save)

Due to the complexity of these changes, plus my own loss of significant development time between Thanksgiving and a recent illness, this patch will not be released until the 16th (rather than the 9th which it normally would have been on our tri-weekly schedule). There will presumably be quite a few more changes in upcoming builds - so keep an eye on this thread for new versions over the next week!

As usual with the Public Betas, please keep responses to this thread relevant to what's covered in these notes so I can stay focused on what we're trying to patch for this cycle. Also, please do not post issues unique to this beta outside of this thread.

Thanks everyone for taking a look!
Hey King,
To verify, will the new settings for Automated/Survival apply retroactively or would the holotape wizard need to be run? Additionally, when you mention Survival, you're referring to the core game difficulty, right?
Hey King,
To verify, will the new settings for Automated/Survival apply retroactively or would the holotape wizard need to be run? Additionally, when you mention Survival, you're referring to the core game difficulty, right?
Holotape wizard would need to be run on existing saves. Yes, the core game difficulty effectively tells SS2 which profile to use by default until after you run the wizard.
Rather than having you all download the files all again, here is just an updated RotC.

This attempts to fix the supported settler count to help allow the plan to upgrade naturally. I did find while testing this that a few of the plans, most notably Bunker Hill and Nuka World Red Rocket have significant issues with duplication.

I'm looking into options for dealing with these, as unfortunately updating city plans in our big merged plugins is rather difficult to do without risking issues with saves.
Rather than having you all download the files all again, here is just an updated RotC.

This attempts to fix the supported settler count to help allow the plan to upgrade naturally. I did find while testing this that a few of the plans, most notably Bunker Hill and Nuka World Red Rocket have significant issues with duplication.

I'm looking into options for dealing with these, as unfortunately updating city plans in our big merged plugins is rather difficult to do without risking issues with saves.

Should we consider the RotC update the "V.3" you were talking about? or are we still waiting on that? i'm largely done with playing the game now so I'd mostly only be opening the game back up to help with some of this testing. I've already earmarked some time for it when things are ready and I should still have an old save somewhere just before I started the HQ to run these with.

Don't want to be throwing too many versions at the install in case I screw something up since I've already recently had to troubleshoot and replay a busted a save where my vault 88 became inaccessible and now have finally confirmed it was very likely build limit (or power scrap bug) that broke it to begin with.
Yes this is the V3, I unfortunately didn't have time to work on any additional bug fixes yesterday.
Rather than having you all download the files all again, here is just an updated RotC.

This attempts to fix the supported settler count to help allow the plan to upgrade naturally. I did find while testing this that a few of the plans, most notably Bunker Hill and Nuka World Red Rocket have significant issues with duplication.

I'm looking into options for dealing with these, as unfortunately updating city plans in our big merged plugins is rather difficult to do without risking issues with saves.
is there a way to do an update or refresh all like back in the conquers, that would more often than not fix the dupe issues at least until the next round of upgrades for the city.

and is the save game issue just because it's removing already built stuff? could it be fixed, and you just need to refresh the whole city? the save game compatibility stuff is beyond me I normally don't keep super long played save games.
The duplicate issues are actually that multiple copies exist in the plan itself, so the code is working as intended - the city plans themselves just have bad data.

The issue with the save games is that if we change any form IDs or delete forms that saves are expecting, it effectively leaves a hole in the save file. So we have to be surgical about the changes and edit the existing City Plan records.
The issue with the save games is that if we change any form IDs or delete forms that saves are expecting, it effectively leaves a hole in the save file. So we have to be surgical about the changes and edit the existing City Plan records.
No idea how much of a headache this would be but, would it make sense to freeze the existing ROTC city plans as a "legacy" mod for existing save games and release a new, cleaned-up version?
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The duplicate issues are actually that multiple copies exist in the plan itself, so the code is working as intended - the city plans themselves just have bad data.

The issue with the save games is that if we change any form IDs or delete forms that saves are expecting, it effectively leaves a hole in the save file. So we have to be surgical about the changes and edit the existing City Plan records.
Ok that makes it more clear, personally I’d say bite the bullet do any changes so we get a proper fix. But leave the old file for those still in the middle of a play through or something.
No idea how much of a headache this would be but, would it make sense to freeze the existing ROTC city plans as a "legacy" mod for existing save games and release a new, cleaned-up version?
Hmm I like this idea as well it leaves people with options who are in the middle of playing. I’m personally all for proper fixes even if requiring restarting.