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Public Beta 1.0.8b


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
This is effectively patch 1.0.9 a day early, as well as WSFW 2.0.10.

If you find anything seriously broken, ping me and I'll try and get it resolved in the morning before pushing the patch live tomorrow.

Tonight's beta addresses the following, in addition to the changes from 1.0.8a:

  • Fixed placement issues with several building plan items.
  • Made improvements to the beacon systems to reduce the likelihood of SS2 failing to find an available caravan worker to come pick up items.
  • Talking ASAM Sensors during Jake’s demonstrations will now correctly be attached to the plots in case the player moves the plot after initial placement.
  • Protectron cure option for Clinic should now work as expected instead of saying Token not found.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent “100% chance” discoveries from the beacon system from being made 100% of the time as designed.
  • Brewery, New Bugle, and Magazine Press are now unlocked automatically with the [Production] class of industrial. This change was made to ensure more players get a chance to experience all of the content those building plans provide, which was especially important for add-on pack authors looking to inject content into the systems those plans are in charge of.
  • Crystal Cavern building plan will now build the correct building instead of the Ceramics Kiln.
    • If you had previously built this building plan and received the Ceramics Kiln, change the building plan to something else, let it start building, then change it back to the Crystal Cavern.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the Power Transfer building class from unlocking correctly through natural progression.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Munitions Factory name and graphic to be displayed for both its own Discovery, and the Discovery of the Ore Mine building plan.
  • Modified Gremlin’s Agility so she can now use Advanced and Hi-Tech Defenses immediately.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause job title applications to fail for the last person assigned to a multi-person building plan if that plan had also defined custom job titles.
  • Scanning a settler with the Vit-o-Matic (by alternate Scan activation or by shooting them) will now automatically refresh their Job Title and Assignment Keywords to ensure they show accurate data. This will also help more accurate autoassignment for that NPC after the scan.
  • Added Miscellaneous subcategory to SS2’s Decorations menu for addon pack authors to use.
  • Renamed several unused forms in the CK to add KG_ReuseMe or _OBSOLETE. These are forms that were migrated from SS1 but are not currently being used. This was done to help eliminate confusion for addon authors, as we cannot delete forms in a live mod without risking save corruption for players.

In addition, the WSFW patch actually fixes two of the biggest bugs in WSFW that have likely been in the mod since the 2.0.0 patch. Very excited to see if this helps out with many AI complaints folks have had!
  • Fixed a bug with the inverted Barter Menu system which would result in some options being ignored.
  • Removed several “Identical to Master” records which were causing overrides to Unofficial Patch changes.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Unique settlers to frequently avoid their assigned objects and instead just sandbox randomly throughout the settlement.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause NPCs to remain assigned to furniture markers for objects that had been scrapped or assigned to someone else. This will not fix previous cases of this, but should prevent it from happening in the future.

Download WSFW 2.0.10 Public Beta
Download SS2 1.0.8b Public Beta

  • Added Miscellaneous subcategory to SS2’s Decorations menu for addon pack authors to use.
I don't see this category in the menu.

Flags now appear blue, I don't know if it's from this update

(working in WRK) Headache, too much coffee
I don't see this category in the menu.
View attachment 11774

Flags now appear blue, I don't know if it's from this update
View attachment 11775

(working in WRK) Headache, too much coffee
There is nothing in that category yet. You can use it in your mod, if you have something which doesn't quite fits in Furniture or flags or such.

The flags should have been blue for a long time. That's a helper marker, which should disappear as soon as you leave WS mode.