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Project Blueprint - vanilla items


Active Member
I was under the impression that items in Project Blueprint were simply vanilla items in the game that were made available to build in the workshop. But it must be more complicated than that; since if the PB plugins are removed then a save that has items from PB in will not show them.
Have I misunderstood the nature of PB items.

Project Blueprint is items from the game and SS1. It wasn't meant to be an extension for building but mainly for City Plan development. This is why the new Workshop plugin was released but also depends on SS2.

Any mod will remove it's items even if based or using vanilla assets when uninstalled as they normally have different FormIDs unless they are direct copies.
It wasn't meant to be an extension for building but mainly for City Plan development.
Which is why I was under the impression that users who downloaded a city plan would not need to also install Project Blueprint, obviously I was wrong.

Which is why I was under the impression that users who downloaded a city plan would not need to also install Project Blueprint, obviously I was wrong.

Those that download City Plans don't need project blueprint. The city plan specific objects are included in SS1 main file if needed or only allows access to SS1 objects. Same would apply to SS2 I guess. The Workshop Kit is just an extension and making the objects available to a bigger audience.

Also, Project Blueprint includes custom objects that exists inside SS. The only hard requirement is SS.
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Those that download City Plans don't need project blueprint.
This is what I don't understand, if I can design a city plan using PB items, and the user not need the PB esps and bsas to get the city plans to build, then either all the PB items are actually in the SS1 mod (and thus available toa city plan builder, since we are talking about SS city plans!) or they are vanilla items with vanilla formIds. If neither, then how does a city plan designed with PB items, build them without PB installed? If the latter then fair enough, my save must be bollixed, but if the former, then what is PB for?
Or... is it not the case that I can design a city plan with PB items and expect them to show up when a user builds the city plan in their game without PB installed?

This is what I don't understand, if I can design a city plan using PB items, and the user not need the PB esps and bsas to get the city plans to build, then either all the PB items are actually in the SS1 mod (and thus available toa city plan builder, since we are talking about SS city plans!) or they are vanilla items with vanilla formIds. If neither, then how does a city plan designed with PB items, build them without PB installed? If the latter then fair enough, my save must be bollixed, but if the former, then what is PB for?
Or... is it not the case that I can design a city plan with PB items and expect them to show up when a user builds the city plan in their game without PB installed?

The actual assets and form ID"s are from SS. They only need SS installed.