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Problems I ran into with the latest patch/update


Active Member
Doing the CPD quest, the Hellhounds are entirely non hostile, right from the start, when meeting the CPD crew at the docks.

Also, and I don't know if related, but I didn't remove or add any mods in between playthroughs, the Brotherhood questline bugs out in a major way. I had to setstage the Fire support quest twice, after reloading two time. And when being at the elevator that leads up to the control room in Call to Arms, the elevator opens to a solid wall and I can't progress. I never had that one before and I didn't find anything on any bug browsing the internet.

I stress again. I didn't add or remove anything other than updating WSFW, SS2 and chapter 2.
I think I had this happen during one playthrough and there was a ghoul stuck somewhere in or around the building(I have no idea why he spawned in the building or inside objects other than Bethesda working some of their coding 'magic'), If I remember correctly. There was no ghouls alive outside yet the quest wouldn't continue as Dance kept saying the same line over and over. The door was locked(as the quest opens it when the ghouls are dead) and had to use console commands to poke around and see what was happening. I believe I killed the ghoul(he was either in the building or on the roof, or inside of some object I honestly forget which) and the quest would continue.

I haven't made it this far on this test playthrough but I'll head over there in a bit and see if I have the same problem. Shouldn't take too long.
After killing the ghouls that were in front of the police station the quest progressed normally, so, at least for me, there wasn't any 'hidden' ghouls.
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After one of the gunner attacks, after Hostile Takeover, all my settlers at Sanctuary (the named ones at Sanctuary) were reset to their recruiting dialogues. It's possibly one of the vanilla glitches of having too many actors there (32 and not counting visitors and turrets), which renderd them inactive during the attack. But I never had that happen before.
This happened to me as well. I blamed it on sending one of TftC settlers to a settlement without talking to them first, but maybe it's not the case.
And they don't go back to their original selves. They do their jobs, as required, but they are stuck with their recruitment dialogues. Which makes it impossible to equip them.
OK, this is definetely a problem with the latest update.

I just had a gunner attack on the Castle and the named settlers there are now back to their recruitment dialogues also.
I have done this quests umpteen times with ss2 and current mods with no hiccups, but most previous times I did it during my first visits to 81 after getting scanner, this time I just grabbed scanner and left to do other things and came back later. My point in ss2 is turning in last batch of beacons to trigger kidnapping but held off since wanted to pre buildup some settlements.
Yeah I think it has something to do with the timing. Definitely strange though. I'll try and run through that quest when i get to the same point in my new save and post my results back here.
Yeah I think it has something to do with the timing. Definitely strange though. I'll try and run through that quest when i get to the same point in my new save and post my results back here.

Thanks, I tried a few different things, no companions, disabling some mods that shouldnt have any bearing but tried anyway. It seems soon as pass the first area where the listening terminals are is somehow the trigger where AI gets crazy, can talk to companions but they wont move anymore, even doing goto commands. I did get curie to talk by running away and she will call out and then have normal convo but soon as take elevator it freezes up. I havent tried taking off saves to see if can exit area and then save yet but got worn down testing.

Also ty for tip on the CPD thing, I did find the CPD message and added to inventory, so that at least is done.
I'm on latest patch and haven't had any issues with CPD quests. I mean I did hit a bit of a snag on the docks where the hellhounds are first encountered but it wasn't because they weren't hostile like everyone else. My issue was that I killed them all before the quest had a chance to update properly so Simon and the rest of them (I forget their names) were stuck in idle NPC dialogue responses. I ended up using console to setstage just past the fight and things progressed smoothly after that.

As for the arcjet brotherhood thing the other guy mentioned I'm gonna chalk that down to classic Bethesda elevator shenanigans. I save my game before riding any elevator in the game and if I have the option to avoid using them at all I take it even if it means spending a few extra minutes climbing stairs. Can't count the number of times I've gotten stuck in a loading screen, lost dogmeat after the elevator sucked him out of existence or even just flat out been stuck inside the elevator unable to open the doors. I'm looking at you Fort Hagen bug, the bane of many a survival player.
Not sure why you replied to my post, but my problem is turning in the tattoos with Lena after taking CPD HQ. It was written that either you could turn them in after 2.2.2 or the quest would disappear from your log. Neither one works at this time for me.

F. Welcome to Bethesda navmesh. This is the same thing causing settlers to randomly appear on the roof of buildings in Sanctuary. While there are some things you can do to try and make it better there isn't really a true fix. The best method I've found is to put plots as low down as they can on (somewhat) even ground where at least two sides are pathable. The tighter a space is between two plots or the more uneven the ground is the more difficulty a settler will have navigating and its more likely that they'll get snagged on something and end up stuck.
I don't know if it is a navmesh issue or a script lag issue, but during day time, if you use the tool which teleport the settlers back to their workspace, once there, they gently walk back to their original "I am a lazy individual" spot.
Not sure why you replied to my post, but my problem is turning in the tattoos with Lena after taking CPD HQ. It was written that either you could turn them in after 2.2.2 or the quest would disappear from your log. Neither one works at this time for me.
I figured because you didn't post your actual issue you were agreeing with the OP and saying that you were also having issues with the hellhounds being non-hostile.

In the future posting your problem with as much detail as possible can help other people to troubleshoot. The less information provided the more weird and unhelpful our responses will seem lol
I don't know if it is a navmesh issue or a script lag issue, but during day time, if you use the tool which teleport the settlers back to their workspace, once there, they gently walk back to their original "I am a lazy individual" spot.
That seems to happen 50/50 for me. Sometimes I'll send everyone back to work and they'll teleport to their proper stations but actually stay there and sometimes they wander off like you're describing.

I've noticed that it tends to be pretty random but some building plans are worse than others. Like the SS2 default Bar commercial plot doesn't ever path right for me. The AI don't like the small little hut and walking past the barstools so they usually just get stuck outside on the steps. Another building plan has a door set up in such a way that the AI can't open it without getting themselves stuck. Sucks because the design is actually pretty cool (its a weapons shop) but due to the way the person designed the door to the shop AI can't actually get into it at all.

Do a bit of experimenting to try and find the best method of getting things to work. Sadly, as I said before, there isn't really much you can do to fix it. You can only take steps to try and alleviate how often you see it.

EDIT: I'll also point out that the more plots and clutter there is in the settlement itself the more likely the settlers will get snagged on something.
The tatoos can't be turned in once Lena changes her mind and morals. Which is why I'm holding on to my 450 "trophies". Not sure if she shouldn't accept them when she just got the new place. Technically from a story perspective, she should. There's a lot of stuff going on at that time (becoming recruitable for the main quest, along with almost immediately going into their own quest finale) so, dunno.
I figured because you didn't post your actual issue you were agreeing with the OP and saying that you were also having issues with the hellhounds being non-hostile.

In the future posting your problem with as much detail as possible can help other people to troubleshoot. The less information provided the more weird and unhelpful our responses will seem lol
Well, you had a 50/50 shot at my issue. In the future....