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Preview Building plans. Organize by pack into tabs/sub catagories


New Member
Like the weapons and all other "items" get, now I do not know how the script works, it'd be a nice little tool for seeing what they look like rather than having to slide through, maybe even preview how they look at other levels
Suggestion #2, I got this idea from Vadacil and/or from Def_Inv. Now I'm not even sure which mod does which anymore. Anyway, inside the aid tab, is subcategories for Chems, and Food and such, and it'd be nice since later in SS's lifespan, that list might get a little too long, maybe even put a number next to the category indicating how many buildings from that mod are in the category, or allow sorting by size and so forth.
I second this idea! I've started building and I like making multi story townlets, but I need to see what the plot is going to look like at full level (3?) so I know which plots I can build a floor above and which to build around on the upper tiers. I've searched the interwebs to no avail, trying to find images of all the plots available from level 1 to 3. I am actually thinking of taking on this task myself. Plop one down, screenshot it from all sides, console it to the next level, repeat. It will take a long time but I think it would be a useful resource to others like me that want something more than just the Building Plan Preview mod (which is great, but not full featured).
Yeah, I think a item model like used for guns and stuff woukd do well, no texture small poly count.
I highly recommend Build High, it expands the zone out as well as up. This way you can fill in the gaps left behind. Since the town plans only fill up the vanilla zones. For example, abernathy farm lets you build up two if the relay towers and all around them its absolutely huge. Not sure if uts on Xbox tho but I couldnt imagine why not since it works on scripts and textures a little bit (blue borders instead of green etc)
@Kailow I was using that mod actually, but since I've decided to go back to Clean and Simple I don't really need it. Besides, my builds are up, not out (for example this WIP which is now on the third level despite these images:, and with my rig I could never fill all that space or the universe would implode hehe.

@uituit Yes, that list is definitely old. I would actually like to contribute by doing this for the community. I just want to get a few builds done first and then, you know, actually FINISH THE GAME! LOL, this is what happens to an ex-The Sims player, we get buildin and there's no turning back. I really want to finish a playthrough so I can finally stop playing dodge-a-spoiler and also be able to start helping out KG with testing.

At least in the meantime as I meander through the Commonwealth I can also start cataloging plots for the wiki. I like taking screenshots, however, I'm no archer. Ain't it a good thing I don't need to be for this task? ;) When I get this started which of you should I send the images to?
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:) I did a lot of those screenshots but I had to stop for other reasons :(
but if your really interested in helping to update the wiki you should send a msg to bludthurst here on when you see him on Discord.

and yeah lol maybe I will finish the game to hehe
damm restartitis :blum:wacko
LOL uituit, right? With my quasi-OCD brain it's always... "I know I have the perfect LO now so I'm ready for a fresh game so it all works. Oh, wait --- what's that shiny mod over there?!! I MUST HAVES IT!" *breaks save, starts over* And then she started building *facepalm*
LOL exactly. Hey @uituit ... this is totally OT, but I am on yet another building frenzy in Starlight and I tossed a bus up on my second level and I want to use your barber but I haven't the foggiest idea of how to place the plot in there! Does the ASAM box thingy go by the driver's seat, the other way... hahaha I have a hard enough time cursing at my screen when I try to place plots in general, they're so ornery! But trying to place a plot in such a confined space I'm starting to think I'll need heavy medication. Let me know and thanks, I am diggin your plots big time.

EDIT: Total facepalm moment, your pic shows which way, now let's hope I can get the thing in there. I will put up some shots when I'm done on your Nexus page. ;)

EDIT 2: I am a dork! I found a "mod" that had some bat files so you can turn snap on and off. Lifesaver! However, plots still want to move up or out when they 'feel' structures so it still took some finagling but I got the home and the barber in my bus. Yay me! I hope you can laugh at me... with me ♥
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:) hehe glad you got it in ur bus ;) and I'm glad you like my plots :friends
hope the medication wasn't to heavy :crazy looking forward to your screenshots:)
Place anywhere ,you can turn off snapping as well the F1 % F2 keys will do that for you:)
I had heaps of fun(drugs/grog) trying to get bus plots to work well :blum
hehe I'm amazed more players arnt screaming at me lol
OMG serious? Geez I need to read description pages better, I'm usually very careful to do that so I know what a mod does, but when you get into the 200 plus mod list it's hard to remember all the details of every mod. Now I feel like super dork! Hahah, I'm going to try the F keys in game, thanks for telling me that! Screenshots soon. I'm not much of a screen archer though, but they'll be clear at least!
hehe no worries
I had place anywhere for almost a year and ive only just lernt how to use it ;)
so no need to feel like a dork :grin