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Praise for a certain character's rescue mission [Spoilers]


Active Member
I don't know who was responsible for the mission to rescue Raphael in the Submerged Boat but I want to record here that I loved the mission and especially the design and claustrophobic atmosphere of the level. I was waiting at any moment for some LVecraftian tentacle to appear from some broken window/door.
My sincere congratulations to the authors of this brilliant mission.
It is a hell of a fun and challenging quest. I was also thinking the other day about how much more wild it would be to add some spawns from mutant menagerie in there, like some ghoul sharks and marauders/pirahnas in the water sections. Would almost make it like Deep Blue Sea.
I don't know who was responsible for the mission to rescue Raphael in the Submerged Boat but I want to record here that I loved the mission and especially the design and claustrophobic atmosphere of the level. I was waiting at any moment for some LVecraftian tentacle to appear from some broken window/door.
My sincere congratulations to the authors of this brilliant mission.
The Writer for the Nightingales is :hearts>> Cynical_Bounce <<:hearts The link is to the Dev Spotlight, if you are interested in learning about all the things Cynical_Bounce does for the Sim Settlements Team
All of the quests for the NIghtingales are awesome! I've played them so many times now, and still find the writing excellent and voice acting is wonderful also.
Each of the Quest Characters has a Character page on our Wiki, just search for the name to find their pages.
Call me a Fan Girl, cuz I so am.
One gripe with it is the Mirelurk King ambush. I absolutely loathe ALL mirelurk king ambushes. Actually hate anything that appears without actually existing first. It just feels cheap. Sure, regular mirelurks bury themselves, but you can at least shoot them or toss a grenade in there. That king just creates himself out of nothingness to be right on you. (This is very much a complaint about how they are just in vanilla though lol)
The other main thing for me is that the sound just doesn't feel right. It's way too loud. I've got sensory processing disorder and the constant creaking of the ship is actually painful, it's so loud compared to everything else.

It's a great mission, (all the nightingale ones are, they really belong in the game) and I loved it on the first playthrough, but I gotta use movetoqt to skip through it every time now. lol
The other main thing for me is that the sound just doesn't feel right. It's way too loud. I've got sensory processing disorder and the constant creaking of the ship is actually painful, it's so loud compared to everything else.
That's my big issue with that quest too. The sounds of the ship creaking/groaning feel about 10 times louder than anything else, not helped by how some of the audio mixing on dialog lines in Chapter2 seems about 1/5 the volume of other things to me. I get that it's "atmospheric" and "appropriate" and all that, but I'm functionally deaf in that place from overload.
I was waiting at any moment for some LVecraftian tentacle to appear from some broken window/door.
My biggest gripe with this mission is the there was NOT a Lovecraftian tentacle. Seriously, I was ready for a Mirelurk Queen to spawn in the final room/as soon as Raphael and I exit the ship. (kinda sad that there wasn't. The creepiness of the ship through all the creaking and slanted hallways and what-not really set the stage for an "oh sh*t" moment)
My biggest gripe with this mission is the there was NOT a Lovecraftian tentacle. Seriously, I was ready for a Mirelurk Queen to spawn in the final room/as soon as Raphael and I exit the ship. (kinda sad that there wasn't. The creepiness of the ship through all the creaking and slanted hallways and what-not really set the stage for an "oh sh*t" moment)
I've said it several times recently, I know, but there really should be a bit more of the "Lovecraft stuff" in FO4 in general, not just in SS2. I mean a good chunk of those stories are set in the same part of the US as FO4 is... (heck, looking at town/company names - hello Dunwich - it might be more 'canon' to the Bethesda Era Fallouts...)

That said, did you read the computer at the end of that shipwreck that says what they were shipping? That's arguably WORSE than Generic Tentacle Monsters.
Minha maior reclamação com esta missão é que NÃO havia um tentáculo Lovecraftiano. Sério, eu estava pronto para uma Rainha Mirelurk aparecer na sala final/assim que Raphael e eu saímos do navio. (meio triste que não havia. A estranheza do navio através de todos os corredores inclinados e rangentes e o que não realmente preparou o palco para um momento "oh m*rda").
Then. I was also expecting a Mirelurk Queen at any moment... it would have been epic to face her in that cramped and claustrophobic environment, as there was no room to use explosive Fat Man-type weapons and grenades.
Then. I was also expecting a Mirelurk Queen at any moment... it would have been epic to face her in that cramped and claustrophobic environment, as there was no room to use explosive Fat Man-type weapons and grenades.
RIGHT! Would have been amazing!