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Pool Hall

@PawPaw I have tested version 5.5 as supplied on Nexus - attached are screenshots of L1, L2 and L3. No rainbow textures.

ScreenShot73.jpg ScreenShot74.jpg ScreenShot75.jpg
Thanks I appreciate your time. KG told me how to re-compress the textures so I did and gave the user a new texture.ba2 file, we'll see if it works for him. Waiting on his feed back now.
I'm afraid that didn't fix it for me either. The textures look fine when I back away and it's only when I get really close that the effect gradually appears and gets more intense the closer I am so it might be a light or reflection issue. I'd guess it starts if I'm a bit closer than the last couple of screenshots. If I back away then the textures look normal again. I have 11GB of texture memory so it's not that. If it's just me then I guess there's nothing to do. Thanks for trying though!
I'm afraid that didn't fix it for me either. The textures look fine when I back away and it's only when I get really close that the effect gradually appears and gets more intense the closer I am so it might be a light or reflection issue. I'd guess it starts if I'm a bit closer than the last couple of screenshots. If I back away then the textures look normal again. I have 11GB of texture memory so it's not that. If it's just me then I guess there's nothing to do. Thanks for trying though!

I'm sorry it's not working for you, I don't know what else to do, are you using any more of the plots from my mod? If so are you having issues with them? Your graphics card has 11GB? Wow that must have cost a pretty penny. I only have 4GB on an ASUS Geforce GTX 1050ti OC addition. No one else seems to have that problem, at least none that I am aware of. Yagisan tested with no issues with the old textures.
I extracted the textures and renamed the ba2 file and there is no problem if I do that. It looks like it was packed as "general" and not "dds" format so maybe that's why? I must have a different config setting somewhere if it matters for some reason.

I have other plots of yours active and it's just this one. I have seen this before on SS plots but I wasn't the only one and those were eventually updated and it stopped. I have no idea what the cause is though.

Edit: Extracting and repacking the ba2 with the dds format and normal compression solved the issue for me. The size is 80,821 bytes so it's a small difference in size.
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I extracted the textures and renamed the ba2 file and there is no problem if I do that. It looks like it was packed as "general" and not "dds" format so maybe that's why? I must have a different config setting somewhere if it matters for some reason.

I have other plots of yours active and it's just this one. I have seen this before on SS plots but I wasn't the only one and those were eventually updated and it stopped. I have no idea what the cause is though.

Edit: Extracting and repacking the ba2 with the dds format and normal compression solved the issue for me. The size is 80,821 bytes so it's a small difference in size.
That's good news, tell me how you did that and what program you used, Please. I might have learned something new.
In the \Fallout 4\Tools\Archive2\ folder there's a program called archive2.exe.


If you open a ba2 file you can extract the contents to a folder. You can also go to archive->settings to see what the current settings are. That's how I could see the original wasn't in dds format.

You can start by running the program and not opening an archive. I set the format first with archive->settings before adding files. I use general for anything that isn't textures (i.e. the main ba2) and dds for textures. There's also a separate dds format for xbox.

For compression I always leave it as default with one exception. Set compression to none on any main.ba2 file which contains sound files.

You can add folders one at a time and that's how I usually do it. You can create a file containing all of the files to add if you are having to repeat the creation but I haven't tried using that.

When you save your archive put it in the parent folder of the location of the files; i.e. the data directory or the same directory as the textures directory. You want the files added to be relative to the data folder in Fallout; i.e. "data/textures/etc" and not "/data/textures/etc" or something else. If you aren't sure then reopen the archive and check when you're done.

Anyway, I hope that helps! Thanks for working on the mod!
Thank you that was very informative, it helped alot, I had no idea you could see what format it was in that way, I was going by the .dds extension on the file, and thought that was what it was. One more question. Doesn't the CK convert the files to the correct format when uploading for XB1?
I've only generated the ba2 files manually so I can't say about the Creation Kit I'm afraid.
Okay thanks I found out that the creation kit does the conversion automatically when uploading for the XB1.