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Plot Suggestions Topic


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Someone on the stream asked where to go to give feedback, I said the Suggestions section or one of the addon sections like mine. But it just occurred to me, I don't know if anybody can create threads here or only me?

So in case that might be how it is, I'll go ahead and create a topic for Plot idea suggestions. That way they can simply reply here. Maybe I should set up a Google Sheets or a template that people could copy for organizing ideas. I currently have one for ideas to jot down, when I really want X type I can simply choose one from the list(or the options might help me think of another idea). What i might do is have it so the first page is a template and people add their own pages.
I am restarting a new game this weekend and will be providing input soon. I just need to get into the current version now that the dependencies are gone. I love the idea of putting internal plots inside the buildings and towers.
Let's just get this out of the way.

Institute Plots.
They'd all be "improved" versions of normal plots, but look all institutish and have better upsides and/or lower downsides. You could only unlock these (by default) after Mankind Redefined.

  • Institute house: A bunch of different configurations, but all run on the same thing. All have their own little hydroponic garden outside, which offsets the +1 food costs per level. However, this comes at the price of +1 more power per level.

  • 1x1:
    • Institute Security Pod: The institute take on the vanilla guard post. Comes with spotlights at L1, light laser turrets at L2, and two heavy Plasma launchers at L3. If a Teleportarium is located in your town, the Teleportarium will summon synths/coursers to mop up any remains.
  • 2x2
    • SRB Watch Station: Prevents Synths from attacking settlement (no synth infiltrators, any hostile synth in range gets despawned). Later upgrades has a courser spawn, and last version spawns synths whenever the courser is attacked. Costs happiness.
    • Institute Railgun: The Institute take on the Minutemen artillery. Shoots farther (if possible), but not very useful for defense though (at least on its own).
    • Institute SAOSM (Surface to Air Or Surface Missile) Pod: A more direct defensive plot. This one includes a huge missile pod turret that actually launches seeking missile salvos at incoming enemies, weither they be brotherhood vertibirds, Deathclaws, or just your local band of wasteland degenerates.
    • Institute Defense Tower: Just a tower with a bunch of bubble turrets. Consists of a 0.5x0.5x tower that has four 0.5x0.5 platforms sticking out of each side, with a bubble turret under each platform. L1 is one story high, L2 is 2 stories, L3 adds bubble turrets to the tops of the platforms as well for double the firepower.
  • Institute Scrap (external): Acts just like the vanilla one, but takes up a 1x1 area in the front-right corner.
  • Institute scrap (internal): More efficient than the normal scrap plot, but guzzles more power.
  • Institute Air-Water Facility: Pulls water out of the air and ground for drinking water. Not quite as effective as the Industrial Revolution version, but it takes up only a 1x1 area so you can deploy more of them. Uses internal plot.
  • Institute Teleportarium: A power-guzzler with massive benefits. 1st stage lets you teleport between places with a Teleportarium. Second Phase auto-provisions between places that have a Teleportarium (even if they're phase 1). Phase 3 allows you to teleport to ANY town regardless of whether they have a teleportation or not.
    If town contains one or more Institute Security Pods, it will teleport in synth units when the town is under attack.
  • Institute Synth Production Facility: Produces synth settlers that operate under the same rules as robot settlers (no home/food/water requirement, happiness cap). L1 Produces/summons gen 1s, L2 produces Gen 2s. L3 produces Gen 3s that still count as robots (it also produces fancy lad snackcakes for them).
  • Institute Synthetic Blood Extraction & Production: Produces bloodpacks.
  • Institute Small Bioscience Pod: Same as a regular dirt plot, but only takes up a 1x1 space. Comes in both external and internal flavors. Produces different types of food. Requires indirect power, unlike normal argricultural plots.
  • Institute Bioscience Facility: Two-point-five times more efficient than the 1x1 pod. One for each type of item. (requires power)
  • Institute Synthetic Meat Production: Turns out the Gorrilla Project bore fruit after all. Produces lab-grown meat, indistinguishable from normal meat, which you can use in cooking recipies and whatnot. Requires power.
  • Classroom/Library: Counted as "Agricultural" just to get around the child limitations, though it acts like a rec plot instead of a agricultural one.
Recreational Ideas:
  • Institute Surface Relations Station: A polite way of saying "propaganda mill". A bunch of TV screens with subtle messages popping in and out constantly, and set to the classic music station that plays subliminal messages.
  • Institute Relaxation Station: A slightly less efficient, but less power-hungry and less insidious version of the Surface Relations Station. Allows surface dwellers to partake in institute-approved relaxation.
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Some ideas from the stream chat:
"Would love some plots that substitute some specific perks - for example, get tired of having gunut, science etc. every game (as they are so essential). How about plots that can simulate those perks. A plot that is a weapn expert - either he has gun nut, and can make mods for you, or just when you use HIS workstation, you count as having gun nut equal to the plot level. for example"

- I like this idea someone had in chat. Could we make a School plot or something, I was thinking more like a SimUniversity/SimCollege sort of thing, if it could give you a perk for it. A Town Hall that gives you Local Leader.

"Have you considered great works plots? bigger than usual plots that take a lot of resources and time, but offer bigger bonuses or special perks? could be big things like cathedrals or town halls" -Love this too. Lol I feel so torn, was gonna skip october contest but IDK. A mini obsession I have from liking The Witcher 3 a lot is a Church of CDPR, to double as a fan's shrine and a church/cathedral. A slightly less immersion breaking name could be Church of the White Wolf / Witcher. With the layers system I think it'll be a lot more flexible for me to just try things ingame, where it's easier to see how it will look.

I am restarting a new game this weekend and will be providing input soon. I just need to get into the current version now that the dependencies are gone. I love the idea of putting internal plots inside the buildings and towers.
That's great! I would love tobhear if there are any lingering issues(besides the one random extra ceiling piece I found when testing my contest City Plan)

Let's just get this out of the way.

Institute Plots.
Love these! I think as I spend time on figuring out layers system I will try out pieces that could be applicable for these. Although Institute stuff might be more of a CK only thing. Interior plots might be something more doable for me. I started using layers in the CK, for each plot+ level and also for each level's spawn items. What I like about this is I could make an Interior plot normally with the spreadsheet method, then later could swap them for static versions. I wonder if I could have a chair be static and maybe a Blue Man marker for sitting there, if it might help performance. I prefer more statics included in a SCOL vs having many SpawnItems. I actually tried out an "Only Spawn Items" method where you skip making SCOL by just highlighting all pieces and doing Export Positions by Selection, so I had a 300+ SpawnItems list. Performance was noticeably worse than before when I tried having 4 of the Level 3 version. I changed it back on latest version. I'd like mine to leverage optimization method loke combined statics, this way hopefully more plots could be used for a more urban style build. I'd love to someday have 100 plots in one settlement.

At any rate, I'm really happy about Workshop Plus/Framework. If I do emter contest for October as well it'll save tons of time. Really hyped about someday having exportable/importable layers, like a super version of Clipboard.