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Plot placement,building time, pathing


New Member
Hello there.

I'd like to ask why no one would want to build this residental plot ? Is it possible that i lack resources ? Will that high foundation be okay for npc-s ? I put some stairs there. Or they don't even need to be able to reach physically the plot to build it ? As you can see i have 7 people but only 6 beds, they should build it on their own, right ? I play with fully automated settings.1714197003259.png
The red "person" icon below the house icon indicates that no one is assigned to that plot. Open Workshop mode and assign a settler to the plot. That "person" icon should then turn green and they'll start building.

As for why there's no one assigned, a couple of possibilities come to mind:
1. Is auto-assignment turned on in the settings? Check both the SS2 settings and the Workshop Framework settings. You'll want the SS2 settings On but the WSFW settings Off (They can conflict if both enabled. Installing SS2 is supposed to disable the WSFW setting, but it's worth checking.)

2. All settlers are already assigned to a residential plot (it vanilla bed). It's possible that someone is assigned to a plot that either hasn't finished building (so the bed hasn't spawned to be counted) or the scripts just haven't counted the bed for some reason. If everyone already has an assignment to other Residential plots, try regarding those plus to see if the bed total updates. Alas, every so often a plot has a mis-config preventing its bed from being counted to the settlement total. (I've occasionally noticed that correction in the changelogs of add-on packs.)

See if any of the above helps and we'll puzzle it out further if not.
I waited for about 5-10 minutes for this plot to finish, yet once i post this,it was built immediately. But i checked a few things:
Worshop framework's auto assing is OFF,while SS2's is ON. So that couldn't have caused the problem.

Maybe i lacked the resources/building materials, or my pc slowed down for some reason, causing a dely.
I waited for about 5-10 minutes for this plot to finish, yet once i post this,it was built immediately. But i checked a few things:
Worshop framework's auto assing is OFF,while SS2's is ON. So that couldn't have caused the problem.

Maybe i lacked the resources/building materials, or my pc slowed down for some reason, causing a dely.
It doesn't look like you have much in the resources (151 is what is showing.) so you may want to donate some stuff at the manager desk, and maybe make sure to have an industry plot for collecting junk or building materials.