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Plot limitations/CTD?


Active Member
First, lemme just say thanks to everyone contributing to this mod, and kinggath most of all for kicking off this awesome party.

My issue may be HW/memory related, but I wanted to share in hope someone knows of some settings or future Sim update that could solve this for me: I CTD more often in settlements with more plots, especially when I'm in Nuka World. My Nuka Red Rocket & Bottling Factory (they have 90+ plots each). Looking for pointers on helping manage the load for my machine. I CTD pretty often now in these locations.

PC specs: W10, Intel i7-3930K @ 3.20GHz, 3201 Mhz, 6 Core; 16MB RAM. Dual-SLI Nvidia GTX 670s (2GB RAM each). The build is from 2013 and was pretty decent .. at the time.
FO4 specs: running off my E drive (SSD C drive too small), with 206 active plugins/194 mods with NMM.

Your system seems beefy enough to handle the rendering, though sometimes it's not about PC power, and just about engine limitations which would depend on your entire load order.

You might just need to allocate more scripting resources. In your Documents/Games/Fallout4 directory, there should be a file called Fallout4Custom.ini - if not you can create it.

Add this to it:


That will double all of the default values. You can try higher if you like and see if they have any effect.

Any of you looking to add troubleshooting stuff to the Wiki - these papyrus vars might be useful to some players who want to give Fallout more resources :)
Your system seems beefy enough to handle the rendering, though sometimes it's not about PC power, and just about engine limitations which would depend on your entire load order.

You might just need to allocate more scripting resources. In your Documents/Games/Fallout4 directory, there should be a file called Fallout4Custom.ini - if not you can create it.

Add this to it:


That will double all of the default values. You can try higher if you like and see if they have any effect.

Any of you looking to add troubleshooting stuff to the Wiki - these papyrus vars might be useful to some players who want to give Fallout more resources :)

Hey! Thanks so much for the fast reply! I'll try it out now (working from home getting a tech refresh...) and post results!