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Suggestion Plot Database

Bored Peon

Well-Known Member
Is there any sort of organized database list plots?

This is the second time this week I have tried to track down which mod has which plots in it.

Kinda like a Google spreadsheet or something.

Type of plot
Size of plot
Name of plot
Creator of plot
Mod contaiing the plot (maybe even a link to the nexus page.)

I thought someone had started one at one point that had production info. However I lost the link and can not find it again on the website.

I ran into this plot Busted House by Robotsmell in prebuilt Abernathy.
I am assuming that I am missing the pack with that plot. So I wanted to try to go find which mod had it, or redownload and install that mod to see if I could fix that.

It would also be nice to be able to answer a simple question of "That is a cool plot, which mod has that?" Which I spent like ten minutes reading mods trying to figure out which had it. mean that you don't just have every mod that adds new plots installed? =)

I think I have most of them; I'm not keen on annoying neighbours, and I only added RS Buildings after I (finally) reached spectacle island for the first time.

With the megapacks, and a handful of assorted mods that aren't included in the megapacks, I think I have most if not all of the mods on nexus that add new plots installed.

That said, a database of plots / city plans would be helpful. That sounds like something that the Wiki would be suited for.