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Please add on a pre-warish addon pack.


I'm using the items that I got from Vault 88 to build a pre-war esque settlement at sanctuary.

However the aesthetics of the buildings that are included in Sim Settlements 2 don't march my pristine vault architecture. I'd very like an add-on pack that would allow me to build clean pre-war houses, stores, ect......
There was a Vault-themed addon for SS1, but I think that ended up being in the 'abandoned by the original author, and added to a Megapack' category. Once the toolkit's out I wouldn't be surprised if that's one that gets remade though.
That could absolutely be a nice add-on. I can see myself making a settlement like that.

And yaugieLC is not wrong that once the tools for SS2 are released, it’s entirely possible that someone could decide to make one such addon.

But I just want to make sure you don’t get your hopes up to unrealistic levels. At the end of the day, those addons are made by people who enjoy the mod and want to add their spin to it. It’s possible that someone decides to make one like you want. But unless you take up the job yourself, learn to do some addons yourself (this community is unbelievably helpful in that regard) and then make that addon, there is no guarantee you’ll get one that fits what you want. Those people that make mods have their own creativity and styles. And looking at the SS1 addons, clean and pristine was not something most people wanted to work on. Most of them seemed to prefer a “lore-friendly, had to work with what we had” type of construction.

Now I am NOT telling you that it won’t happen or not too ask. Take it from someone who ended up giving ideas to about half a dozen different modders, sometime your ideas will spark interest and I hope it happen for you here. It’s an interesting idea that fits the covenant settlement so could be done with lore in mind. I just wanted to give some perspective. And maybe encourage you to pick up modding yourself.
God that was a long rant. Sorry about that.
Slocum Joe being CC content I believe any addon with that content would need to have the CC too. Keep that in mind.

Also, take my upcoming advice with a HUGE grain of salt considering I have made a grand total of zero addons.

Considerinf this will be your first attempt, consider making a smaller add-on, something a little bit more simple, to begin with. My experience talking with other people and from creating myself is that you learn by making and getting feedback.

So if I were to do it, I’d pick something a little bit specific, even if restrictive. I know it’s tempting to make 12 different and unique plots but it may not be the best way to approach a mod. One SS1 mod that a lot of people loved was nothing but farm plots based around animals. A lot of them looked very similar which was great for people who were looking to fill a need.

Obviously it could be different plots with the same theme. Uituit did that a lot in SS1 and keeps porting his addons to SS2. He had one raider theme, one water theme, one junk themed etc. Those are also great when trying to give settlements a specific look.

One advantage is that SS2 needs new addons and not everybody who made addons in the past is still missing or decided to port. So there will be a lot of gaps to fill for this new version of SS.

So pick something, try your hand at a few plots, learn the tools (please learn to use skins, they were the most underused tool during SS1 it was making me go insane) and go make your own Mark on SS2. And if you want to bounce ideas or want to talk with someone on the creative side (you’d have to ask around for someone else for technical help) feel free to ask.

Take care and good luck
Considerinf this will be your first attempt, consider making a smaller add-on, something a little bit more simple, to begin with. My experience talking with other people and from creating myself is that you learn by making and getting feedback.

So if I were to do it, I’d pick something a little bit specific, even if restrictive. I know it’s tempting to make 12 different and unique plots but it may not be the best way to approach a mod. One SS1 mod that a lot of people loved was nothing but farm plots based around animals. A lot of them looked very similar which was great for people who were looking to fill a need.

Obviously it could be different plots with the same theme. Uituit did that a lot in SS1 and keeps porting his addons to SS2. He had one raider theme, one water theme, one junk themed etc. Those are also great when trying to give settlements a specific look.

One advantage is that SS2 needs new addons and not everybody who made addons in the past is still missing or decided to port. So there will be a lot of gaps to fill for this new version of SS.
That's definitely the idea. Gonna see where the gaps are and make something small, work my way up to a fancy themed addon in the future. Can't build Rome in a day, etc.

Thanks for the feedback, though.
Slocum Joe being CC content I believe any addon with that content would need to have the CC too. Keep that in mind.
This was something that never entered my mind when working on my current mod. I now realize the only assets you are allowed to include in your mod are ones you created yourself, got from others with permission or from Base game. (The base game part may even be a grey area...)

To include CC or DLC assets you must include code (or use DLC as master) in your mod to see if the user has the relevant content installed before your mod can make use of them. (DLC/CC assets)

abandoned by the original author
How would we know if the original author allowed reuse of any abandoned content? I assume that would make getting in contact difficult.
I've got a couple ideas for pre-war themed plots (Vault-Tec, Slocum's Joe, etc). Once the tools are out I'm gonna take a crack at making a themed addon of some kind. As to whether I'll be able to execute any of it is another story... but I'm gonna try!
Once the Builder's toolkit is released, you will be able to get an idea if its feasible or not. I know I looked at the first gen SS1 toolkit, but I can't remember anything about it... CRS... Oh yeah! there were blue man markers....
How would we know if the original author allowed reuse of any abandoned content? I assume that would make getting in contact difficult.
you'd have to look at the mod in question and see if the mod author left any specific instructions about what to do with the mod, or assets from the mod. Sometimes its possible to use the assets, sometimes its not.
you'd have to look at the mod in question and see if the mod author left any specific instructions about what to do with the mod, or assets from the mod. Sometimes its possible to use the assets, sometimes its not.
Yes to all of this.

That being said... I feel like there is an attitude here on this site where “if someone else does something I shouldn’t touch it”. I’m not saying it’s enforced, just that it’s something I heard quite a few times and I think it’s taken too far by some. Don’t get me wrong, some mods fill a niche need (animal farm is a great example) and making another mod of only versions of it could be considered bad form. But even then it doesn’t mean that someone should feel they shouldn’t make animal farm plots in their add-ons if they have an idea.

And Vault-Tec themes plots isn’t a niche thing or “someone’s thing”. It’s a Fallout thing. There is no reason why every mod author shouldn’t make rooms that fit that look. Besides, if we asked uituit, tinuvia, RobotSmells and sirlach to design a vault tec add-on, I guarantee we’d have some very different designs. For starters expect a lot more blood from uituit, sirlach to be efficient in space, RobotSmells to have some weird unique twist mechanically and tinuvia to have unique different twists.

Not saying it’s a good idea to have them do it, not sure we need four vault tec themed add-ons. But my point stand that as long as it’s a creator spin and not just doing the same thing, doing something in the same theme or similar to what someone else is doing doesn’t need to be seen as a no-no.
For starters expect a lot more blood from uituit
You mean intestines... I miss Blood Moon Raiders... although it seemed out of character with more fire and less body parts...
I feel like there is an attitude here on this site where “if someone else does something I shouldn’t touch it”.
I sure hope not... I don't see how "more junk to build (tm)" can be bad??? That's what got me into SS1 in the first place. Put a plot down and come back later to see what sprang up. There was a great mystery back then. It seems like some of the mystery and randomness disappeared with plot previews and verbose descriptions. But, its just one point of view among many. To me, diversity shouldn't be a bad thing.
It seems like some of the mystery and randomness disappeared with plot previews and verbose descriptions.
I’m going to semi-disagree with you here. Let’s give credit where credit is due. SS2 could absolutely give you this experience... someday.

The way you play, if I’m understanding correctly was to plop down plots, pick one that fits the overall look (let’s say a raiders themed house) and then come back later and see what it looked like. Right now your real problem is that there is no options. Any style only has a few houses, few stores etc. But once the tools are out and people start making add-ons and we get a lot more types of everything, thanks to the use of tags, you will absolutely able to set your plots down, use the city planner to pick which tag or tags to use and leave the surprise for when you come back.

Right now to do this you have to go in the building plans of the city planner desk and blacklist what you don’t want to see but... That actually gave me an idea.
I’m going to semi-disagree with you here. Let’s give credit where credit is due. SS2 could absolutely give you this experience... someday.

The way you play, if I’m understanding correctly was to plop down plots, pick one that fits the overall look (let’s say a raiders themed house) and then come back later and see what it looked like. Right now your real problem is that there is no options. Any style only has a few houses, few stores etc. But once the tools are out and people start making add-ons and we get a lot more types of everything, thanks to the use of tags, you will absolutely able to set your plots down, use the city planner to pick which tag or tags to use and leave the surprise for when you come back.

Right now to do this you have to go in the building plans of the city planner desk and blacklist what you don’t want to see but... That actually gave me an idea.
I think you misinterpreted me a little, we seem to be parallel. The first time I played SS1 everything had a "what's this" feel. You know, way back when no one knew the mechanics except for Kinggath himself! Everything was a mystery. I never picked anything. I just left it on random because I never saw any before and there were not the verbose descriptions.

And yes, when the toolkit shows itself, things will get interesting. I shiver in anticipation.
That's definitely the idea. Gonna see where the gaps are and make something small, work my way up to a fancy themed addon in the future. Can't build Rome in a day, etc.

Thanks for the feedback, though.
I hope you take this task, love building the vailt 88 and also uses vault stuff in settlements. Once built the backstreet settlement, enlarged version in a 5 store vault with connections around the block. Makes a good fort when building with the vault parts :) . Would take it on my self to do some if I ever get the time to it. Using HZE for pre-war stuff. He has the whole houses.
Anyway what I miss is high tech clean stuff to use in vaults. Different sizes of bedrooms with entry's from different sides. Some mods in SS1 had good description on what sides that was open for NPC to enter, most didn't and many time you had to rebuild them with some other room since they where inaccessible for NPC. Same goes for bars and other plot types. Also a 1x1 for internal would be nice as multihomed plot for internal. Not only for the vault, would like to see it for any theme. Kind of limited as now for internal plots. The plot I use most since I like to build bigger houses/barns and make room for many ppl.
Good luck if you pick up the torch.
Yes to all of this.

That being said... I feel like there is an attitude here on this site where “if someone else does something I shouldn’t touch it”. I’m not saying it’s enforced, just that it’s something I heard quite a few times and I think it’s taken too far by some. Don’t get me wrong, some mods fill a niche need (animal farm is a great example) and making another mod of only versions of it could be considered bad form. But even then it doesn’t mean that someone should feel they shouldn’t make animal farm plots in their add-ons if they have an idea.

And Vault-Tec themes plots isn’t a niche thing or “someone’s thing”. It’s a Fallout thing. There is no reason why every mod author shouldn’t make rooms that fit that look. Besides, if we asked uituit, tinuvia, RobotSmells and sirlach to design a vault tec add-on, I guarantee we’d have some very different designs. For starters expect a lot more blood from uituit, sirlach to be efficient in space, RobotSmells to have some weird unique twist mechanically and tinuvia to have unique different twists.

Not saying it’s a good idea to have them do it, not sure we need four vault tec themed add-ons. But my point stand that as long as it’s a creator spin and not just doing the same thing, doing something in the same theme or similar to what someone else is doing doesn’t need to be seen as a no-no.
I completely disagree with the "oh, so and so already did farms, so now I shouldn't do farms" mentality personally.

I'm obviously pretty niche myself, I do industrial plots, and robotics plots in particular. Other folks both can and should do them as well, and it's not about comparing the plots to eachother. It's about having enough variety that ideally I never see the same plot twice in a game (I know that's unlikely, but that's the dream :P)

One of the key points of add-on packs and Sim Settlements in general is visual variety. If you see the same plot 20 times over and over it feels very gamey. If you see 10 plots 2 times each, it feels a lot less cookie cutter even if those plots are just visual varieties with no actual mechanical differences.
I completely disagree with the "oh, so and so already did farms, so now I shouldn't do farms" mentality personally.

I'm obviously pretty niche myself, I do industrial plots, and robotics plots in particular. Other folks both can and should do them as well, and it's not about comparing the plots to eachother. It's about having enough variety that ideally I never see the same plot twice in a game (I know that's unlikely, but that's the dream :P)

One of the key points of add-on packs and Sim Settlements in general is visual variety. If you see the same plot 20 times over and over it feels very gamey. If you see 10 plots 2 times each, it feels a lot less cookie cutter even if those plots are just visual varieties with no actual mechanical differences.
I couldn't agree more! This is what I was trying to say, but don't really think I got across. I used the heck out of your plots on one playthrough where I RPd the Mechanist type of character. It was fun. Variety is the spice of like, as they say!
I'm using the items that I got from Vault 88 to build a pre-war esque settlement at sanctuary.

However the aesthetics of the buildings that are included in Sim Settlements 2 don't march my pristine vault architecture. I'd very like an add-on pack that would allow me to build clean pre-war houses, stores, ect......
I have been looking into the prewar house look as you asked for. Unfortunate problem:
The prewar stuff is 1 chunk. There's no separate walls etc to use for building pieces. From what I can see the only available stuff is the prewar doors, which wouldn't match anything.

There is prewar chain fence, which also wouldn't match anything. You can make prewar shack bridges. There is prewar window glass, suitable for the windows.

The ancilliary bits that we'd need though: not available. >_<
I have been looking into the prewar house look as you asked for. Unfortunate problem:
View attachment 10710
The prewar stuff is 1 chunk. There's no separate walls etc to use for building pieces. From what I can see the only available stuff is the prewar doors, which wouldn't match anything.

There is prewar chain fence, which also wouldn't match anything. You can make prewar shack bridges. There is prewar window glass, suitable for the windows.

The ancilliary bits that we'd need though: not available. >_<
What I meant was more of something that utilized the vault tech workshop to make vault architecture above ground. So you just have to use the assets from the vault tech workshop.