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(Plea) Addon Toolkit Glossary


Well-Known Member
Community Rockstar
City Planner (S3)
Wiki Contributor
So I'm bashing my head against the Addon Toolkit and wiki to create an admittedly rather complex residential plot. However, I'm getting stuck on sort of stupid stuff, like terminology (i'm not yet familiar with the paradigm of language used) and how everything ties together. It seems to me a vast array [pardon the pun] of unrelated pieces that I'm making and I don't see the big picture. It's like putting together a puzzle without the box top showing you where they all go.
I don't like to complain unless I have an idea for a solution. So I think what would be very helpful is a glossary, index, appendix... whatever you wanna call it. It would have each thingy used (term, or CK piece) listed, where it is in the CK, and a thorough definition of what it does and how it relates to the other pieces. The text could even be green for "just about everyone needs this, black for "this is rather common but usually in addition to the basic stuff" and red for "super advanced stuff but wicked good".
Terms Glossary
This section is a basic glossary of terms used in the wiki to help sort out similarly named thingies.
Stage Items
Stage Item Spawns
Stage Items (or you might see StageItemSpawns written in some places). These are the items that are somewhat dynamic and so can't be, or are limited if they are, a part of your building model.
Stage Item Spawns simply means they are items that are spawned on your building when it reaches a particular stage. Things like lights, interactive furniture (beds, containers, chairs), randomized clutter, or pretty much anything that isn't a large static model.

Here's an example (and I'll probably get the definitions wrong; apologies).
URPFX = Your Prefix
ThingyCK LocationDefinition
URPFX_AddonQuestsThis is the Quest that is used by SS2 to recognize your add on.
The Scripts tab contains the spot where you link your AddonConfig file.
URPFX_AddonConfigMisc ItemLinked from the _Addon, this contains an SS2 script that links your Version file, the filename of your addon (xyz.esp) and MyItems which contains all the plot types (not individual plots) that your addon has.
URPFX_BuildingPlanLevelsForms ListThis FormList is a property on the BuildingPlanList<plot-type><plot size>_Addonit needs to contain the _LevelPlan<building-name>_L<#> weapon records for that BuildingPlan. i.e. L1, L2, L3)
URPFX_BuildingPlanList_<plot-type>_<plot size>_AddonForms ListI think this holds each of your building plans.
URPFX_LevelPlan_<building-name>_L<#>WeaponThis has a script that holds ParentBuildingPlan, iRequiredLevel, StageModels, and StageItemSpawns data.
Each of the things in the definitions that sounds like it is an enigma wrapped in a mystery could also have it's own entry in the glossary. Like, what's the difference between StageModels and StageItemSpawns and so on.
Things that link one to another to another could have a sort of 'Thingy 101' that shows how they tie together. Like StageItemSpawns related to StageModels that are linked to the LevelPlan in some way.

Anyway, reading through the tutorials aren't bad, but a reference point for more information can really help set the lighbulb off. Right now my candle is flickering and I could use a bit of help seeing the big picture.
Thanks for the awesome kit and Sim Settlements has given me countless hours of fun. I look forward to completing my ridiculously complex random residence generator!
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I hear you! Coming in green as can be, it took about a month to wrap my head around the basic concepts. (I have not created mods for anything since NWN/NWN2)
When I get a little time, I'll flesh this out more.
(not really sure what this is used for. My plot won't keep a settler's attention or build so this may be why)
This FormList is a property on the _BuildingPlanList_<plot-type>_<plot size>_Addonit needs to contain the _LevelPlan_<building-name>_L<#> weapon records for that BuildingPlan. i.e. L1, L2, L3
I think this holds each of your building plans.
This FormList contains the BuildingPlan (Weapon) records for <plot-type> (i.e. Residential, Commercial, Martial...) IIRC, the very first record in this list needs to be FLID_<plot-type> (will put the correct EID when I get to the CK)
Like, what's the difference between StageModels and StageItemSpawns
From what I've been able to figure out, a StageModel is the SCOL or Static of the building you created to be used during the 'construction' of the plot. (when the scaffolding spawns on the plot. These are listed in the order they will be shown. (BuildingStage)

StageItemSpawns are any record that can be spawned in the game. These are usually items that either can't be part of a SCOL, or objects you want to define as a type that can be turned off in the CityManager settings. (i.e. clutter) You can define each object's x,y,z coordinates, what BuildingStage they appear.

You can define the EndStage. This is when the item will be removed. If you leave the EndStage blank, the item will only appear for 1 BuildingStage. If you want the item to remain until the plot goes up a level, you need to enter the number for the last building stage here. The number of BuildingStages is determined by the number of entries on the StageModel Property.

There is a performance entry where you can define an object as a type that can be disabled via the performance settings. There are some vendor settings, but I have not used them and have no clue...
One of the Properties on this form is where you enter your _BuildingPlanList_<plot-type>_<plot size>_Addon FormLists

Hopefully you can translate this into something useful...
Thanks! I just might take this on since I am the Napoleon's Corporal of the group.
Doh! I spaced this one... I opened Notepad++ and forgot all else. Is Papyrus a blessing or a curse?
Thanks, I'm good at technical stuff, bad at writing and expression... :scratchhead
OK, let's start from the beginning... The prefix_AddOn_Quest:
AddOn Quest.jpg
MyVersionNumber is a GlobalVariable you create to track the version of your AddOn
MyItems: A formlist containing your plots of a given type. Here's an Example:
The BuildingPlan aka the weapon record:
Most of this is self explanatory. Let's keep going down the rabbit hole...
LevelPlansList: a FormList with the LevelPlans for your BuildingPlan:
The LevelPlan:
And SpawnDetails:
Also, from the LevelPlan, there is StageModels: it points to the actual BuidingStage model EID-
This help???
MyItems: A formlist containing your plots of a given type. Here's an Example:
I don't have a KEYWORD option in my MyItems.
I open RDY_FAV_AddonConfig.
I click Properties on the Script to open it.
I click on MyStuff --> MyItems.
The forms list appears, but it doesn't look like yours at all.
Mine is just a number column and a value column.
Your example has a KYWD and then a list of all your buildingplans. I cannot add the keyword to it.


HA! It's a formlist that holds formslists.
got it.
Totally obvious.
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Okay, here is where I am stuck; and it's all sorts of newbie stuck.
What I want to do:
Level 1 of my Building Plan only:
  • Construction Stage 1 = list of things to bring in (it's markers, so it is not an SCOL or NIF, just pieces
    • This is working, but SS2 thinks it my completed level 1 so obviously it's not working...
  • Construction Stage 2 = Bring a NIF for the floor
  • Construction Stage 3 = Bring in an SCOL for left wall (I can make this a NIF if I have to)
  • Construction Stage 4 = Bring in an SCOL for right wall
  • Final Construction Stage 5 = Bring in a NIF for a roof = Level 1 complete.
I cannot figure out how, where, and most importantly to me, why I put those references in. Since these are all SCOLs or NIFs, I can just enter in all 0's for the location (they all have pivot dummies at 0,0,0). So please, help me figure out where to add these in.
Thank you.

The LevelPlan --> StageModels does not accept SCOLS under Form Type = STATIC. At least none of mine show up when I search for them. Do I need to make each of the things in the list above NIFs?
If this actually the correct location for construction stages, can I link a FormsList here contains a list of SCOLs (NIFs?) to spawn in randomly? That question is specific to the plot that I'm building where I want to randomize each wall, roof, and floor of the residential plot.
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I know what I need. I need a flowchart. A diagram that shows what connects to what. And a little text for what goes in the things. Just enough to tie the pieces together.
It helps to read all the wikis. I am trying to do something that is covered in a later wiki. Hence the source of frustration.
The answer to SCOLS in construction stages (and how to get them there) are in the wiki. So I'm gonna try building all the things for the plot, and then load it into the scripts via spreadsheets. Basically do the whole plot at once.

I am still gonna make a flowchart!
HA! It's a formlist that holds formslists.
Close. ;) Its a FormList[] that holds FormLists. When you see [] after a Property name, it means its an array. (holds more than one item) This page on the CK wiki might be a good reference to Property Types:
First, I should give you the super secret technique passed down through the generations! In the pic below (the menu under the arrow) where it says Pick Object If you double Right-Click on it, it will open that object's record. The other useful technique is right clicking on an objectt in the object window. You can pick Use Info from the context menu. (I think it was @Tinuvia that told me this stuff :agree: ) These help a lot when trying to track things down. SS2 makes use of a lot of MiscObject forms. Being able to open them to make sure it is the one you are looking for is helpful. (FYI- In the pics above, I started at the addon quest form and pretty much right-clicked my way down the list)
The LevelPlan --> StageModels does not accept SCOLS under Form Type = STATIC. At least none of mine show up when I search for them.
What I have been doing is make a SCOL for each BuildingStage and a Static for the final model. The reason for using a Static as a final model is you can't navmesh a SCOL.... This pic should give a solution to your dilemma!
Change that to SCOL! Note that the Property type is Form. This can hold any EDID in the CK, though to my knowledge SS2 is expecting this to be either a Static or a SCOL.
The building model part is pretty straight forward. The StageItems is more complex (a few MiscObject Forms involved) Where things start to become a challenge is timings. I have found there is about a 0.5 sec overlap between stages. Say for example:
Building StageStageModelStageItems
Stage 1:SCOL - Floor Piece a bunch of junk objects in a pile
Stage 2:SCOL - Floor & Walls start to turn the junk into the finished product
Stage 3:Static - Final Modeldespawn the junk pile and spawn the finished object
Construction starts-
Stage 1 stuff spawns, 0.5 sec and stage 0 items despawn
Stage 2 stuff spawns, 0.5 sec and stage 1 StageModel despawns and some of my junk items despawn
Stage 3 stuff spawns. 0.5 sec and stage 2 StageModel despawns and the remaining pile of junk despawns.
The problem occurs where the pile of junk and the finished object occupy the same coords. For about 0.5 sec there is a pile of junk clipping through my finished object. This is not an issue if you only add items at each stage and don't move them around or change them. This is also more prevalent when working on a 1x1 where you don't have much room to stage things. Also, the 0.5 sec is just my guess... I didn't actually put a timer on it... Just something to keep in mind. Its a blow to morale when you think you built something great, test it, and go WTF...
I would also recommend not going to crazy on building until you have gotten to the end of the addon makers wiki page. The xEdit scripts create a LOT of forms for you and save a boat load of time.
It helps to read all the wikis. I am trying to do something that is covered in a later wiki.
I did the same thing. I started, got through the skins, started building like crazy, spent a lot of WTF moments. I read further into the wiki, got more confused. I wondered why I couldn't get things to work. I wasted more time... I read more of the wiki, problem solved... :scratchhead

There are still quite a few things I am unsure of and have not found the answers to. Like 'Bed' objects and 'work' objects. When looking at the SS2 plots, there are different keywords on the markers used. I do not know if this is important. (If I look at the discord page, my question might have been answered...)
If this actually the correct location for construction stages, can I link a FormsList here contains a list of SCOLs (NIFs?) to spawn in randomly? That question is specific to the plot that I'm building where I want to randomize each wall, roof, and floor of the residential plot.
I'm not sure on this. My thought is you might be better served using the skin system. SS2 randomly picks a skin when the building plan is chosen. IIRC, the setting is on by default and the player can turn it off.

Once you get through the xEdit script part of the wiki, you will see what I'm talking about. If all you are doing is changing a few pieces and the coords are alll the same, this will be a piece of cake. Once you have a spreadsheet created for one skin, you just need to change the EDID for the remaining skins. The xEdit import script will do the rest. Also note, there was an update to the import script and I do not know if that revision made it to the wiki. I know there are a couple of links on the addon discord.

BTW- I have read through you nif tutorial. How can you call yourself a n00b? Other than the workings of SS2, you got me beat! I haven't modded anything since NWN/NWN2...