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Question Pipboy Workshop data question (refresh) and sometimes wrong data.


New Member
Does the Workshop mod also work in displaying the information on the Pipboy workshop tab?

The reason I ask is sometimes 'beds' will go to zero. idk why maybe I fast travelled when to near a settlement.. I have seen it go to 4996< or something close to that I am sure its a product of 16 or 32> as well. Food and Water have done this maybe once. I usually have to go back to the settlement to get it to reset correctly.

I seem to recall there are some ini settings that will help allocate memory that helps with this type of issue as well? I searched for it but did not find it. Any idea?

Is there a better/easier way to get that data to refresh correctly?

Thank you
So this is a vanilla bug actually. And that 4996 (?) you will see is actually a lot bigger and happens when a resource value goes negative. The vanilla UI can't display negative numbers so you get that instead. It will happen alot because of scripts working and recalculating and especially if you fast travel alot. Waiting, I mean doing nothing in a settlement for a while corrects it. Then don't fast travel away from the settlement. If you have to fast travel, leave the settlement borders a ways then do it.
Yeah I used Bethini to test against what I had done manually (they where almost the same and brought over a few changes) and then took some tweaks from Baka Scrap Heap suggestion on the papyrus I believe it was I was debating it or Buffout mod. Do you have an opinion on either. They seem to do similar, I do note that they conflict and do not play nice with each other.

Will see if I can find if the wiki has different ini or in additional. Ty - I been looking for
there was one setting about MaxPageSize I did not have. See if that improves things.

re: Fast travel - I try not to use it actually unless I am just pressed for time and try to never fast travel near a settlement but to be a few cells away.
I have scrap heap installed it seems to help I also use the ini tweaks from the wiki it seems to help and I haven't used buffout, yet but plan to this playthrough
Good to know thank you much for the links. I like Baka Scrapheap (have a vague idea i had seen some stability work from the author for Skyim as well). Sounds like Buffout 4 covers the same and more ground.. that's a lot of information not on the mod page.
that's a lot of information not on the mod page.
IKR! That's why I gave you some links ;)
The author of Baka Scrapheap has stated that if you use Buffout 4, use Buffout 4's memory manager and remove Baka Scrapheap.
Loaded Buffout 4 w/ the info you gave me. Working well far. Though some odd stuff is happening - I have 3 mods that makes stealth very difficult loaded (one to basically make sure you can not stealth in power armor). And it completely broke everything around stealth. Trying to fix that. Rest seems solid.