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Patch 2.0.0 - This is NOT the Industrial Revolution


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
  • Fixed issue where the HUD wouldn’t show up after you first loaded your game in a settlement.

  • ASAM Sensors will now appear on plot posts. When activated, these bring up a menu of options. Visible ASAM Sensors can be turned off via a holotape option, which will cause the activation menu to replace the Find Owner function on the plot (though Find Owner is available on the activation menu).

  • Building plan can now be selected. On the ASAM Sensor menu, select Choose Building Plan. A container will be shown, whichever building plan is looted last will be built. If the building plan has a custom message object configured, it will be shown when you first select it so you can learn more about the building before committing to it.

  • Added City Planner’s Desk - acts as a workbench for crafting Sim Settlement’s objects and also includes a terminal with a copy of the City Manager 2078 software on it.

  • Added 3 variations of the holotape that are craftable at the City Planner’s desk. The City Planner’s Desk is only unlocked after the holotape has been found and loaded - these craftable versions are renamed for sorting purposes.

  • Added Manual Upgrade and Manual Advanced Upgrade options. These switch buildings so that they will no longer auto-upgrade and instead require you to approve each upgrade on the plot options menu.

  • Added new ASAM Vision mode to find buildings that need a manual upgrade. They will be highlighted in a pulsing green.

  • Changed the bed in the tier 3 Clinic so it doesn’t count toward the bed total of the settlement.

  • Fixed an issue where add-on industrial plots would never provide more than 2 scavenge bonus.

  • If Plot Costs are turned off ASAM Sensors cost just a single steel.

  • Fixed an issue where you would need to change cells before the audio settings were refreshed after you loaded your game.

  • Items in a plot spawned container will now be automatically moved to the workbench if the plot is refreshed or destroyed.

  • Confirmation message about demolishing the building when changing the building plan will now only show up if the building is higher than level 1.

  • Changed data on building plaques:

    • Combined Income and Tax into a single field.

    • Happiness Bonus renamed to Happiness.

    • Removed Scavenging Bonus field.

    • Added Level field to show what level the current building is at.
  • Added queue system to add-on pack registration to avoid conflicts.

  • If an add-on pack is removed, there is now a 20 second delay before those plots will begin reconstruction. This is to avoid a scenario where the add-on pack hasn’t finished loading before the check is complete.

  • Refresh Local Plots and the Immersion Breaker Breaker will now attempt to remove leftover objects.

  • Added Machine Ambience to audio options. This will control things like generator hums.

  • Changed the name Hawkers to Barkers. (thanks ErusPrime! :) )

  • Armor Store L3 Barker will actually work with the Mute option now (though there is still an issue with it regarding the 50% volume setting - being looked into).

  • Doors that were open before you exited the game should now correctly auto-close when you load back in (assuming you have auto-close doors enabled).

  • Added 3 new plot types, Martial (defense - available in 1x1 and 2x2 versions), Recreational (happiness), and Advanced Industrial. None of these have building plans in the base Sim Settlements mod. They must be added with the Industrial Revolution expansion pack or from Add-on packs.

  • ASAM Sensors are now leveled list injected into various vendors around the Commonwealth (may take 30 in game days for them to show up due to respawn rules).

  • Created a new item representing the constructible 10-pack of sensors to make it less confusing in the build screen.
This is awesome!

I have been planning a new playthrough once it got more functional since i cheated to get new sensors due to waste. Anyway, Do you think we are at a bit of a plateau at least in terms of major changes?
Well, there goes my weekend. But seriously, thanks @kinggath . I've been looking forward to this for a month.
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That is something that i were thinking about!
I'll wait anxious for the Expansion!
Thx for everything you've been doing man @kinggath
Anyway, Do you think we are at a bit of a plateau at least in terms of major changes?
We're getting pretty close to final form for core mechanics as far as quality of life is concerned - which means i can focus my updates on new content instead!
Boss, if i have the Settlement Menu Manager, but the new plot types, nor the furniture tab is appearing.
What could i do?
Did you update to 2.0 AND download the expansion? It's a separate mod file.
Yeap, both =\

Load Order here
*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Immersive HUD.esp
*Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp
*Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp
*No more monochrome - Color setting for the Pipboy!.esp
*Armorsmith Extended.esp
*Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp
*Better Settlement Defence.esp
*TraderShipments 2.esp
*Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp
*Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp
*Gunsmith Extended.esp
*Northland Diggers New.esp
*Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp
*LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp
*Thematic and Practical.esp
*Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Gunsmith Extended.esp
*WMF-Patch-Gunsmith Extended.esp
*CWMR-Patch-Gunsmith Extended.esp
*Extended weapon mods.esp
*LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp
*LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp
*More Power Armour Mods.esp
*More Power Armour Mods - Automatron.esp
*RadRose - Valdacil Patch - Seth's Choosen.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - FO4Hotkeys.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Immersive HUD.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SimSettlements.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Snappy_HouseK.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - TrueStormsFO4.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp
Radrose - Valdacil Patch - VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - Nuka World.esp
*Altairp's Animal Farm.esp
*VTO-Vertical Takeoff Outpost.esp
*DD_AIO Test Mark 1.esp
*Vertibird Alt Fix.esp
*Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SalvageBeacons.esp
*VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - FarHarbor.esp
*VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - NukaWorld.esp
*CWMR-Patch-Extended weapon mods.esp
*Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Extended weapon mods.esp
*WMF-Patch-Extended weapon mods.esp
*Conflict Winner.esp
*Strong Back - DLCCoast.esp
*Strong Back.esp
*Radrose - Valdacil Patch - My_Minutemen.esp
*My_Minutemen - AE - Valdacils Item Sorting Patch .esp
*AE-Eli_ARmour_Compendium Patch.esp
*Crafting Mastery- Seth's Choosen.esp
*Crafting Mastery - Clutter Items All DLC.esp
*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp
*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp
*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
*Radrose - Valdacil Patch - BetterCompanions.esp
*Marmo1233 - Immersive Settlers.esp
*Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Marmo1233 - Immersive Settlers.esp
*Merged Patch.esp
*Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Yeah no martial plots or entertainment which I understand will not appear till someone makes something. And no desk.
Ok asked elsewhere but will try here.
For all of it to work we need to add the patch AND the industrial revolution as well correct?
And these two files are what everyone has been waiting for correct?
There is nothing more correct?
From here:
And here:
Ok on Nexus kinggath was kind enough to reply to me.
Download the version 2 patch and THEN get the industrial revolution. Thanks again kinggath :)
Gonna try to make a Clean install here.
Clearing all Addons and going test to see if is a script or something on the addons.
Edit: The Valdacil Patch were removed from nexus?
Now comes the hard part
for kinggath. Answering all of our questions for the next 48 hours lolol :)
removing Industrial City will bring your plot selection back. no need for a clean install. mytigio is fixing the issue.
Hehe, well, i'll wait for mytigo to update Industrial City then xD
A LOT of my Plots at Sanctuary are from his addon xD