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Patch 1.0.4 - "Post Launch Micro-Content" - is live!

It says "myMapMarker = None" and follows with about a screenworth of "No Matches Found" for a bunch of aliases. (Quest WorkshopParent, etc)
ill check it out
For it to work, your settlement must have a map marker in the commonwealth, which is also in "myMapMarker" on the workshop workbench.

If you click it in console mode and do "sv myMapMarker", what does it say?
Mao marker is in the comm and is linked to center ref and everything works fine with vanill supply lines ,had a quick look but i cudnt see "myMapMarker" should that be in teh scripts of the workbench?
I don't believe anyone has posted about that on my list. I still have about 50 more confirmed reports to chew through though - so might be a bit!
Thanks for the reply. There are a few posts on other threads. Including my smart assed one. LOVE YOUR MOD! (s)
Thanks for the reply. There are a few posts on other threads. Including my smart assed one. LOVE YOUR MOD! (s)
I have a separate list that support team members can post to once an issue has been verified, presumably someone will post (or has already posted) it there with steps for reproduction or a save file for me to work from.
I do have a question about the caravan plots. I don't know if this is a bug or a design feature but I've noticed that all of the Commonwealth settlements appear to be on their own caravan network and is separated from the DLCs such as the Far Harbor settlements and the Nuka-World settlements. Do they not connect? Why is it set up that way?
ill check it out

Mao marker is in the comm and is linked to center ref and everything works fine with vanill supply lines ,had a quick look but i cudnt see "myMapMarker" should that be in teh scripts of the workbench?
"myMapMarker" is a hidden property of WorkshopScript. Usually, the workshop initialization quest would fill it. It doesn't work, if the cell where the marker is placed does not have your settlement's Location. Which, I suspect, is happening here. This is an interior settlement, right?

IMO you have to add a new quest with StartGameEnabled, which puts that specific MapMarker reference into that particular propery.

More details:

For interior settlement, you usually have to take at least the one exterior cell at the entrance, and flag it with your Location. That's what I did for Lechmere Subway Station, for example. (The Mechanist's Lair is also set up like that, but Vault 88 is not. These is some custom stuff going on there, which I don't fully understand...)

This would fix it for new players, but it doesn't work retroactively. If someone has your settlement in their save, then the init quest happened already, and it's too late.

Mh, is nice from you to link the MapMarker to the CenterMarker, but this is not standard setup. Bethesda settlements aren't doing that. So adding code which follows links like that to find a MapMarker would probably only fix your settlement...
I don't believe anyone has posted about that on my list. I still have about 50 more confirmed reports to chew through though - so might be a bit!
This seems to be fixed already (I'm still on 1.03b), it just needs patience. Previously it didn't even work when the super mutants respawned, so I left it. But after a while the quest progressed automatically without talking to Odette, so I returned, killed the super mutants and now saw that the quest marker wasn't up in the air anymore but actually pointed to the human bodies allowing you to "investigate" and the rest progressed properly.
Spotted another "real minor" thing - the "Sibling Shack" does properly take two assignments now, but at Level 2 it only counts as having one bed for the Beds count; one of the two "Beds" in there (the actual bed, not the sleeping bag) has the tooltip of "Your Bed".
Doc Shock didn't increase the settler count. Script lag maybe? Settlement he is in has 16 settlers and a lot of plots.
Also the laser cannon still randomly disappears.
Doc Shock didn't increase the settler count. Script lag maybe? Settlement he is in has 16 settlers and a lot of plots.
Also the laser cannon still randomly disappears.
no, he is actually buggy.
This seems to be fixed already (I'm still on 1.03b), it just needs patience. Previously it didn't even work when the super mutants respawned, so I left it. But after a while the quest progressed automatically without talking to Odette, so I returned, killed the super mutants and now saw that the quest marker wasn't up in the air anymore but actually pointed to the human bodies allowing you to "investigate" and the rest progressed properly.
OK. I'll go ahead and kill the molerats yet again, then leave poor Odette behind and come back periodically to check on her. I am really thinking this Super mutant mod may be the issue. I really didn't want to continue this save till I got her taken care of, though.
I do have a question about the caravan plots. I don't know if this is a bug or a design feature but I've noticed that all of the Commonwealth settlements appear to be on their own caravan network and is separated from the DLCs such as the Far Harbor settlements and the Nuka-World settlements. Do they not connect? Why is it set up that way?
That is intentional. We'll be introducing inter-worldspace caravan mechanics in the future.
ok two small issues i still have after patch.
1.the hooligans from ed's quest to get his dog back are still not hostile when i arrive i kill them still nonhostile it isn't until i unlock the cage door that they become hostile but by then its to late and i killed a bunch of friendly dudes.

2.im using karvacs (sorry probably misspelled)Abernathy farms city plan it will not upgrade past level 0 i placed like 3k of each scrap in the workbench donated the bench to the planers desk click upgrade then immediately after clicking upgrade and donating the resources it reopens the same window from the planers desk but now i don't have the resources and if i cancel out of this screen it just removes the resources and i get nothing. same on auto upgrade just not upgrading for some reason even if city plan limit is turned on or off doesn't matter.

a maxed out city level 0 Abernathy is still super impressive though so I'm not to stressed.
I got a bug to report: The NPC Odette.

Basically, she has only idle chatter. She will not send me on a quest or request to join a settlement. She just stands there with idle chatter and does nothing.
Not sure but seams im the only one that have a Problem with the Caravans.My Caravan Plots offer Fast travel only at level 2.At level 1 ok its normal that they dont have FT but why not at level 3?If i Talk to the Caravaner when the Plot reach level 3 he only offer to change his Clothes.At Level 2 the Carananer start to speak with me in english and offer FT and i can ask him what Caravans come to this settlement(if i ask him then about the Caravans he say always Todo what the f is Todo?).At Level 1 and 3 he Speak German same as i play with.