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Old Post Option to trigger city plan plots to appear


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I have problems with plots not appearing in ROTC. Whatever the reason is, I need another residential, and it just won't appear. Or, my job meter is not full and not everybody has a job, but the next job plot just won't appear.
Now, I know they are supposed to automatically, but sometimes they just don't. Bug, user error, or by design, I don't care. I'd just like to have the ability to go into tools on the holotape and select an option that triggers the next residential plot to appear, as if the game had just realised there was a new settler. There could be a similar option for job plots (which could include the blue men at the stalls that like to disappear sometimes). If all types of that plot were present, a pop up message could tell us that.
I love how much control I have in Sim Settlements. I can change plot types, reassign settlers, choose building plans, build additional stuff etc - but when a city plan plot fails to appear, I have no control. I just want to be able to tell the game to spawn the plot, I don't care if you don't think it's needed yet, I know it is, so just spawn the damn plot okay!
(deep breaths)
Thank you

Is it the same as this issue? I have 20 settlers and I see places where I think plots should be but they are just not appearing. Hit me up if you have a solution.
With the sanctuary plan I think I remember it using levelled shop stands. I've spotted a problem with them counting as 3 jobs each. So if there are any on your plan it might be worth scraping them and replacing with a vanilla one. Will likely reappear each, level. But might be worth a try.
To my knowledge scrapping the actual stalls won't do anything as they are just decoration. It is the "blue men" that are the actual shop stands and I've had this problem way before they appear.
Regardless, even if there was a nice solution to any current problems we have, I'd just like to have the ability to make the plots appear when I want. We can build new ones whenever we want, so why not give us control of the ones that appear on the city plan as well? To me, it just makes sense.