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Question New Modeler Here with Questions


New Member
Hi everyone! I'm an experienced 3D modeler, but newbie F04 modder with a few questions about making models/mods for SS2 specifically.
I know that optimization is a big part of this mod, so I'm trying to keep any custom texture work to an absolute minimum. My question is:
Am I able to use textures from the different DLC, or should I try to keep to base FO4 textures?
I wasn't really sure if SS2 requires players to have the other DLC, and if not, would including textures/materials/pieces of meshes from the DLC is like... not allowed. Anyway, thanks in advance!
Hi everyone! I'm an experienced 3D modeler, but newbie F04 modder with a few questions about making models/mods for SS2 specifically.
I know that optimization is a big part of this mod, so I'm trying to keep any custom texture work to an absolute minimum. My question is:
Am I able to use textures from the different DLC, or should I try to keep to base FO4 textures?
I wasn't really sure if SS2 requires players to have the other DLC, and if not, would including textures/materials/pieces of meshes from the DLC is like... not allowed. Anyway, thanks in advance!
Yes, and no... SS2.esm only has the Fallout4.esm listed as a master, but many of the add-on packs, including the Sim Settlements 2 Wasteland Reconstruction Kit made by Kinggath and crew require all of the DLC. I think you're safe using the DLC assets--some of them are just too cool to pass on! Just make sure you list that as a requirement when you decide to publish it.

That's not an official answer by any means, but that's just kind of the tradition with modding, in general. Hope this helps!
Ok first off always always always make sure you document each DLC, Creation kit, and mod used or needed for your mod. You don’t need to go into detail, just list them and where you can download it.

Second, always credit where you got any item, I don’t care if it’s just a texture on a pebble or a full blown functionall actual 500+ ( not counting the robots ) Resident vault with full internal agriculture and self sustaining industrial complex, with self defence capability ranging from what defence to being able to field a full blown army navy air force With nuclear launch capacity and functioning space port, Always give credit for anything you use or think you used in your mod.
Luckily, right now I only have SS2 and the required mods for that, plus just the regular DLC for Fallout 4. Normally, I would be making completely custom models/textures/materials, but since it was hinted that SSC is really trying to stay under the total mod size cap, I'm really trying my best to use already existing textures provided by the game. I just wanted to double-check that the DLC files were game.

I've had other people use assets from my mods, with and without permission, and I know how it feels for others to use my work and either not give credit, or actually claim it themselves.
If you are making models that will be included in SS2, only use textures from the base game. Kinggath has so far made sure to keep the core content DLC free. But if you can reuse vanilla textures, that’s great.

(The items in WRK are conditioned so that they will only show up for players that have the DLC.)
the Goal is for as much as possible every mod under ss2 to work on the Xbox platform.

That means however that a complex or large mod like the one I’m tinkering on, probably will not show up on Xbox.

For example, Vault I’m working on will not work without Automatron Vaulteck and and Far harbor*. While many of the NPCs I’m working on right now will work in the base game, two specifically can’t turn up untill you go off the Vanila map, because there not on the Vanila map, and a third will not show up untill you do a thing and then return to the Vanila map.

* I was surprised to find out that one freaking item I honestly thought was in the base game wasn’t it’s was in far harbore . But meh. I already needed 2 dlcs at that point
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If you've already extracted all the .bsa files, is there an easy way see if an asset belongs to one DLC or another vs. the base Fo4? I saw that some DLC's contents are placed in their own subfolders, but now I'm unsure if some are actually in other folders not labeled with the DLC stuff
One of my quests? visualize if you will, a room. Approximately the size of a typical vault atrium and it’s connected rooms. at The bottom is a conveyor belt, literaly the length of the room. You task, somehow empty those room Of trash using the unpowered recycler. Oh did I mention the atrium, and every connected room on that level is full to the brim with lots and lots and lots of trash.it’s times like that when you get creative. Or insain.

and yes I found out how much random junk that was for the build I used. 147,965 in the save before it crashed. And no it was not even remotly full yet.

And no I’m not going to use that plan, I have another solution, because it was obvoious it wold tahe too long just Useing one recycler.
If you've already extracted all the .bsa files, is there an easy way see if an asset belongs to one DLC or another vs. the base Fo4? I saw that some DLC's contents are placed in their own subfolders, but now I'm unsure if some are actually in other folders not labeled with the DLC stuff
I usually go by the folders or the editorID (most have DLC in the name). But another safe way is to have an additional version of the creation kit loaded, with only the base game. This way you can quickly check that the forms are vanilla. (You need to edit the ck ini file to have multiple open, but this info should be in one of th first setup tutorials in the toolkit.
Well, I have a new problem that I need help solving.
So, I've been working on a Drum Kit model. The .nif file opens up just fine in NifSkope. It's rotation, the materials, all of it. See here:

But when I bring it into the CK, it imports with it's front facing up. I even rotated it down in 3DS Max and cleared the transforms

Anyway, I put it in an interior (rotated to look correct) and it shows up just fine in the CK. See here:

But when I warp to the interior in the game, it's just a big red exclamation mark. Does anyone know what's going on?
If you are making models that will be included in SS2, only use textures from the base game. Kinggath has so far made sure to keep the core content DLC free. But if you can reuse vanilla textures, that’s great.

(The items in WRK are conditioned so that they will only show up for players that have the DLC.)
I love that, it makes it so much easier.
Update! I'm finally able to get my model into the game! I had to scrap all the havok branches in the nif, so at least I know what the problem was. Now I have to figure out how to do the collisions properly.
