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Question New Modder - What do I do if I think I've messed up? LOL


New Member
OK. Watched lots of the tutorials out there. KG's are the most indepth and easiest to follow, which is nice.

Noodled around, fiddled in the game, modded an interior cell, played with the navamesh, built new stuff with vanilla objects... and eventually figured out how to build on a SS plot (with tut help). But I have so many questions!!!

My biggest question is what do I do with the plot I've built? I've made a (what I consider to be beautiful) thing, but I did it in my 'learning' esp. Can I just rename the esp, or is it better/more beneficial to reconstruct my plot all over again in a 'new' esp? If I have to reconstruct, is there a shortcut or simpler way to do that, than a very tedious manual reconstruction?

And, if you want to use objects/assets from other people's mods in your own mods (presuming you obtain permission to use them in your mod), how do you go about adding them to your mod... if you don't want to make the 'borrowed' mods mandatory (which would be silly in my opinion)?

And of course, many more questions. But these are my two biggest. Any help is appreciated.



  • BPL_RecreationalPlot_L3.png
    843.2 KB · Views: 9
Should be ok to change the name but make a back up just in case.

To use other mod assets check out the tut EXTRA-More LEGOs to play with , that will explain what to do when using others peoples works in your mod, But get that permission in written form just in case. Many will say yes but some will never give out permission .
Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it.

I've taken a look at the More LEGO's to play with tut pdf, and it makes reference to an article on the builders toolkit page of all the mods/authors who've granted permission for their models to be used by the community. There is no link in the PDF, so it's kinda hard to determine what kg's refering to.

I couldn't find anything on the toolkit page, so I went searching. Is it this page? I don't see any permissions, tho.

Oh, duh. I wish I comprehended that better. Thank you for the link.

Thanks for the compliment. I still have more work to do on it, since I didn't take all the models/assets and duplicate them, but I like how it looks. Lvl 2 and 1 are done also. Unsurprisingly, individual books as presented in F4 are clutter consumptive, so I'm working on making the clutter...less, yet look good.

I had originally thought about making the plot to work in conjunction/be complimentary with a future quest/location development mod for the downtown boston area. Thought I'd learn modding basics with Sim Settlements first before going whole-hog on the game itself. Since I'm enjoying it so far, I kinda want to make a proper addon mod of a bunch of recreational-type buildings/activities. Have all sorts of ideas.

Anyways, thank you again. Appreciated.
Excellent. The more variety, the better.
As a side note, unless you change an asset, (material swap etc), you don't have to duplicate it. Only need to do that if you change or add something to it. (I may well have mis understood what you meant, but just saying.)