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My Many Sim Settlements and Also My Last F4 Play



Hello all,

Steam told me I have 2,222 hours in F4 when I looked it up just after the choice to stop playing F4; I feel like a twice baked potato after all those hours. I have a lot of videos of sim settlements in various stages, some of which are quite extensive, complicated, all sorts of messed up and stages in between. My last character, Nate, walked the roads from settlement to settlement, and those settlements are liberally sprinkled through the 75 or more videos in several playlists on my YouTube Channel. There's also a literal metric butt tonne of snapshots in the link in each video description.

I wanted to thank kiggath of course for the tons of extra hours I probably wouldn't have played if not for Sim Settlements. Also a few add-on authors have watched some of my videos and I think that helped fix some bugs for the add-ons. Heck, Tinuvia, one part of a duo authorship of Wasteland Ventures gave me my own farm plot--a siltbean farm/Universal Library Coffee plot. You'll just have to watch the videos to find out why siltbean is near and dear to my heart stemming from experiences in New Vegas trying to make coffee.

I'm done playing F4. I'm completing short videos of my various sim settlements over the next couple of days. Basically just touring the settlements and looking. I started at Croup, doing settlement by settlement until the perfect right proper fitting end of my F4 experience--Sanctuary. Of course, Sanctuary!

Would I return to F4? Sure would if something major (and I do mean MAJOR) came out for F4. F3-inF4 for example. New Vegas in F4 too. Cascadia maybe. A massive landscape overhaul that changed the entire look combined with a mod that circumnavigated getting the BoS on the scene without having to find Nick/kill Kellogg. A cool Pilgrim ENB + Fusion City + Outcasts + America Rising whimsical thing would be pretty awesome, but having to do the whole Nick-to-Kellogg thing instantly kills it.

Ah well. Hope you enjoy.