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Modding Generalist Wanted


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Do you enjoy tinkering with the Creation Kit? Nifskope? Outfit Studio? Do you find yourself tearing the game apart just to figure out how it works? Have you gotten pretty good at a bunch of random things but don't consider yourself an artist/writer/coder? We need your help!

Most of the glue that holds together Sim Settlements is done in the Creation Kit. Things like rigging up new assets from artists, musicians, sound technicians, and more have to be set up in the CK - and a lot of that work falls on me. Needless to say, with how much time I spend coding, I end up with a mountain of tasks backed up on our todo list in the process.

I'm looking for someone that can help tackle various tasks around implementation of new assets, fix issues with existing setups, and generally just help me not be such a bottleneck.

CK Experience a must, Nifskope/Outfit Studio helpful as well.

If you're interested, DM me with your experience and availability!

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