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Solved Miss Nanny spawns in center of HQ


Hi this is more of a suggestion than a bug, but I feel it belongs here than in the suggestions section. Miss Nanny as well as Maul keeps popping up in the middle of my HQ settlement where I have a plot built and it’s kind of annoying. Not sure what’s wrong with Maul he use to be at his Cauldron at the Kennel but now he doesn’t do that. Miss Nanny on the other hand has always done this. One suggestion I had is to give her a designated spot at the Field Hospital plot like Maul has at the Kennel. Regardless after I receive a response from someone on the team I will set this to solved as it’s not truly a 100% bug.
This is a combination of things.
Vanilla behaviour is that all npc's are spawned at the centre of a settlement, which is why you often see them spreading out from a group when you arrive.
Maul and Ms Nanny have a dialogue scene but because they are stuck on the plot it's probably not triggering.
Move them both out of there with the console, then sleep for a couple of hours and it should trigger