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Hello I am having a problem with miss nany i completed mechanized makeover and complete all quest objetives and the scenes with ophelia isnt working i completed tactical busters too so i didnt know what to do i not have more mods only the sim settlements mods and some graphics mods so i thing what is not a mod conflict i tested in a new and a current game and nothing.Maybe i need a setstage but i dont know

Other bugs what i am having is what the mutants hounds are named raider recruit in a new game and current after phase 2 and i cant put them in special units only war mongrels and war dogs.

And With Phase 2 are new story content?? because is not triggering

Thanks for Your Time
I think a scene should play out involving a turret placed near the workbench, Opheila, Jammer, and two raider recruits. But it doesn't always work and the turret gets placed in an odd location including under objects in the settlement. You may need to hunt around for the turret and see if you can get the scene to start.
I think a scene should play out involving a turret placed near the workbench, Opheila, Jammer, and two raider recruits. But it doesn't always work and the turret gets placed in an odd location including under objects in the settlement. You may need to hunt around for the turret and see if you can get the scene to start.
I have the HQ in sanctuary so i dindt have under objets i thinks i am going to try to put a turret near the workshop beacuse i have 4 2 in the bridge and one in near the vault 111 river.But Thanks
Tbh if you're gonna do the raider questline just have your main HQ at a vanilla red rocket and save yourself a lot of headaches. Or, wait for it to be a bit more polished.
Tbh if you're gonna do the raider questline just have your main HQ at a vanilla red rocket and save yourself a lot of headaches. Or, wait for it to be a bit more polished.
Out of curiosity, why is it easier to have the HQ at red rocket rather than, say, Abernathy farm?
Because its smaller, also I was having this same issue and I had a long, private conversation with Kinggath about it, he gave me the same advice im giving you, and mentioned for his tests he always uses an empty red rocket.

The way the game spawns random events , its pretty much a guarantee they will spawn inside a wall you built up or something, you're just gonna be better off progressing the questline on an empty settlement like red rocket, after you're done, move your HQ to where you want I guess.
Tbh if you're gonna do the raider questline just have your main HQ at a vanilla red rocket and save yourself a lot of headaches. Or, wait for it to be a bit more polished.
Yeah i think what you have reason if isnt solucionated in the next patch i am going wait to a more poluted version like you say and create a new game with hq in a empty red rocket.Thanks For The Help
Unless they make it so the event only happens in a locked location per settlement rather than it being dynamic and able to spawn anywhere in the HQ, there's not so much the team can do about it.
Unless they make it so the event only happens in a locked location per settlement rather than it being dynamic and able to spawn anywhere in the HQ, there's not so much the team can do about it.
Ok thanks for the information nzane I hope what they do that like you said and who knows maybe is fixed that way.
I doubt that will work because the scene spawns its own turret which may have its own ID. Find Ophelia and follow her around.
Yeah i do it and nothing she just go sitting in a chairs and walk for the settlements,jammer in the war board maul never moving for stange reasons best friend too and maul never use the kettle and miss nany in the floor.
Yeah i do it and nothing she just go sitting in a chairs and walk for the settlements,jammer in the war board maul never moving for stange reasons best friend too and maul never use the kettle and miss nany in the floor.

If its been like this for in game days, the quest stages are already stuck and there is nothing you can do to make them progress, reverting back to an older save is going to be the only way if you really want to progress, just thought I'd let you know so you don't waste any more time on that save if you plan to beat the raider questline
If its been like this for in game days, the quest stages are already stuck and there is nothing you can do to make them progress, reverting back to an older save is going to be the only way if you really want to progress, just thought I'd let you know so you don't waste any more time on that save if you plan to beat the raider questline
Hello Thanks Nzana i have the saves from the one from sanctuary to now beacuse i dont delete it in what quest you know what i have to reload burden to bear,unwelcomed guests,etc.... And This thing happen to me a lot of times i dont know why for example this save is really a new game save i only have 1 day with this save only 4 or 6 mods and i have that bug so i didnt know if deleting the save are going to work again.
For the Miss Nanny quest I don't know for sure man, that one is tricky, I think that one may trigger anytime after you get the robot to the base , or get the parts for it or something, can't really remember, if you really want to make sure you're going to have to go to a save where you still don't have Ms Nanny in your HQ (that's what I ended up doing when I had it happen) or you can try one of your saves where Ophelia hasn't tasked you with getting the parts , did you even get that quest tho? can't remember the name of the quest either, sorry, I gave up on the raider questline months ago xD
For the Miss Nanny quest I don't know for sure man, that one is tricky, I think that one may trigger anytime after you get the robot to the base , or get the parts for it or something, can't really remember, if you really want to make sure you're going to have to go to a save where you still don't have Ms Nanny in your HQ (that's what I ended up doing when I had it happen) or you can try one of your saves where Ophelia hasn't tasked you with getting the parts , did you even get that quest tho? can't remember the name of the quest either, sorry, I gave up on the raider questline months ago xD
Yeah i have the quest of retrieving the parts and is called mechanized makeover so i think what i can go to my save when you attack the minutemen hq before getting miss nanny and try.Get the pieces and see if works.
Ok yeah if you have a save a bit before Mechanized Makeover you can use that and cross your fingers, also if you can, place your HQ in a settlement where you haven't build too much to reduce chances of the random event spawning in undesirable places
Ok yeah if you have a save a bit before Mechanized Makeover you can use that and cross your fingers, also if you can, place your HQ in a settlement where you haven't build too much to reduce chances of the random event spawning in undesirable places
Ok before doing the quest i am going to put the hq in the empty red rocket and well hope it works
Ok yeah if you have a save a bit before Mechanized Makeover you can use that and cross your fingers, also if you can, place your HQ in a settlement where you haven't build too much to reduce chances of the random event spawning in undesirable places
Well i reoload a save before getting mr nanny,put the hq in the empty red rocket complete the get the pats quest wait,sleep fast travel and nothing.Bad luck i think
I think the way it works is everytime you visit HQ you have a chance it will happen, but I might be wrong tho
I dont know i do that a lot of times and nothing maybe if is a way to force it with a setstage maybe works or just wait to a more stable version and play with the nuka world raiders for now.

Pd:Nzane or anyone have the new fcom early 3.0 update file? i have wait for a day in their discord and they dont give me acces to the other channels. and i noticed what they added a lot of new factions like d¡the disciples and operators to command,gunners and childrens of atom too and i am very exited
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