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Fixed Martial plot with turret kills friendlies


New Member
Hi, this is my first post here :) One of my martial plots upgraded to a configuration with a turret and spotlight. Then it promptly assassinated the brahmin and cat at Abernathy! It's a vanilla plot by Kinggath. Does this count as a bug or is that intended?
I think that might be a mod conflict, my Abernathy build is loaded with Martial plots and they've never attacked poor Clarabell!
Honestly I was ok with it until it went after the kitty! I don't have too many mods active, but I do have quite a few add-ons, could it be one of those?
Poor kitty

At a guess, it'd probably be something that messes with the factions on things in the game. Without seeing your modlist, it'll be hard to even take a guess.
My apologies, it is NOT a vanilla plot, it's Turret Tower by Myrmarachne that is the murderer of all things cow and cat.
Oh no! Sorry about the murdering thing. This is so odd, we had the Turret Tower go bonkers in Myrmarachne's game so we sat it as a 'Known issue' on our mod pages. But when I tried to fix it, it behaved perfectly in my game. Since we got no other bug reports I thought that Myrm, in his reckless mod-user-manner, had screwed up his own game and I removed the warning. (I wonder if you both have the same mod conflict going on? I hardly have any mods in my own game. Would you mind posting your load order?).

Anyway, we'll get right on fixing it for the Friday update. (You might shift it to another martial until then ...)
Well, there's already a serial killer residential plot, might as well have a cat killer martial plot. Yeah, I know. A bit morbid, but still funny. :)
Oh no! Sorry about the murdering thing. This is so odd, we had the Turret Tower go bonkers in Myrmarachne's game so we sat it as a 'Known issue' on our mod pages. But when I tried to fix it, it behaved perfectly in my game. Since we got no other bug reports I thought that Myrm, in his reckless mod-user-manner, had screwed up his own game and I removed the warning. (I wonder if you both have the same mod conflict going on? I hardly have any mods in my own game. Would you mind posting your load order?).

Anyway, we'll get right on fixing it for the Friday update. (You might shift it to another martial until then ...)

This might not be the exact order, USO keeps jumping below Sim Settlements for some reason:
Unofficial Patch


USO Season Pass

USO Performance Boost

Scrap That Settlement

Place Anywhere

Creative Clutter


Sim Settlements

Industrial Revolution

Corpses Glow

Settlement Limits Slashed

Pre-Walled Settlements

Add-ons: Another Brick in the Wall, Altairps Animal Farm, Junk Town, Wasteland Ventures, AIO

Finch Farm and Greygarden Overpass Elevators

HUD Framework

I have that same plot in other settlements and it hasn't murdered anything, so I'll just make sure I use it facing OUTWARDS from now on :) Thank you for the reply and btw Rug Revelry is my absolute favorite home, it's gorgeous!
This might not be the exact order, USO keeps jumping below Sim Settlements for some reason
Turns out it's not a mod conflict - we can see it happening even with just Sim S and our mod loaded, and we know how to fix it for tomorrow. Myrmarachne will make a cat burial mound to the memory of Maisie on his next plot!
Rug Revelry is my absolute favorite home, it's gorgeous!
Ohh :blush
Have you check which of them are .esp and .esm files respectively? That should impact the load order.
I'm on Xbox - assuming that is a PC question? I've had the same issue with USO and other mods as well, it seems like that might have issues with other mods that affect the settlement menu.

Oh btw replying to your other post - Altairps Animal Farm does have a cat meat farm. I have NOT used it lol.
Turns out it's not a mod conflict - we can see it happening even with just Sim S and our mod loaded, and we know how to fix it for tomorrow. Myrmarachne will make a cat burial mound to the memory of Maisie on his next plot!
Ohh :blush

OMG that is awesome!!!!

Thanks so much you guys.
I'm on Xbox - assuming that is a PC question?

You can determine if it’s in esm file on an Xbox by moving it down in your load order. When you press X to place the mod in that spot it’ll auto jump back to the top of the load order. For example, grab the Sim Settlements mod and move it down, it’ll jump back to the top. Edit: It sounds like your USO mod is an esm file from the way you describe it.

I believe the ones that don’t jump back to the top are the esp files. Hopefully a PC player can verify that.

Note you could have several esm files at the top. I believe I have three or four on mine.
I'm not an expert on Xbox, sorry for that, but yeah, the .esm automatically goes to the top. Included the top ofd my load order (which for ease of understanding - roll eyes - includes two .esm files named .esp ... just ignore that).
I'm not an expert on Xbox, sorry for that, but yeah, the .esm automatically goes to the top. Included the top ofd my load order (which for ease of understanding - roll eyes - includes two .esm files named .esp ... just ignore that).

Did you use a mod organizer for your load order? I'm curious as I'm on an Xbox so have to manually do it and while we have some of the same mods, mine are in a different order then yours. If you're using software to determine your order, I'll need to modify mine to resemble yours more. I chose mine by load orders I found online and some trial and error, but still guessed on a lot of them.
I use the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM). (My load order is a lot longer than that list mind you. I'm currently have 115 active mods.)
The reasoning behind my load order are pretty much the same as yours. Some info from mod authors, then random guesswork and a few reshufflings due to unwanted effects. No real science there.

This guy seem to have put some thought into it though https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23556
How you'd solve that on Xbox I've got no idea of.