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Suggestion Making Good Raiders


New Member
So honestly, I love the aesthetic of raider bases and decorations but feel bad when I kill off good guys like Preston and the settlers. So I was wondering if there was a way to make a faction that looks like raiders but plays like minutemen. Every time I try to make this myself I mess up and break the game, I have absolutely zero skill with modding even when following the step by step guide.
I get where you're coming from. One of my pet peeves with vanilla is naming items "Raider 'X'". It's just improvised wastelander gear. The only reason it's exclusively associated with Raiders is that the devs named it as such. If anything, raiders would have far more eclectic equipment, as the stuff they're salvaging and stealing wouldn't be consistent with any particular style.

A lot of the Raider base decorations, like spikes, burning barrels/tires, and the like, is also just sensible defensive structures.
Spikes and fires are a little more aggressive or even just 'motivated' than the more welcoming settler aesthetic, but they're not specifically 'evil' or 'raider'.

The impaled bodies do get a little more murdery/unsavory though. Even then, there's some justification. It'd be more appropriate if it was a bunch of recognizable bodies, like a group of gunners or BOS. That would go a long way of having it come across as a warning to outsiders, rather than the more generic "we murder folk" impression it gives off.
It would be super cool if it was possible to have the bodies change dynamically based on the last attack.

Now that you mention it, I really like the idea of a toned down Raider aesthetic, for a more generic 'Wastelander stronghold' type feel. I'll add it to my list of content I can't work on yet. ;)
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Not all raider gangs would be equally bad -- but, in general, they are. Anything that is a "raider" is drawn from the same pool. I mean, I guess the gunners act pretty much the same as raiders, so, maybe they should count as "different raiders."
I disable armory and gear up my raiders in nuka cola leathers with random shotguns (we are the boomsticks after all). The patrols are given combat armor with nuka cola paint jobs and also carry grenades (a few have the quad barrel shotguns). As for the raider settlement aesthetics, I just scrap the ones that look too over the top.
Speaking of "good" raiders, I wouldn't mind a band of merry robbers who had a more complex motive for "raiding" than "I'm basically a nameless killbot, it's what I do."
The Brotherhood doesn't normally recruit outsiders, but I can still picture them paying a gang to "round up technology" and not really worry too much about the methods used as long as it gets results. So... a raider gang that would attack anyone bearing lasers, plasma, power armor, etc (I didn't say they were smart raiders!) but otherwise might ignore everyone else.
Speaking of "good" raiders, I wouldn't mind a band of merry robbers who had a more complex motive for "raiding" than "I'm basically a nameless killbot, it's what I do."
The Brotherhood doesn't normally recruit outsiders, but I can still picture them paying a gang to "round up technology" and not really worry too much about the methods used as long as it gets results. So... a raider gang that would attack anyone bearing lasers, plasma, power armor, etc (I didn't say they were smart raiders!) but otherwise might ignore everyone else.
So basically like the robot scavenging raiders from automatron?

Or are we talking about faction pack with specific goals?

I think conqueror main storyline is generic raider based, but that is also why they opened up faction pack utilities for other modders, so maybe if you can convince one of them? I'm trying to contact a mod author on Nexus for permission to port his institute faction pack that actually has roughly the same idea you have.