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Looking for Xbox One


Well-Known Member
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Verified Builder
My original Xbox One finally died on me a few days ago - I literally only use it for testing Sim Settlements.

Wondering if anyone out there has one they aren't using any longer that they could donate to the cause. Specifically hoping for an original or at best the Xbox One S, not the new Series S (seriously Microsoft, why the horrible naming scheme...), one of the low end ones as we want the mod to work on all models.

If so, send me a DM! Otherwise, I'll probably pick up a refurb at Gamestop soon as its almost time to move into Chapter 3 beta testing!

In that same vein, I'm also looking for Xbox testers for C3, BUT there's a caveat... you have to also own Fallout 4 on PC to do beta testing on Xbox because of technical limitations.

In order to view private mods, you have to upload them yourself to Bethesda.net, which requires a copy of the game on PC.
If you have a direct way to donate (sorry I don’t patreon) I can send a few bucks for a refurbed Xbox, I gave my old one away end of last year to family
I would be more than happy to help with testing, I have access to both copies of the game,
I also have reasonable experience in fallout's creation kit and system structure in order to be able to effectively identify and report any bugs in an informative manner. I currently have plenty of free time
available for testing as I have approximately three months before I resume my video game development course in university and realistically even then I would still be available for testing purposes just on a reduced timescale if as you have previously mentioned the Beta phase for Chapter 3 does happen to run longer than previous test phases.

Also to address the original topic of the post; is there a tip jar or donation link of any sort to support the creators as I am certain many users of Sim Settlements would be more than willing to help out in this matter. perhaps a small donation drive style post could accrue the funds required as whilst you seem willing to use your own funds to resolve the issue if necessary it really is not necessary when you have a userbase that is in fact keen to help.