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Longfellow's Cabin Bugs for RotC


Cluttered Mind
Verified Builder
Vault Librarian
Please post bugs specific to Rise of the Commonwealth and Longfellow's Cabin in this thread.

This is currently a placeholder thread, as of initial release this settlement is not yet supported.
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Level 1 outhouse has a door that... OPENS INTO THE OUTHOUSE! Could you imagine sitting on that pot and suddenly someone kicks the door in on you! It is a magic door that opens and clips through the sitting area, which means that part of the door is now immersed in... mutfruit induced backwash! Ewwww!
Level 1 outhouse has a door that... OPENS INTO THE OUTHOUSE! Could you imagine sitting on that pot and suddenly someone kicks the door in on you! It is a magic door that opens and clips through the sitting area, which means that part of the door is now immersed in... mutfruit induced backwash! Ewwww!

Does it all the way to level 3. Just FYI.
Something didn't install right. What happens when you look at any other plaques like with a Sim Settlements plot? Any issues there?
They work fine, and I can read the empty display plaques that give hints, I also tried refreshing the city and nothing, it just goes kapoot
Using the new standard less-complex plan I built Longfellow's to level 2 and then spent weeks, months maybe, of in-game time elsewhere and when I returned it was still stuck at about 50% to level 3. I found it odd that at level 2 the max population was just 9, while the workbench mode showed 16 beds and there were empty workplaces, too. I manually added 7 more settlers and quickly it moved to 72% (and I guess that when the previously empty workplace plots reach level 3 I'll get to 100%).

Edit: As expected, with more settlers I reached level 3 quickly.
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