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Kinggath Plays - Performance Warning for Season 2


Well-Known Member
Community Rockstar
I do not know if many of you have seen the new Season 2 of Kinggath Plays.

This is only my take of installing the new visual trees, Borealis, True Grass, etc.

I have tried it all on my system and for those on low end PCs - don't.

Even on my higher end computer on Ultra settings with a 1080TI, I just got out of the Vault 111 and was experiencing FPS hits from an always rock solid 60FPS to ranges of 40 to 50FPS.

I mitigated some of this by doing the following:
uGridsToLoad = 5
# of grass varieties per texture = 5 (Borealis page says 20 - great for photos but not gameplay)
grass density = 50 (20 is standard)

With these, I was only able to get back up to 50's FPS....

I am certain there are more beefy computers than I have - but I just wanted to give a heads up if anyone was wanting to try this visual combo.

Looks al wonderful - don't get me wrong - with this out of the vault FPS hit - early game - I do not even know what the FPS hit will be once you start building settlerments, Conqueror, or even Downtown Boston.

If any of you found other ways to regain FPS performance, let me know! I would be happy to look at it again.

But for now, I am going to continue using "A Forest"...

PS - also make sure your settlements added (customs) are below Boston Natural Surroundings other wise you will get the "Commonwealth" bug - BNS wipes them out in the Worldspace in xEdit.
I took one look at the load order for the new season and I thought - I don't have an i9 and twin 2080 rtx's so there's no way that's going to work for me.
I like those mods, but they are absolute performance killers, and you could see on King's stream that his machine was also struggling (bear in mind he's also recording).

My own load order philosophy is to keep my game stable and that means all make over and world changing mods are not an option. i remember I downloaded the grass mod once, a long time back and the world looked amazing. It only turned to shit when I tried to move and stuttered through 10fps.....
I took one look at the load order for the new season and I thought - I don't have an i9 and twin 2080 rtx's so there's no way that's going to work for me.
I like those mods, but they are absolute performance killers, and you could see on King's stream that his machine was also struggling (bear in mind he's also recording).

My own load order philosophy is to keep my game stable and that means all make over and world changing mods are not an option. i remember I downloaded the grass mod once, a long time back and the world looked amazing. It only turned to shit when I tried to move and stuttered through 10fps.....

I got my son a new Alienware laptop with the RTX2080 extra/ultra? He plays GTA 5 on it, but not on ultra. I asked why - both him and his brother (MSI Titan) - said no one plays a game on ultra in GTA 5 because of the grass...

So... perhaps? I don't know.

I just know that between you, @RayBo, @Phil_T_Casual and others, I know we will be seeing "complaints" about not just script lag, install issues, conqueror bathroom games, and all the rest, I could just see what's coming down about how the newest "Version" has totally killed their gaming rig...

I thought forewarned is forearmed... and that we can start a strategy of "DON"T DO IT!"



PS - @RayBo is probably going "whatcha's all talking aobut? My twin 1080's just humming along!"
Also, I think Kinggath is using True Storms with Misty Pines Overhaul - didn't see a patch for that... but Misty Pines wipes out some TS items, like the signature lightning, etc...

Here is what my load order and patching looks like... (sorry no patch for misty pines... direct overwrite)

Examples if anyone is interested...

[TS/BRB/Borealis/Misty Pines/Conifers/True Grass/Moribund] - 40 to 50FPS (as recommended)
ugrid = 5 grass 50 textures 10 (48 to 54FPS)

ScreenShot325.pngScreenShot329.png ScreenShot330.png
[TS/BRB/Misty Pines/Conifers/Moribund] - 60FPS solid like normal
ugrids = 7 grass 20 textures 20 (John's)
ScreenShot343.png ScreenShot344.png ScreenShot345.png ScreenShot346.png ScreenShot347.png

Either case - it looks similar - just no grass in the player's home and the roadways Pre-war :)

I will take close and the solid and constant 60FPS...

Just wanted to post for you all, guys and gals that might benefit with this...

PS - and I have 3 to 6 SKK Combat Stalkers waiting for me... haha (oh, and if you learn xEdit, then you can see how to add all sorts of Boss / Legendaries to the SKK Form Lists for... the attackers - how hard can ya' handle?
Ah jaysus, give the man a chance to try it out in his LP before you start poo pooing it.
If you asked me before was it possible to have 100 plots and 50 settlers in sanctuary I would have said absolutely no way. Yet he did exactly that.

Oh, come on :) Not poo pooing anything except to save others from the performance hit - you can field all the phone calls for this then, brother! :)

Smile, Phil - it's the weekend! :)
Ah jaysus, give the man a chance to try it out in his LP before you start poo pooing it.
If you asked me before was it possible to have 100 plots and 50 settlers in sanctuary I would have said absolutely no way. Yet he did exactly that.
yeah, but in another post, i called 'witchcraft' on that. i dunno how he does it, he's a bone-fide genius so there's that. i'm just a numbskull on a potato.
Examples if anyone is interested...

[TS/BRB/Borealis/Misty Pines/Conifers/True Grass/Moribund] - 40 to 50FPS (as recommended)
ugrid = 5 grass 50 textures 10 (48 to 54FPS)

View attachment 8038View attachment 8039 View attachment 8040
[TS/BRB/Misty Pines/Conifers/Moribund] - 60FPS solid like normal
ugrids = 7 grass 20 textures 20 (John's)
View attachment 8041 View attachment 8042 View attachment 8043 View attachment 8044 View attachment 8045

Either case - it looks similar - just no grass in the player's home and the roadways Pre-war :)

I will take close and the solid and constant 60FPS...

Just wanted to post for you all, guys and gals that might benefit with this...

PS - and I have 3 to 6 SKK Combat Stalkers waiting for me... haha (oh, and if you learn xEdit, then you can see how to add all sorts of Boss / Legendaries to the SKK Form Lists for... the attackers - how hard can ya' handle?

I have to try! Seeing KG set up his game I am setting up a monster.

If it is playable I will post some screenshots and benchmarks for us normal folk. :crazy

like I know what normal :lol even is :unknw


‘oh, @MrCJohn btw great screenshots! They inspired me so I am going for snow with the misty pines :friends
Ah jaysus, give the man a chance to try it out in his LP before you start poo pooing it.
If you asked me before was it possible to have 100 plots and 50 settlers in sanctuary I would have said absolutely no way. Yet he did exactly that.
100 plots is basically the dream goal for me!

In which video could I see this sanctuary build with 100 plot/50 settlers?

When I can do the same, I think it would be time for me to consider attempting a City Plan for one of my settlements.
100 plots is basically the dream goal for me!

In which video could I see this sanctuary build with 100 plot/50 settlers?

When I can do the same, I think it would be time for me to consider attempting a City Plan for one of my settlements.

You Tube - Kinggath Plays - season 1

Looks like he tore it down and going to re-do it... he states why and I think he says it best. I believe his goal is 60 plots now. soooo.... honestly, 100 plots without magic of sorts, can be done, but is it playable...

Ah jaysus, give the man a chance to try it out in his LP before you start poo pooing it.
If you asked me before was it possible to have 100 plots and 50 settlers in sanctuary I would have said absolutely no way. Yet he did exactly that.
I did it. But at that point is was like two steps from crashing. I also had clutter and visitors on.
Sanctuary full.jpg
I think shortly after that screenshot I tried putting a Rock Lobster plot down in the river and hat was when I had the first CTD. I probably could have recovered by turning off clutter and visitors.

It probably does not look like 100 plots, but figure each Sanctuary house has 4-6 interior plots and another 2-4 on the roof, each of the VFX apartment buildings have 3 additional interior plots.

I need to learn to sprawl more than go with trying to tightly pack as much in as I can. Especially with the new VR settlements that are limited to 20 settlers. I can put their 40 plots in and still have like 75% building space left in the area.
It probably does not look like 100 plots, but figure each Sanctuary house has 4-6 interior plots and another 2-4 on the roof, each of the VFX apartment buildings have 3 additional interior plots.
Great stuff! This is exactly the kind of thing that the VFX plots were made for.