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Solved Jamaican Plains, Graygarden and Slog Vassal Assault Problem (Update 4) Potential Bug


Active Member
Playing Conqueror/BoS Liberators and the Castle is one of my Outposts plus Red Rocket, Greentop, and Boston Airport. Red Rocket, Boston Airport and the Castle became Outposts by placing a Command Desk. I have tried three times to launch an assault from the Castle to make Jamaican Plains a Vassal. The first 2 times I got the Join the Assault message before the Attack Force/Gathering messages. Went to Jamaican Plains and no attack force, but Ghouls and a couple of raiders or gunners. Did some research that pointed to CTDs due to ghouls, so went back and eliminated as many ghouls as I could find. Before the third assault, I first tried an assault on Bunker Hill to make it a Vassal and the messages were in the proper order (Attack Force, Gathering, Join). So I tried again for Jamaican Plains and the Join Attack Force message appeared first and then Attack Force/Gathering messages. Appreciate any assistance - thanks.

After approx 3 game days, tried again. The first two attempts were the same as above. However, on my third attempt, the messages were in the proper order and had one heck-of an assault against 19 Gunners + 1 Mr Gutsy plus assorted turrets and 4 or more ghouls.

This problem is now occurring at Red Rocket. Tried 4 times to assault Graygarden to make it a vassal and had 3 out-of-order messages as above and 1 where the first 2 messages were in the correct order, but the third did not appear after 15 minutes (by the clock). Will try again tomorrow.

The Conqueror/BoS Liberator aspect is becoming unplayable due to this problem. A'bit of background:
(1) On survival/modified, started with Red Rocket as my first Outpost. I achieved this by using a beacon to get 4 settlers and then placed a Command Desk. Game play went reasonable well.
(2) Next, assaulted/liberated Abernathy, Sanctuary, Starlight, Sunshine and Tenpines and made them vassals. Game play went reasonable well.
(3) Then moved to make the Boston Airport an Outpost. This could only be done by placing a Command Desk. This game play also went reasonable well.
(4) Next, assaulted/liberated Nordhagen and County Crossing and made them vassals. Again game play went reasonable well.
(5) Then tried assaulting/liberating the Castle to make it an Outpost, but this did not work, as discussed in my other thread. So, I dealt with the Queen and put down a Command Desk.
(6) After that made Jamaican Plains a vassal by assault/liberation, as discussed above.

So I have placed 3 Command Desk which do not fully communicate with each other. At Red Rocket the Command Desk shows I can assault/liberate Graygarden and Outpost Zimonja, but not Bunker Hill. At the Boston Airport and Castle Command Desks, I can assault/liberate Bunker Hill, but not Graygarden or Outpost Zimonja. Which is Ok as long as I can assault/liberate from one of the desk.

As described above, yesterday, I tried several times to assault/liberate Graygarden from the Red Rocket desk, which was a no-go. So today I tried another 2 times to assault/liberate Graygarden and got the same out-of-order messages with the same results. Then tried to reduce the number of Command Desks to 1, by starting at Red Rocket and specifying either the Boston Airport or Castle as the main base, and then scrapping the desk. That did not work - the Castle Command Desk only showed the Bunker Hill settlement as a potential vassal and not Graygarden or Outpost Zimonja. Then worked the other way, changing the main base from the Castle Command Desk back to Red Rocket. That did not work.

Lastly, went back to Red Rocket and tried again with a 20 minute wait for scripts to work. Same result - no autosave, Join the Assault message before the Attack Force/Gathering messages, 4 raiders attacked the settlement and the quest message disappeared.
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I’m having the same problem and I’m doing a conqueror playthrough with Jammers gang. I experienced mine first trying to take Kingsport lighthouse as an outpost it gave me the messages out of order sometimes which resulted in the assault not functioning other times it would just not give the assault quest at all. After trying multiple things reloading saves, waiting for 24 hour periods it finally worked, but I’m experiencing the same issue with Nordhagen Beach now trying to make it a Vassal and not having any luck. Just wanted to let you know it’s not just you experiencing this and it’s not only happening to liberators
Just wanted to let you know it’s not just you experiencing this and it’s not only happening to liberators
Thanks for the comment, I thought the problem was more related to Conqueror/BoS Liberator and stopped playing for several days waiting for Kinggath's next patch.

For me, the good news is - Kinggath's latest patch for SS and Conqueror fixed my problem. After installing the latest patches, the first time I tried to assault Graygarden, the first 2 messages appeared in order, but the third did not appear after a 5 minute (clock time) wait, so I exited the game and tried again. This time the messages appeared in the proper order and I was able to assault Graygarden. This was one of those interesting assaults - me, Danse, 5 BoS Initates and 5 BoS Aspirants versus 3 Power Armored Raiders, 3 Legendary Raiders, 9 other types of Raiders, numerous laser/ballistic mgs, and 3 of the Graygarden Robots. When it was over, I lost 6 BoS, all the Raiders were "taken care of," and 3 Robots and 1 settler were also lost. So at the moment, the assault mechanics are working reasonable well for me.
After placing a Field Command Center at Greentop, I have tried 3 times to do a vassal assault of the Slog and have had the same problem as above: out-of-order messages. Will try again tomorrow.
Ah! Another day - tried several times each to vassal assault the Slog, Covenant and Finch, but no success. Either:
  1. The vassal assault messages were out-of-order, i.e. Join the Assault was first, or
  2. The first two messages after the Autosave were in the correct order, but the third never activated (Join the Assault). Tried waiting for 15 minutes (real time), sleeping and fast travel with no success.
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After installing 4.2.0, tried 4 times to conduct a vassal assault of the Slog from Greentop, and received 4 out-of-order assault messages, as previously.
I'm no expert, but from my experience the out of order assault messages seem to be due to script lag. Whenever this happened to me I would go park myself at Home Plate for a few hours to let all the backed up scripts run. When I would try again to run an assault after doing that, it would all run very smoothly.
Thanks - I will try this. After KG's Patch 4.2.0, I plan to start a new game. Hopefully, the delay due to scripts will be significantly reduced.
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